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Show the Games; Take A Fine for the Fans

June 8, 2009, 6:59 PM ET [ Comments]
Tim Panaccio
Philadelphia Flyers Blogger • RSSArchiveCONTACT
In the midst of the NHL and NBC about to announce a two-year contract extension, the network is still playing hardball with its core hockey fans.

If you've been reading Ek, you know they won't allow the big outdoor screen in Pittsburgh nor a similar setup in Detroit -- "Joe Vision" __ for Game 6, despite what appears to be a significant public outcry to let the fans shut out from attending the game's in person to have some fun watching in public.

It's a crime, really.

For NBC to hide behind this charade of protecting their broadcast rights and "business driven ratings" is nonsense. The games are drawing HUGE ratings on NBC in both markets.

Here's what I would do if I were Mario Lemieux and the Ilitch family. I would simply set up the big screens and televise the game over NBC's objections.

The worst either team can be fined by the NHL is $100,000. I feel that's a fine that some owners might willingly incur to satisfy their fan base and say, 'thank you' for your support in these tough, economic times.

NBC's argument that the NHL doesn't allow for these outdoor telecasts doesn't hold ice since VERSUS has been telecasting games and allowing the outdoor big screens throughout the playoffs.

If VERSUS can oblige the fan base, why can't NBC?

Because NBC wants to show the NHL it's not cable. It's network TV.

That's why.


FLYER NEWS: Here's my latest on CSNPhilly.com about Ray Emery, who I feel will be introduced to Flyer fans on Wednesday:

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