Ovechkin is 6-3 and 230lb. I was surprised to see that. He looks average sized compared to the rest of the league. The NHL has gotten bigger. "Big" guys don't stand out or look as big because of that.
As for the new rules taking away clutching and grabbing, I wouldn't notice them from watching the playoffs.
I'm not saying Lindros wouldn't be a very good player in this era. I just wouldn't expect him to dominate in an NHL full of bigger and stronger players regardless of the rule changes which the refs sometimes don't enforce.
Edit: Come to think of it, Ovechkin makes for a good comparable to Lindros. Lindros was a bigger hitter, better fighter, but Ovechkin is a better skater and has the slight edge imo in the skills department.
- phillydentist
Eric Lindros in his prime, would be a dominant player in any era. He was that good. And a rare combination of size, skill, skating ability, and above all. He was just plain mean.