Season Ticket Holder Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Pronger "Play the game puffnuts!" , DE Joined: 07.02.2012
They all sucked. I thank God every morning that I don't have to go to school today. I may hate this job compared to prior ones I've had, but there's a paycheck every week - unlike school. - Flyskippy
That's an awesome way to think of it.
Thanks for changing my world view Skippy! |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Ignoreland, GA Joined: 11.04.2005
It's tough when teams turn over like that. Last year we moved to a new team and Jason didn't know anyone, this year all but one of his teammates moved up to 18U. Luckily his best friend bit off more than he could chew trying out for Tier I and ended up joining his team so he knew two players. - mayorofangrytown
I know meeting new people is good and all of that but there is a comfort with familiarity.
*looks around at fellow posters here*
Well, usually. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Ignoreland, GA Joined: 11.04.2005
That's an awesome way to think of it.
Thanks for changing my world view Skippy! - FlyersGrace
I have to preach that to myself every day when the fur flies in here*.
*here = the workplace, not these forums. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: A medical emergency involving you. Joined: 08.05.2013
Not at all. Just find it amazing a player would accept 1 yr at 1.75, as opposed to 3 yrs at 2.75. - PLindbergh31
or opposed to a rumored original offer of 3 years 6 mill from the red wings ... rumors are just rumors |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Downingtown, PA Joined: 08.16.2006
You're not going to bait me like that. I'm inferring the same thing I inferred in the discussion yesterday. The basis in which you are coming to the conclusion that the Flyers have a Cap problem is flawed. And I proved it. - MJL
All you proved was that you can pick a nick. Congrats. You've found your mutant talent. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Ignoreland, GA Joined: 11.04.2005
or opposed to a rumored original offer of 3 years 6 mill from the red wings ... rumors are just rumors - -davies-
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Buckle Up. Joined: 02.19.2008
Understood. My two remaining grandparents (Dad's mom, Mom's Dad) are each almost 91. My dad's side is good about caring for their mom. Mom's side rarely visits their dad. My parents visit and do things with both. One of my greatest joys was my grandfather's reaction to our February announcement of our (now 2-month old son) child-to-be being born in June. He was ecstatic. That makes 10 great-grandchildren for him now, after having 45 grandchildren.
That said, better to deal with that now at an age when you can understand it than when you're younger and can't. My paternal grandfather died when I was 3. I grew up asking where he was and hating the answer. Mom's mom died in 2005. My first wife died in 2007 and I had to explain that to our son, my now (almost) 11 year-old.
It hurts, but I'll still take this timeframe over school. And I did well in school! - Flyskippy
I just lost my first grandparent back in April. I have been truly blessed. My dads Mom (Nan) had a massive stroke while I was at my hockey game. I had about 15 missed calls when I got back to the locker room so I knew something wasnt right. That was a Monday night. Unfortunately she didnt pass that night. She had a DNR and living will which made things a ton easier on the family when it came to decisions, but watching her pass slowly over two+ weeks wasnt easy.
As grotesque as it may sound.. we found a lot of solace in those personal times gathered by her bed. Especially immediately after she finally passed. |
All you proved was that you can pick a nick. Congrats. You've found your mutant talent. - mayorofangrytown
If the Flyers didn't have a cap issue, Cleary would be a Flyer right now because they could have offered a contract, instead of a PTO.
The only way the deal falling through will annoy me is if the Flyers continue living in 1975 and dress Rosehill. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Newark, DE Joined: 07.07.2010
Understood. My two remaining grandparents (Dad's mom, Mom's Dad) are each almost 91. My dad's side is good about caring for their mom. Mom's side rarely visits their dad. My parents visit and do things with both. One of my greatest joys was my grandfather's reaction to our February announcement of our (now 2-month old son) child-to-be being born in June. He was ecstatic. That makes 10 great-grandchildren for him now, after having 45 grandchildren.
That said, better to deal with that now at an age when you can understand it than when you're younger and can't. My paternal grandfather died when I was 3. I grew up asking where he was and hating the answer. Mom's mom died in 2005. My first wife died in 2007 and I had to explain that to our son, my now (almost) 11 year-old.
It hurts, but I'll still take this timeframe over school. And I did well in school! - Flyskippy
I can see how you might feel that way. See I liked Highschool. I got decent grades without studying. My parents were a little relaxed so I didn't really have many rules, but that has to do witht he fact I wouldnt be breaking rules that bad. I worked, so I had money to spend, almost rich compared to my friends, had a nice car 1990 acura legend.... They were good years for me. Had a lot of female friends... a-hem... but didn't get involved in any social pressures or cliques. If I could go back in time, I wouldnt do much different in those years, and I wouldn't mind staying there.
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Candyland, PA Joined: 09.20.2007
I just lost my first grandparent back in April. I have been truly blessed. My dads Mom (Nan) had a massive stroke while I was at my hockey game. I had about 15 missed calls when I got back to the locker room so I knew something wasnt right. That was a Monday night. Unfortunately she didnt pass that night. She had a DNR and living will which made things a ton easier on the family when it came to decisions, but watching her pass slowly over two+ weeks wasnt easy.
As grotesque as it may sound.. we found a lot of solace in those personal times gathered by her bed. Especially immediately after she finally passed. - jak521
It's not grotesque. I know exactly what you mean. A family sticks together through everything, including death. Hard to deal with no matter how it happens. My condolences to you and your family. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Downingtown, PA Joined: 08.16.2006
If the Flyers didn't have a cap issue, Cleary would be a Flyer right now because they could have offered a contract, instead of a PTO.
The only way the deal falling through will annoy me is if the Flyers continue living in 1975 and dress Rosehill. - PLindbergh31
Welcome to the parade of idiots... happy to have you. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: A medical emergency involving you. Joined: 08.05.2013
If the Flyers didn't have a cap issue, Cleary would be a Flyer right now because they could have offered a contract, instead of a PTO.
The only way the deal falling through will annoy me is if the Flyers continue living in 1975 and dress Rosehill. - PLindbergh31
all part of the plan. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Candyland, PA Joined: 09.20.2007
All you proved was that you can pick a nick. Congrats. You've found your mutant talent. - mayorofangrytown
You brought the subject up again today. And I proved exactly how the Flyers don't have a Cap problem. And I can back that up. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Ignoreland, GA Joined: 11.04.2005
I just lost my first grandparent back in April. I have been truly blessed. My dads Mom (Nan) had a massive stroke while I was at my hockey game. I had about 15 missed calls when I got back to the locker room so I knew something wasnt right. That was a Monday night. Unfortunately she didnt pass that night. She had a DNR and living will which made things a ton easier on the family when it came to decisions, but watching her pass slowly over two+ weeks wasnt easy.
As grotesque as it may sound.. we found a lot of solace in those personal times gathered by her bed. Especially immediately after she finally passed. - jak521
I am sorry for your loss, jak. Watching someone deteriorate isn't easy. My first wife fell ill in 2004, was diagnosed with cancer in March 2005, recovered tremendously upon changing her chemotherapy from Hahnemann Hospital to Cooper Cancer Institute in late 2005, was fairly healthy in 2006, despite constant treatments, etc. before 2007 came and she rapidly declined before dying in May. It was a tough 26 months. I don't know how I don't have grey hair.
As someone much wiser than me wrote:
"It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart."
-- Ecclesiastes 7:2
If we all took that to heart, maybe we'd treat each other a little better (and I'm preaching to my too-snarky and too-reactionary self here). |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Ignoreland, GA Joined: 11.04.2005
Welcome to the parade of idiots... happy to have you. - mayorofangrytown
Helene st James has a very good rep - isaiah520
But her source in this case might not have been up to par. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Candyland, PA Joined: 09.20.2007
If the Flyers didn't have a cap issue, Cleary would be a Flyer right now because they could have offered a contract, instead of a PTO.
The only way the deal falling through will annoy me is if the Flyers continue living in 1975 and dress Rosehill. - PLindbergh31
So a team should be able to offer an unlimited amount of players a contract, or they have cap problems? That's sound logic.
So because of not signing Cleary, they aren't going to be able to feild a full team? Could the Flyers have not signed LeCavalier or Streit, and instead, have signed Cleary back in July? |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Ignoreland, GA Joined: 11.04.2005
all part of the plan. - -davies-
Season Ticket Holder Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Pronger "Play the game puffnuts!" , DE Joined: 07.02.2012
Is it Sun yet? I'll take a pre-season game...
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Downingtown, PA Joined: 08.16.2006
You brought the subject up again today. And I proved exactly how the Flyers don't have a Cap problem. And I can back that up. - MJL
Holmgren did add that salary cap constraints though were probably the biggest reason Cleary is not a Flyer right now and that if they weren’t up against the cap, there may have been a different outcome.
“Probably yeah, it would have given us a better shot for sure,” Holmgren said.
You're right. I feel like a complete idiot. You showed me. I'll go away and not post here again until I'm at least as smart as you. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Newark, DE Joined: 03.09.2010
Hope you guys don't mind me posting this, but just helps me.
My parents' 19-year-old maine coone was put down Tuesday night. We got him when I was in 5th grade, and I moved out in the summer of 2007, but I'd seen him every day for 13 years of my life. When I moved out, the cat which had been "my" cat actually became a bit hostile towards me (she passed away in February), but the maine coone was always the sweetest cat ever. In the last few years, he's become a bit ragged, losing a lot of his body mass. In the last year, he developed a small mass on his side, which had grown to about the size of a tomato. He lost almost all of his body mass; he went from about 16 pounds to 5. He had a small growth of his lip, and petting him was like petting bones almost. Still, he was incredibly sweet. And I've never seen my dad love a cat so much.
My parents had to put down a cat I don't even remember because he became paralyzed, and another because he wasn't able to eat. But this was the first time they ever had to put a cat down without some huge limiting factor, although all he really wanted to do now was find a nice spot and lay down all day. I wasn't there for it, but I was happy that at least my parents were there with him when he passed. Even being miles away, I still cried that night knowing that he wouldn't be there the next time I went there, and thinking that my parents would wake up the next morning and there wouldn't be a cat to feed. My dad won't talk about it, but my mom and I talked last night.
I know it doesn't compare to a relative dying, but he was as close to a relative as can be. And I don't know why, but I spend as much time on here as I do most anywhere else, so I just wanted to put it out there. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Downingtown, PA Joined: 08.16.2006
Hey look, here I am again already.
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz and I'm fine. Joined: 03.15.2009
I just lost my first grandparent back in April. I have been truly blessed. My dads Mom (Nan) had a massive stroke while I was at my hockey game. I had about 15 missed calls when I got back to the locker room so I knew something wasnt right. That was a Monday night. Unfortunately she didnt pass that night. She had a DNR and living will which made things a ton easier on the family when it came to decisions, but watching her pass slowly over two+ weeks wasnt easy.
As grotesque as it may sound.. we found a lot of solace in those personal times gathered by her bed. Especially immediately after she finally passed. - jak521
Sorry for your loss, jak. It is tough. My dad is going in for his second brain surgery in 9 months today for glioblastoma,same thing as Darren daulton, but different area of the brain. He's been doing really well and hoping this is more of a cleanup/exploratory surgery, but it's never easy.
Just happy we are here almost a year later and he's at a point where he can enjoy watching flyers hockey again! |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Ignoreland, GA Joined: 11.04.2005
You're right. I feel like a complete idiot. You showed me. I'll go away and not post here again until I'm at least as smart as you. - mayorofangrytown
FINALLY! Now go do something useful like finding out why the Oregon Diner sometimes smells like low tide.
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Ajax, ON Joined: 02.26.2013
Hope you guys don't mind me posting this, but just helps me.
My parents' 19-year-old maine coone was put down Tuesday night. We got him when I was in 5th grade, and I moved out in the summer of 2007, but I'd seen him every day for 13 years of my life. When I moved out, the cat which had been "my" cat actually became a bit hostile towards me (she passed away in February), but the maine coone was always the sweetest cat ever. In the last few years, he's become a bit ragged, losing a lot of his body mass. In the last year, he developed a small mass on his side, which had grown to about the size of a tomato. He lost almost all of his body mass; he went from about 16 pounds to 5. He had a small growth of his lip, and petting him was like petting bones almost. Still, he was incredibly sweet. And I've never seen my dad love a cat so much.
My parents had to put down a cat I don't even remember because he became paralyzed, and another because he wasn't able to eat. But this was the first time they ever had to put a cat down without some huge limiting factor, although all he really wanted to do now was find a nice spot and lay down all day. I wasn't there for it, but I was happy that at least my parents were there with him when he passed. Even being miles away, I still cried that night knowing that he wouldn't be there the next time I went there, and thinking that my parents would wake up the next morning and there wouldn't be a cat to feed. My dad won't talk about it, but my mom and I talked last night.
I know it doesn't compare to a relative dying, but he was as close to a relative as can be. And I don't know why, but I spend as much time on here as I do most anywhere else, so I just wanted to put it out there. - jmatchett383 Sorry to hear that man. I have two cats whom I love dearly, one of them is named Philly because she is black and orange. I can't imagine her being gone