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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Meltzer's Musings: Pettersson's Potential, Quick Hits
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: it's been 84 years, AZ
Joined: 01.02.2007

Jul 15 @ 11:34 PM ET
Listening to some Return to Forever right now. Diggin it. Different from what I usually go toward.

You a Hawkwind or Marillion fan?

Check this when you get a chance.


- wolfhounds

i know of them, but i've never listened. i'll check that out.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.02.2009

Jul 15 @ 11:36 PM ET
He sure does.

John Bonham could shred a kit too. And Ginger.

I always thought Bill Bruford was a sick drummer too

- Giroux_Is_God

Tool. Danny Carey.

Some as good, certainly, but none better.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.02.2009

Jul 15 @ 11:37 PM ET
i know of them, but i've never listened. i'll check that out.
- hammarby31

Check Hawkwind first. I think you might dig some of their stuff. Quite a few of their songs are based upon the Elric stories from Michael Moorcock, if you've ever read them.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.15.2011

Jul 15 @ 11:41 PM ET
Working hard is good, especially if you enjoy what you're doing and are hopefully learning, but that on top of a long commute is rough. An hour to Jersey from your place or Philly?
- wolfhounds

Philly. To meet up in summer, we'd each get on a train and meet half way in the city to gallivant.

But we've both been busy as (frank) unfortunately...she actually made the 2 train, 2.5 hour commute to lancaster in May...but we've only met up twice after that
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Bringing Hexy Back
Joined: 06.16.2006

Jul 15 @ 11:41 PM ET
Pirate Bay...how about two of the founders in prison? Yikes.

You're a big history buff?

- wolfhounds

Yep. I'd say 90% of my reading is history. I like old radio shows, movies, etc.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.15.2011

Jul 15 @ 11:42 PM ET
Tool. Danny Carey.

Some as good, certainly, but none better.

- wolfhounds

I'm not a huge Tool fan, but if I listen to them more, I bet I would. They're pretty good from the limited exposure to them I've had.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: it's been 84 years, AZ
Joined: 01.02.2007

Jul 15 @ 11:42 PM ET
He sure does.

John Bonham could shred a kit too. And Ginger.

I always thought Bill Bruford was a sick drummer too

- Giroux_Is_God

agreed on all.

billy cobham, jack dejohnette...and some other guys of that era with RTF, TMO...all super talented.

and for what it's worth, i think stu copeland is a hell of a drummer.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: it's been 84 years, AZ
Joined: 01.02.2007

Jul 15 @ 11:43 PM ET
I'm not a huge Tool fan, but if I listen to them more, I bet I would. They're pretty good from the limited exposure to them I've had.
- Giroux_Is_God

i'm a big fan.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.15.2011

Jul 15 @ 11:45 PM ET
i'm a big fan.
- hammarby31

Tool is one of those bands that I have no trouble thinking I'd enjoy a lot, but just haven't gotten around to their catalog.

The better half is a huge Tool fan. I'm sure I'll end up being one as well. She's got me in to a lot of newer stuff.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.02.2009

Jul 15 @ 11:48 PM ET
i'm a big fan.
- hammarby31

I figure we get one last chance to see them live after this next album, then it's a serious crapshoot.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.15.2011

Jul 15 @ 11:53 PM ET
Since it's been on like 3 times (or, at least some poopty house music derivation), I'll also say I enjoy 30 Seconds To Mars' newest album. Pretty good stuff on it. One of the people I live with is a HUGE fan of theirs so I hear it a lot
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.02.2009

Jul 15 @ 11:54 PM ET
Tool is one of those bands that I have no trouble thinking I'd enjoy a lot, but just haven't gotten around to their catalog.

The better half is a huge Tool fan. I'm sure I'll end up being one as well. She's got me in to a lot of newer stuff.

- Giroux_Is_God

The thing I really love about Tool is the fact that I can both get lost in the instruments and be very interested in the lyrics. Nobody will ever say Maynard was afraid to speak his mind, or that he didn't really have an opinion.

Also check the first A Perfect Circle album. More good tunes.

Start with Opiate if you're going to listen to Tool...start at the beginning.

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.15.2011

Jul 15 @ 11:58 PM ET
The thing I really love about Tool is the fact that I can both get lost in the instruments and be very interested in the lyrics. Nobody will ever say Maynard was afraid to speak his mind, or that he didn't really have an opinion.

Also check the first A Perfect Circle album. More good tunes.

Start with Opiate if you're going to listen to Tool...start at the beginning.

- wolfhounds

I'll remember that bro
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ardmore, PA
Joined: 01.04.2013

Jul 16 @ 12:00 AM ET
Wolfhounds and Hammarby... you guys see the RS article about the new Tool album today?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.02.2009

Jul 16 @ 12:01 AM ET
Yep. I'd say 90% of my reading is history. I like old radio shows, movies, etc.
- Jsaquella

History is wisdom, so apparently you got that going for you. Being a fan of old radio I find interesting simply because we're so far removed from the context of that time.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.02.2009

Jul 16 @ 12:01 AM ET
Wolfhounds and Hammarby... you guys see the RS article about the new Tool album today?
- ThirdEye

Ugh. Nope. But I'm assuming it's bad news...
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ardmore, PA
Joined: 01.04.2013

Jul 16 @ 12:03 AM ET
Damn that was a hell of a backread...

I'm with the Steve's fans. Best steak there is. Frusco's on Rising Sun back in the late 90's was the only rival. John's Roast Pork is good, their steaks are great... but there is NO roast pork that comes even *close* to Dinics. The only one that I can think of is Johnny's Hots on Delaware Ave, and they've gone downhill recently.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ardmore, PA
Joined: 01.04.2013

Jul 16 @ 12:04 AM ET
Ugh. Nope. But I'm assuming it's bad news...
- wolfhounds

To an extent... Apparently the lawsuit brought against them by Cam De Leon is the reason they've been so slow with output since 10,000 Days. Only one song is done and there's almost no chance of a release this year. So damn aggravating.
Location: Not protected by the Mods...I mean Mob. Take your best shot!
Joined: 09.01.2012

Jul 16 @ 12:05 AM ET
The thing I really love about Tool is the fact that I can both get lost in the instruments and be very interested in the lyrics. Nobody will ever say Maynard was afraid to speak his mind, or that he didn't really have an opinion.

Also check the first A Perfect Circle album. More good tunes.

Start with Opiate if you're going to listen to Tool...start at the beginning.

- wolfhounds

At least we agree on music.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ardmore, PA
Joined: 01.04.2013

Jul 16 @ 12:09 AM ET
At least we agree on music.
- SuperSchennBros

I don't care who you are or what kind of music you listen to... If Right in Two doesn't move you, you just don't get it.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.02.2009

Jul 16 @ 12:10 AM ET
To an extent... Apparently the lawsuit brought against them by Cam De Leon is the reason they've been so slow with output since 10,000 Days. Only one song is done and there's almost no chance of a release this year. So damn aggravating.
- ThirdEye


Silver linings: they could be in the area next spring/summer. And hopefully they are so creatively frustrated/angry/pent up that when they get back to business without a (frank)ing lawsuit hanging over their heads, they just tear it up.

How's your son/daughter doing? (sorry, I forgot which.)
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.02.2009

Jul 16 @ 12:11 AM ET
I don't care who you are or what kind of music you listen to... If Right in Two doesn't move you, you just don't get it.
- ThirdEye

Friggin Monkeys.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.02.2009

Jul 16 @ 12:11 AM ET
At least we agree on music.
- SuperSchennBros

Bah, I bet we agree on a lot of stuff. But it is good to have similar music tastes.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: OMAR COMIN'..Head or Gut?.....Watching regular white people
Joined: 01.10.2008

Jul 16 @ 12:13 AM ET
It was the same show episode after episode.

cloppy intro music

Jerry: "WHYYYYYYYY does this one thing happen? It doesn't matter yet I'll obsess over it for the next 25 minutes."

George: "Jerry, I'm dating this girl who's way too good for me. She's beautiful and great in bed but she's got one tiny insignificant imperfection that's DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!"

Kramer (Bursting in the door): "Oh Jerry, George, thank God: I've got this crazy scheme I'm gonna work on that will fail quickly" (runs out of room).

Elaine: "Jeeeeeerryyy...I'm sleeping with another guy this week, and I'm running out of new men to sleep with in New York. Eeeeeeehhhhhh..."

Newman: "Hello, Jerry."

cloppy outro music.

- jmatchett383

you really are empty inside
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Bringing Hexy Back
Joined: 06.16.2006

Jul 16 @ 12:14 AM ET
History is wisdom, so apparently you got that going for you. Being a fan of old radio I find interesting simply because we're so far removed from the context of that time.
- wolfhounds

I grew up watching the older movies as a kid. I loved the 3 Stooges, Abbott & Costello, Sinatra's movies, stuff like that. My mom took that and got me interested in the era. When I was in high school we did a thing about mass media and it covered the Orson Welles' Mercury Theatre broadcast of The War of The Worlds, which got me into the OTR stuff and Welles, particularly.

From digging up stuff on Welles, I found a stretch where he hosted Jack Benny's radio show for a month, which led me to becoming a huge fan of Benny and the other comics of the era that I didn't know as well as the ones who primarily did films.

My dad gave me a huge collection of OTR stuff that furthered me along. I still really enjoy listening to the old shows, despite how formulaic they can be and it led me to search the web for more. To make the short story long, that brings me back to the history aspect of it-finding old news reports and speeches recorded during that time that gives me the news as it was presented to the public back then.

Anyhow, the last thing I found, right before vacation was a slew of news reports dealing with D-Day. The stuff I found covers the whole day, from the initial reports from the German broadcasters being repeated by the AP guys and then the confirmation from the Allied command, and then reaction pieces from the man on the street.

The other thing I found at that time was a 4 hour stretch of radio news recorded the day that JFK was killed. I haven't really listened to it yet, but after a quick cursory listen to the opening 15-20 minutes, it's amazing how news coverage of that tragedy resembled the coverage of the manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombers, nearly 60 years later.

Anyhow, sorry for the book.
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