no the resources are a big problem which is why the city is now going around asking various levels of government for hundreds of millions to support its infrastructure. Champlain at the time it was built was basically a shipping lane as there was really nothing in the south shore other than probably Le Skratch. Vision is definitely lacking though that's for sure.
On the other hand you can't possibly convince me that a province holding three referendums on secession within 40 years and re-electing separatist parties over and over doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Montreal lost its place as the prime economic engine of the country.
It's not the only factor. The emergence of Asia has helped Vancouver a poopload but it sure didn't help Montreal to have the PQ around. - dt99999
You should read about Catalans. Strongest province economically in Spain, yet they want to separate from Madrid.
Mme. Nady: Le projet spécial pour les enfants cette année c'est un projet très intéressant intitulé "Vers le Pacifique"...
dt: *thinking* wow this is great I guess they will take them on like a little tour of the country all the way to the west coast and see all the different parts of the country. dt jr. loves stuff like that!!!!
Mme. Nady:... ils vont apprendre à régler leurs problème de façon pacifique...
dt: *thinking* huh?
Mme. Nady: ... par example si deux amis se chicanent ils pourront aller discuter sous "le parapluie de l'amitié" que vous voyez la-bas...
Location: Pacioretty, c'est mou comme d'la marde - Gilbert Delorme Joined: 01.20.2009
Aug 30 @ 4:16 PM ET
Mme. Nady: Le projet spécial pour les enfants cette année c'est un projet très intéressant intitulé "Vers le Pacifique"...
dt: *thinking* wow this is great I guess they will take them on like a little tour of the country all the way to the west coast and see all the different parts of the country. dt jr. loves stuff like that!!!!
Mme. Nady:... ils vont apprendre à régler leurs problème de façon pacifique...
dt: *thinking* huh?
Mme. Nady: ... par example si deux amis se chicanent ils pourront aller discuter sous "le parapluie de l'amitié" que vous voyez la-bas...
dt: *looks at "le parapluie de l'amitié"*
dt: wtf?!?!?!
mrs. dt: LOL!!!!! - dt99999
Aye j'te dis qui sont en train de nous faire une crisse de belle génération d'tapettes ostie!
It's just to show you that being under a separatist government doesn't necessarily stop you from being strong economically.
In fact if you compare our province to most OCDE(dunno the term in English) countries we are in top tier in almost every economical category. - QuebecPride