Hecht Extended (e5)....Paul Kelly Nominated for Saskin's Job |
Jochan Hecht has signed a four year extension with the Sabres totalling just over 14M....that's right the Sabres have EXTENDED him.
Paul Kelly Nominated
The 30 team reps have nominated him and the Executive Board will immediately hold a secret ballot vote... stay tuned
The whole process should be completed in about a week.
About Kelly:
A partner at Kelly, Libby & Hoopes, a Boston, Massachusetts law firm that specializes in white collar criminal defense, internal investigations, and complex civil and administrative litigation.
But all you "nhlpa innner workings buffs" may remeber him as the Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts in the late 80's early nineties, when he successfully prosecuted Alan Eagleson.
Kelly is a solid choice from all accounts.