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Sundin Dominos? Parrish and Hamilton, the Swedes AGAIN, Isbister to Sens...

September 5, 2008, 12:08 PM ET [ Comments]
There are two players among those left that really stand out for me.

Mark Parrish and Jeff Hamilton.

First on Parrish.

This is a guy that WILL get signed. Two of the three teams that I have heard associated with Parrish have been in #13 Limbo and are about to get out of it. I have always loved Parrish because of the guy's character. He is real and gritty and it must be KILLING him to have to wait for a decision from a player getting offered 20 million.

In John Shipley's article in today's Twin City's Pioneer Press Parrish's fervor comes through clearly...."it's about going out and playing the game that I love — doing the best I can for a team to win a Stanley Cup, which is what I wanted to do here, just doing the best I can. I accepted a role and didn't complain about the role I was in, even though I wasn't comfortable in it and wasn't happy with it. But I did it with a smile because I wanted to win, and that's all I've ever wanted to do."

He was traded to the Islanders from Florida in the deal that sent Jokinen and Luongo to Florida...often referred to as the worst deal of the century.

Back in 2001 while playing with the Islanders Parrish got in a ton of trouble when reacting to the fans on the Island booing the team by saying, "If they're going to boo us like that,'' Parrish said Tuesday, ''we'd appreciate it if they'd stay home, to be honest with you."

He apologized a few days later saying ''I did not mean to offend anyone...The words came out before I could pull them back.''

The next season he came back with 30 goals and 30 assists. He went on to be the Isles All-Star, the team captain, and a fan favorite.

Trust me when I say that to go from being a part of that trade and saying what he said, to becoming a FAN FAVORITE in the New York City Sports Scene tells you all you need to know about Parrish.

I am hearing that the Canucks, Preds, Isles and Penguins are interested although he is yet to get an quality offer. I am told that this is about to change, and someone is going to get a steal here.

As for Jeff Hamilton...

Atlanta, Buffalo, Nashville and Washington are rumoured to be interested...and Jeff Hamilton is a player who is a bit of a specialist in that he is a sniper who often falls short on ice-time yet can produce key goals when in the lineup. He is small in size but has very good vision and hands...He is the kind of player who just needs the right coach who "gets" his role in my opinion...and that is coming too. Hamilton is another steal especially for Nashville or Buffalo where he would fit perfectly.

As for Sundin and Foppa...

Tonight Mats will play the charity game in Toronto and much has been made of his statements this week that he won't decide likely prior to the start of the season. However, there are a growing number of people (myself included) that still feel that there is just as good of a chance that Mats decides sooner, than later.

Listening to the interview this past week there was one moment where Mats' canned answers went away and we may have seen a clue. You could call this "stretching it" or whatever you want but when Watters asked him if his decision would come and then he would start to look for a team, or if we would find out all at once, Mats first reaction was a pause followed by, "That's a good question."

I believe that Mats has decided what team he will play for, but I also feel he wanted to avoid all of that on this trip into Toronto, especially if that decision is Montreal.

If Mats returns to the NHL I would bet you that one morning we will wake up and Mats will be holding a presser with either the Canadiens or Rangers...It will come "out of nowhere" very much like the Forsberg trade to Nashville could have if I hadn't gotten lucky, found it out, and reported it. There are just too many people following him in the press and they are being too careful right now. Something is up.

It is just my opinion...I am sure some of you will disagree and that's the beauty of hockey talk on this website. As long as we can argue with respect let's do so...

As for Forsberg I continue to hear it could be sooner than later that Foppa returns and I also would NOT count the Flyers out of possibly landing Peter at some point this year...

Isbister...Great signing by the Senators. Brad is still young and really could be the kind of player that benefits huge from a fresh start.

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