Location: Kessel = Selanne - Adam French Joined: 07.01.2006
Aug 29 @ 12:09 PM ET
- hscesq
I'm going to run the next biker who passes me on the right and drives through the stop sign im sitting at, in order to do my part in removing waste from this world.
Location: Our debt is easily solvable considering the assets owned by the province. QP, NY Joined: 06.26.2007
Aug 29 @ 12:11 PM ET
I'm going to run the next biker who passes me on the right and drives through the stop sign im sitting at, in order to do my part in removing waste from this world. - Oilhab
They're handing out tickets to bikers left and right here.
No, are you (frank)ing crazy? We don't eat those stinky bastards
We give them to a Native lady, who in turn distributes them to her friends and family. Probably gave her over 500 birds last year. And 4 frozen deer. - pete26
Wierdoh's great auntie must appreciate it. So u found the deer frozen or shot and froze them?
Location: it is Babsy turning a boy into a man - JL0961 Joined: 10.13.2005
Aug 29 @ 12:15 PM ET
No, are you (frank)ing crazy? We don't eat those stinky bastards
We give them to a Native lady, who in turn distributes them to her friends and family. Probably gave her over 500 birds last year. And 4 frozen deer. - pete26
What kind of a hunting license do you have? Are you a "Weirdoh"?
Location: it is Babsy turning a boy into a man - JL0961 Joined: 10.13.2005
Aug 29 @ 12:17 PM ET
I wish they would do that here. - Oilhab
and why are they always so angry at the world. We have a couple of guys who bike to work here and you'd think the roads were built for them and those damned cars should find a different route in.
Location: Newly appointed ambassador of the Nordiques thread Joined: 10.12.2009
Aug 29 @ 12:20 PM ET
I'm going to run the next biker who passes me on the right and drives through the stop sign im sitting at, in order to do my part in removing waste from this world. - Oilhab
Location: I like you, the flower is kill, ON Joined: 08.12.2009
Aug 29 @ 12:20 PM ET
and why are they always so angry at the world. We have a couple of guys who bike to work here and you'd think the roads were built for them and those damned cars should find a different route in. - stormey
Relax. It will take another 6-7 years. But it will happen. It's inevitable. - fidopro
by then, the students will have had plenty of time to get used to higher tuition fees and the rest of the pop to get used to higher hydro fees and higher tax rates. good times. good times.