Maybe I am off the mark here, but it looks as though the org decided that Laughton can't progress at the Junior level any longer, so they've decided to let Hall go and see how he develops here. Very similar to Cooter as others have mentioned. I don't like losing Hall, but it's the way they decided to go. Damn it's stupid players like Laughton can't be assigned to the AHL. Rosehill is the enforcer that they like to carry so he fits a specific role.
- Hextall271
No, it's extremely likely that's what happened. I don't necessarily agree with it because, to be honest, I think Laughton looked better last year. I just haven't seen him anything to deserve a roster spot, right now.
That being said, what you typed is what the organization believes, and as such, I'll do my best to support the young player, and hope I'm proven wrong. Because that would mean the Flyers are seeing good progress from the player.