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Jets Extend Nino, Sullivan in Trouble? Nylander Offers"better" Mon's Buzz

December 4, 2023, 5:32 PM ET [36 Comments]
Start here today. Could be a biog week for rumors and deals....

The Jets have extended Nino Niederreiter for three years with an AAV of 4M. Nice to see Nino, who has been traded around and rumored almost every yeart to almost everywhere, finally getting a solid home base. The Jets continue to surprise this season...

On Mike Sullivan....

The Penguins took a big swing this summer when the brought in Erik Karlsson, and so far the team has gone backwards....especially on the baffling worst league power play....with 3, sometimes 4 future Hall-of-Famers as a part of it.. Mike Sullivan has in general been considered among the most secure jobs in the country...Are things starting to turn?

On Nylander...
The Leafs have been hesitant to listen to trade offers for their most consistent forward, however from what I am told the offers are "finally getting somewhere in the ballpark." I keep hearing the Kings and Islanders as the two most actively pursuing Willie...

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