The Lighthouse Project Goes Public |
What’s The Story Eden?
As we prepare for the much heralded July 7th Town of Hempstead meeting where the LighthouseLI developers may or may not find out if their extensive and expensive DGEIS is deemed complete, there is a short article by Newsday reporter Eden Laikin announcing a new August 4th public hearing meeting.
The Town meeting is tomorrow, 7/7/09 at 10:30 am. This was announced by Town Supervisor Kate Murray at the Lighthouse love fest just a few weeks ago. The article incorrectly states it as happening today. I’m surprised at this considering that this Newsday reporter was there when Supervisor Murray announced the date and time of the meeting. I guess she didn’t go back over her notes for facts.
Also, the article seems to make it sound as if this August 4th meeting, whether confirmed or not, is strictly for those who have “concerns.” The article even includes a list of County officials who have already voiced concerns. However, I don’t see equal time from the developers answering those concerns.
Now, I’m not a “journalist” in the truest sense. I’m nothing but a blogger, a story teller and a chronicler of events. But I do know a few who have gone to school for that career path and paid their dues. So I ask you, is this Newsday article balanced? Was there any input by the developers regarding these detailed concerns? Did the developers’ comments end up on the editor’s desk now that the paper is the size of a scrap book and they needed room for the pretty picture of the proposed canal? (Which thankfully, they finally got RIGHT!)
Also from the looks this August 4th meeting, it’s split into two sessions. Does that mean they expect so very many testimonies “of concerns from those most affected?” Um… What about those who are in favor of the project? Will there be time for them? Or will this be a one way argument front loaded with Village officials?
Another question: Where’s Kate Murray’s name in all this? I thought SHE was the judge and jury on this project and yet her name is nowhere to be found.
All I know is there shouldn’t be errors or omissions in any of these reports. This is all too important for Long Island and for the Islanders. They should be able to get it right. Or are they going to leave it to the bloggers to get the info to the public correctly? Because you know… we will.