Would be nice of he called out some of those good ol Canadian boys for choosing American markets over Canadian ones. You know, Canada and stuff.
- systemtool
Day of reckoning is coming. Canadian teams generate 40% of all NHL revenues with 25% of the teams. Ticket prices, tv contracts, concession prices and most everything else in Canada is far more expensive for the fans. This is show business (or sports entertainment) and all prices are geared to what the market will pay.
Now players are saying they want to perform in markets where there is less scrutiny, less critical review. Teams receiving subsidies, financed substantially in part by Canadian revenues, are signing contracts with players who no longer want to play in Canada. Bottom line this is going to be about money.
It is insane that Canadian teams continue to float the game. Bell media just signed a huge deal for the local broadcast rights for the Senators. Rogers just paid an enormous sum for the national Canadian rights. How much longer do you think they are going to tolerate performers refusing to perform in primary venues?
Agents already get it. They are savvy business guys who know how the bread really gets buttered. Rogers and Bell Media are not going to let this go on much longer.
Last year Ottawa had a crummy schedule, too many afternoon weekend games! This year they have a great schedule. Cyril Leeder was asked on TSN 1200 (Bell Media) how things got so much better so quickly. He said "our local broadcaster" helped a lot in getting the final schedule settled. Push back has started, the agents will begin to feel the heat (alternative perspective) soon enough.
Note: the Melnyk problem is a separate issue, it relates to his personal finances. It will get settled in time. Curios we have not heard much from him for a couple of months now. Perhaps it is a good sign.
Note: the information being floated on Stamkos signing in Toronto is not trivial. Words like tampering, directed at Shanahan, have already been mentioned. But this is no longer about player preferences, this is about huge money being really unhappy.