- bogiedoc
I'm officially tired of all of it - and of the posturing on both sides - I don't know who's right, I don't care who's right - they're both wrong for not sitting together and actually negotiating for hours instead of presenting proposals, blasting the other side, and ending the talks.
I was all set to move from thinking the players are in the right to siding with the owners after the league's "50/50" proposal - UNTIL Bettman just (apparently) dismissed the union's three counters and ended the talks: you really mean, Mr. Bettman, that there is NOTHING in what the union proposed that can be the basis for negotiations?
Mr. Toews, understand tha you will lose about $800,000 for every ten games cancelled - don't just dismiss the league's proposal as public relations - is there really nothing in there that can be a starting point?