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Forums :: Blog World :: Eric Engels: Habs Blueline Holds Key to Improvement
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Location: Possibly at the Zoo
Joined: 07.19.2009

Sep 2 @ 10:41 PM ET
still http 400
- mr.peanut

Is that the kind of http 400 that will go away when I send my list?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Sep 2 @ 10:44 PM ET
Is that the kind of http 400 that will go away when I send my list?
- jugkope

no... it usually lasts either 20 minutes or 2 hours

ah working now
Location: Possibly at the Zoo
Joined: 07.19.2009

Sep 2 @ 10:48 PM ET
no... it usually lasts either 20 minutes or 2 hours

ah working now

- mr.peanut

See, mine is giving up
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Ultimate Warrior, NB
Joined: 07.15.2009

Sep 2 @ 10:50 PM ET
Okay is this Jameson stuff supposed to be good? 'Cause I'm not enjoying this much
- QuebecPride

An acquired taste. Takes years..
Location: Possibly at the Zoo
Joined: 07.19.2009

Sep 2 @ 10:52 PM ET
An acquired taste. Takes years..
- BingoLady

Basically, drink it until it burns your tongue and you stop caring it tastes poop?
Montreal Canadiens
Location: montreal
Joined: 12.08.2006

Sep 2 @ 10:54 PM ET
Okay is this Jameson stuff supposed to be good? 'Cause I'm not enjoying this much
- QuebecPride

it's not the jameson.

it's you.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Sep 2 @ 10:56 PM ET
See, mine is giving up
- jugkope

Check PMs.
Location: Possibly at the Zoo
Joined: 07.19.2009

Sep 2 @ 11:00 PM ET
Check PMs.
- mr.peanut

I'm almost done. Is it in order or you just added the number to make sure you had enough?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Sep 2 @ 11:02 PM ET
I'm almost done. Is it in order or you just added the number to make sure you had enough?
- jugkope

it was supposed to be in order but decided that after 1 it was a toss up.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Sherbrooke, QC
Joined: 11.30.2009

Sep 2 @ 11:03 PM ET
An acquired taste. Takes years..
- BingoLady

Seems like it will take me a few years yeah. Took me like a year to get used to coffee, will take much more for that poop.
Location: Possibly at the Zoo
Joined: 07.19.2009

Sep 2 @ 11:06 PM ET
it was supposed to be in order but decided that after 1 it was a toss up.
- mr.peanut

I have seen #1 once, she friendzoned my best friend's teammate and went at La Ronde with us. I didn't mind her, but she has a bad reputation. Also, she is sure she has seen Drake on Chat Roulette.

My two fav friends are #5 and one you didn't put on the list, but I'd agree that her pictures aren't too great.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Sep 2 @ 11:11 PM ET
I have seen #1 once, she friendzoned my best friend's teammate and went at La Ronde with us. I didn't mind her, but she has a bad reputation. Also, she is sure she has seen Drake on Chat Roulette.

My two fav friends are #5 and one you didn't put on the list, but I'd agree that her pictures aren't too great.

- jugkope

I see, I see.
Location: Possibly at the Zoo
Joined: 07.19.2009

Sep 2 @ 11:14 PM ET
I see, I see.
- mr.peanut

Just doing a last round to see I haven't missed anyone, and I'll send you my list.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: wow, hope that's sarcasim
Joined: 11.18.2008

Sep 2 @ 11:21 PM ET
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Sep 2 @ 11:22 PM ET

- dt99999

Hi Dan
Location: Possibly at the Zoo
Joined: 07.19.2009

Sep 2 @ 11:33 PM ET

- dt99999

Hi Dan
Montreal Canadiens
Location: wow, hope that's sarcasim
Joined: 11.18.2008

Sep 2 @ 11:42 PM ET
hi guys I'm eating a cannoli #marinaro
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Sep 2 @ 11:44 PM ET
hi guys I'm eating a cannoli #marinaro
- dt99999

How long until they finally put that station down? Cause it's sad that they keep acting like there's hope. #savetsn990 #savetsn690
Location: Possibly at the Zoo
Joined: 07.19.2009

Sep 2 @ 11:50 PM ET
How long until they finally put that station down? Cause it's sad that they keep acting like there's hope. #savetsn990 #savetsn690
- mr.peanut

September 5th.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Sep 2 @ 11:51 PM ET
September 5th.
- jugkope

That's just when they're changing it to 690 or is that Tuesday?
Location: Possibly at the Zoo
Joined: 07.19.2009

Sep 2 @ 11:51 PM ET
That's just when they're changing it to 690 or is that Tuesday?
- mr.peanut

That the day Marois starts her reign.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: wow, hope that's sarcasim
Joined: 11.18.2008

Sep 2 @ 11:52 PM ET
How long until they finally put that station down? Cause it's sad that they keep acting like there's hope. #savetsn990 #savetsn690
- mr.peanut

never listened to more CJAD
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Sep 2 @ 11:54 PM ET
never listened to more CJAD
- dt99999

I think that station is pretty bad as well.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: wow, hope that's sarcasim
Joined: 11.18.2008

Sep 2 @ 11:55 PM ET
I think that station is pretty bad as well.
- mr.peanut

it sure is...

let's face it, the best radio station in montreal is ckac. 24 hrs of traffic updates.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Sep 2 @ 11:57 PM ET
it sure is...

let's face it, the best radio station in montreal is ckac. 24 hrs of traffic updates.

- dt99999

I can't disagree.

Can RDS radio be worse though?
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