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Early Rumor Chart Launch! 14 Players Updated..Wed's Buzz

November 30, 2022, 5:31 PM ET [9 Comments]
Usually I launch the Rumor Chart about a month from now with 50 plus names...However, this season there is just too much talk going on around some players that I felt the need to launch it a month early with 14 players...many of whom could be moved BEFORE the December freeze...

On James Reimer....

He is going to be moved and is playing well in San Jose despite getting NO support...Teams like Toronto and Ottawa have already seen how scary goalie injuries can be...if you are a contender a player like Reimer could be a the difference...

On Dadonov...

Dadonov is making a recent run for the Hockeybuzz Rumor Hall of Fame (Foreshadowing...) He is playing in Montreal, but showed last year how valuable he could be as he was Vegas best player down the stretch...The Isles, Wild and Ava are the top three teams on the rumor chart as of now...

On Gostisbehere....

Shayne is a very good team player and great in the room when he's playing at this kind of level/. Arizona wants to keep him, but could be tempted,..Florida, Ottawa and Nashville are all interested...He is from Florida...

more to come....

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