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Forums :: Blog World :: Carol Schram: Vancouver Canucks Game Review: Fire Wagon Hockey
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Vancouver Canucks
Location: Whine Country
Joined: 08.29.2014

Oct 27 @ 11:02 PM ET
I almost recorded the Punjabi Canucks broadcast once...

Anyway, why have all those regional restrictions and blackouts, hope it isn't the same in the states or you can see why hockey isn't catching on.

Sportsnet is just terrible for the most part, they must really be having $ issues or something because they got rid of just about everyone from out here with any 'seniority' and I am guessing they got the cheap, inexperienced, zero insight youth to hold the mics and say silly/trendy things.

Cybalski is unbearable with the girl he is always on there with. Can't believe they have a morning show or something, I guess I shouldn't comment on something I haven't watched, but I found them unwatchable in the evenings and can't imagine the target demographic if they have a morning show.

- hillbillydeluxe

The quality is not good, and finding the Canucks game can be a little like finding a needle in a haystack, and I've seen the Pre and post game "show", the one with awkward people asking the players awkward questions (what's on your bucket list - Kassian wants a house on a lake, with a boat, Hamhuis wants to save the world one third world country at a time, etc), but god damn, is the amount of hockey on ever nice. Not only do I not have to watch the Leafs on Saturday, but I have as many as five games to choose from. For that alone I can forgive the bad.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: My Parents Basement, BC
Joined: 07.14.2008

Oct 27 @ 11:04 PM ET
I barely noticed.......that.

Extra, extra, lustful, rapacious and unsolicited- practically illegal- love to Scoob, Lefty, Vantel, Mr. Mosquito AND ESPECIALLY Vancity787

- roland_hazard

just playin bud. Nice to have another voice on these boards. Enjoy the madness.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: My Parents Basement, BC
Joined: 07.14.2008

Oct 27 @ 11:07 PM ET
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Whine Country
Joined: 08.29.2014

Oct 27 @ 11:18 PM ET
Way, way, waayy off topic, what ever the topic happens to be, but,
I just wanted to show the page, and folks on it some love, and tell you how much I appreciate the dialogue here.
Must be different, growing up in a culture that celebrates hockey, and talks about it at the barbershop, grocery store, liquor store, dinner table, etc. An entire city of hockey fans, wow.

I used to live in Seattle, which is where I picked up my affinity, but now, well, back home to Tucson. I do travel for work a great deal, so I do check out a lot of other barns.
I know exactly 3 hockey fans here: one likes the Redwings, one likes the Jackets, the other- the Hawks. The room for dialogue of people that KNOW hockey is exactly four. There is a men's rec league here, but they play hockey...they don't follow it, at all really. Not a lot of room for conversation & passion there. People often ask me what the giant Orca on the back of my truck means, and what the stick/rink tattooed on my ring finger means. I am flying the flag for sure, a real population of one. Doin' it proud though.

Anyway: Thundachunk, Steaming Lombardi, Carol, Cuban Buffet, Bezz44, Nucker101, Boonerbuck, Zogg,, Petrosexual...and the rest. Thanks. I learn a lot from you guys/gals, and this gives me something to do in this hockey desert.

- roland_hazard

Cheers man. Always enjoy your posts.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Down by the Sea, BC
Joined: 06.27.2014

Oct 27 @ 11:37 PM ET
Enough of the love-in!!!! Canuck fans bicker - that's our poop!!!! So (frank) you petro and your pleasantries!!!

PS so glad that whiner Hodgson is gone.....

- chompsey

Go suck a d!ck you blowjob! Better?
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Cody Hodgson can walk on water
Joined: 10.04.2005

Oct 27 @ 11:46 PM ET
Go suck a d!ck you blowjob! Better?
- PetrolSexual

Now I can light a cigarette.....ahhhhhh, flavor country....
Vancouver Canucks
Location: tucson, AZ
Joined: 08.17.2014

Oct 27 @ 11:48 PM ET
I'll bring the pad and pencil out on the habs matchup thursday, for sure.

Speaking of, I saw them two weeks ago in Tampa. Took my dad to his 1st game..(maybe his last) -he's a football guy. He loved it, but......sh*t got awkward.

Dad: "Hey, look! That man is black!"

Me: "Yes, dad. Sit down. Stop pointing. That is PK Subban, dad". (hand covering face)

Dad: "The black man can skate! Look at those legs! Look at him go!"

Me: (whispering) 'Dad, stop pointing, it's rude. SIT DOWN.'

French Canadiens sitting near us: '!!!?????'

I was dying, folks. Dying.
Racist, no. But the man has no cooth.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Turning a new Leaf, CA
Joined: 09.29.2010

Oct 28 @ 12:04 AM ET
I barely noticed.......that.

Extra, extra, lustful, rapacious and unsolicited- practically illegal- love to Scoob, Lefty, Vantel, Mr. Mosquito AND ESPECIALLY Vancity787

- roland_hazard

I was driving to the grand canyon from New Mexico and stopped off in some place just south of Flagstaff, Prescott I think, to get In and Out Burger.

Have to say Vancity has the Canucks and hockey fans but y'all have the burgers...
Vancouver Canucks
Location: My Parents Basement, BC
Joined: 07.14.2008

Oct 28 @ 12:19 AM ET
I was driving to the grand canyon from New Mexico and stopped off in some place just south of Flagstaff, Prescott I think, to get In and Out Burger.

Have to say Vancity has the Canucks and hockey fans but y'all have the burgers...

- kaptaan

Uhhh, Yah. I make the fukkin maddest burgers in town bud. And Dont even question.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: tucson, AZ
Joined: 08.17.2014

Oct 28 @ 12:24 AM ET
I was driving to the grand canyon from New Mexico and stopped off in some place just south of Flagstaff, Prescott I think, to get In and Out Burger.

Have to say Vancity has the Canucks and hockey fans but y'all have the burgers...

- kaptaan

And the sonoran hotdog!: Hotdog, wrapped in bacon, covered in beans, jalepenos, mayonnaise, salsa, in some sort of baked spanish botillo roll. Each roadside cart has it's own cult following.

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Whine Country
Joined: 08.29.2014

Oct 28 @ 12:26 AM ET
Uhhh, Yah. I make the fukkin maddest burgers in town bud. And Dont even question.
- vancity787

Do you mix in chopped up maple smoked bacon and some bacon grease? If not, I don't know man...
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Down by the Sea, BC
Joined: 06.27.2014

Oct 28 @ 12:53 AM ET
Now I can light a cigarette.....ahhhhhh, flavor country....
- chompsey

...it's a big country
Vancouver Canucks
Location: "The Alien has landed in Vancouver!"
Joined: 03.09.2006

Oct 28 @ 1:11 AM ET
Do you mix in chopped up maple smoked bacon and some bacon grease? If not, I don't know man...
- CubanBuffet

Damn, if that's not a recipe for a heart attack I don't know WHAT is... Just thinking about it makes my arteries harden.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Whine Country
Joined: 08.29.2014

Oct 28 @ 1:14 AM ET
Damn, if that's not a recipe for a heart attack I don't know WHAT is... Just thinking about it makes my arteries harden.
- DariusKnight

We all gotta go sometime.
Location: Systemic failure / Slurptastic
Joined: 10.12.2008

Oct 28 @ 1:19 AM ET
It's a shame that a .500 record in the Pacific Division gets you last place.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: The Clit Whisperer
Joined: 10.22.2011

Oct 28 @ 1:47 AM ET
Now I can light a cigarette.....ahhhhhh, flavor country....
- chompsey

That sweet carolina smoke.

Calgary Flames
Location: vancouver, BC
Joined: 06.24.2011

Oct 28 @ 3:09 AM ET
I'll bring the pad and pencil out on the habs matchup thursday, for sure.

Speaking of, I saw them two weeks ago in Tampa. Took my dad to his 1st game..(maybe his last) -he's a football guy. He loved it, but......sh*t got awkward.

Dad: "Hey, look! That man is black!"

Me: "Yes, dad. Sit down. Stop pointing. That is PK Subban, dad". (hand covering face)

Dad: "The black man can skate! Look at those legs! Look at him go!"

Me: (whispering) 'Dad, stop pointing, it's rude. SIT DOWN.'

French Canadiens sitting near us: '!!!?????'

I was dying, folks. Dying.
Racist, no. But the man has no cooth.

- roland_hazard

thats ok, the press here in vancouver would just refer to him as the dark guy in the middles brother
Vancouver Canucks
Location: ON
Joined: 01.23.2014

Oct 28 @ 9:44 AM ET
I barely noticed.......that.

Extra, extra, lustful, rapacious and unsolicited- practically illegal- love to Scoob, Lefty, Vantel, Mr. Mosquito AND ESPECIALLY Vancity787

- roland_hazard

I feel like an adopted colored son to a redneck family.
I tried to be politically correct Kaptan.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: ON
Joined: 01.23.2014

Oct 28 @ 9:44 AM ET
thats ok, the press here in vancouver would just refer to him as the dark guy in the middles brother
- numbear

Joined: 07.03.2010

Oct 28 @ 10:30 AM ET



Joined: 07.03.2010

Oct 28 @ 10:33 AM ET
I have a black friend so it's cool
- Nucker101

I have a black avatar so I approve this post
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Oct 28 @ 11:26 AM ET
I have a black avatar so I approve this post

I like reggae.
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 03.10.2014

Oct 28 @ 11:29 AM ET
I like reggae.
- Marwood

i like popeye's and not the cartoon
San Jose Sharks
Location: Shark City, CA
Joined: 07.03.2009

Oct 28 @ 11:31 AM ET
Game day!! Wonder if Eric Staal will be in tonight?
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Oct 28 @ 11:32 AM ET
Game day!! Wonder if Eric Staal will be in tonight?
- LeftCoaster

I think he's cleared to play. I over heard it in a haze of smoke from jazz cigarettes.
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