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Richard The Ventriloquist

January 23, 2008, 5:36 PM ET [ Comments]
Howard Berger
Toronto Maple Leafs Blogger • RSSArchiveCONTACT
TORONTO (Jan. 23) -- In the hours after the series of press conferences Tuesday at the Air Canada Centre -- during which Cliff Fletcher was re-hired to replace the deposed John Ferguson as GM -- I received a number of e-mails with an attachment. It was the video of Fletcher being introduced by CEO Richard Peddie, and it was taken off the popular "You-Tube" website. I was told to view the portion of the video in which Fletcher thanks Peddie and begins his address to the media. It reveals something truly remarkable; something, in fact, I have never witnessed.

Beginning at the 4-minute, 43-second mark of the press conference, Peddie unmistakably begins mouthing along with Fletcher as the incoming GM reads his statement. Cliff says: "I'd like to thank Richard and the board for making me..." and then Peddie's lips start moving "...the custodian of the keys for a period of time. And, I look forward to the challenge, and to a few tough months ahead." Peddie looks away from Fletcher, then turns his attention to the veteran hockey excutive at the 5:09 mark of the video. And, again, he begins mouthing the words Fletcher is speaking.... "move the club ahead to the next level so it can compete with all the top teams in the league, so it can eventually lead to playoff success."

It's absolutely one of the strangest things I've ever seen and I don't know what to infer from it. Peddie obviously memorized Fletcher's remarks before the press conference; it's like he was singing along to an old tune. But, did MLSE write the speech for Fletcher? Or did Cliff do the writing and Richard the approving? As I say, it is quite bizarre, and well worth the time to take a look for yourself.
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