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Late Night Monday Night...err Tuesday Morning Rumors

February 13, 2007, 12:46 AM ET [ Comments]
Back from the Flyers/Wings game tonight. A stunning Flyers 6-1 win against Detroit, that makes you wonder "what if?"

Anyway, I will just hit you with some quick hit rumors and then go to bed, so I can get up bright an early tomorrow and do it all again.

Many scouts in town tonight, and it is nice to see the great writers from the Red Wings, a team we played last in Philly two olympics ago...I had a nice chat with the highly respected Ted Kulfan and Helen St. James before the game. During the game I spent some time with EJ Hradek, who oddly the Flyers are 3-0 this year when he attends a game at the Wachovia. (The Flyer only have 5 home wins this whole season

After the game I caught up with Doc Emerick and Daryl ‘Razor’ Reaugh, and then driving home I went on XM with Ron Rimer, Shalley and Berse to talk more trade rumors and role play the Forsberg trade.... Such a perfect winter night to meet up with so many amazing hockey people...The one thing this sport has over all others is just great, down-to-earth, friendly people. And even those who don't agree with my rumors or hockey blogs in general are truly nothing but professional, respectful and genuinely pleasant to get to know..We all share a passion for this great sport. Hockey is a great small world feel that way. I feel extremely fortunate to meet and get to know so many wonderful hockey people.


Anyway, The Forsberg situation remains stable for tonight, with Nashville (e4), San Jose (e4), and possibly Vancouver (e2) leading the way. Rumor is the Ducks balked at 2 picks, Bobby Ryan and anothr roster player. I will of course be chasing this all day Tuesday again. One source I talked to believed the Flyers have what they needed out of Peter...And that is assurances that he could return.

The Eric Brewer sweeps escalated tonight wit Edmonton(e3), Atlanta(e3), Buffalo (e2) and now Ottawa (e3) as the best bets.

(I will be on Buffalo's WGR Tuesday morning at around 7:30 am)

Anaheim also has apparent interest in Derian Hatcher (e2).

The Flames and Habs are still the leading places that Shane Doan could end up.

I am adding Curtis Joseph to The Chart tonight. Teams that are possibilities are Tampa, Deroit and Pittsburgh.

Marty Biron to Tampa is another hot rumor, as the Sabres may be opening up cap space for Brewer. Kotalik would be another player that could get moved for space.

Thanks to all of you who emailed me after seeing tha Sportsnet in Canada has begun running ads for the "Hockey Central Deadline Bash" that yours truly will be a part of on the 27th of February...There is some other exciting news involving this that will interest many of you that we hope to be able to be announcing soon...We are also shooting some footage this Thursday Night in Philly as toronto comes to town..

More in the morning...thanks and goodnight.

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