I don't get it... they kick each other and nothing happens then one guy misses a kick and the other gets a point?!?! - dt99999
You get one point for a basic attack to your opponent's chest protector (for example a basic turning kick).
You get two points for a kick to your opponent's chest protector if the kick involves a spinning technique - (this includes back kick).
You get 3 points for a kick to your opponent's head.
To score a point your punch or kick has to be accurate and powerful. Light tapping kicks do not score.
In major competitions, chest protectors have electronic scoring systems in them. These are adjusted to take into account the weight category of the competitors. (Heavier players have to kick harder to score a point.)
I don't get it... they kick each other and nothing happens then one guy misses a kick and the other gets a point?!?! - dt99999
There are two types of penalties, a warning penalty (kyong-go) or a deduction penalty (gam-jeom). Two warnings or one deduction will result in the loss of one point. A deduction of three points will result in the offending competitor being disqualified.
Kyong-go or warning penalties include:
Grabbing, pushing or holding your opponent
Intentionally crossing the alert line (see Competition Area)
Avoiding your opponent by turning your back
Leaving the competition area
Intentionally falling down
Attacking with the knee
Feigning injury
Offensive language
Punching your opponents face with your fist or hands
Intentionally attacking the groin.
Intentionally stomping on or kicking the foot or leg of your opponent
Gam-Jeom or deduction penalties include:
Intentionally attacking an opponent who has fallen
Intentionally attacking your opponent after the referee has called for a break
Intentionally attacking the back of the head of your opponent
Throwing an opponent
Head butting
Severely attacking and punching the face of your opponent with your fist or hands
Crossing the boundary line
Violent or extreme behavior or speech