Why is it a team in Buffalo can be a loser and draw 18000 people every night and yet . A team that actually is in the playoff hunt that is young and exciting has about 2000 in the stands on a Saturday Night. The market is soft.
Please do not try and tell me I do not understand business . I have a Bachelor of Commerce degree as well as an MBA . My company I own is also very successful. Please get over yourself . You are not the only intelligent person in here. All it takes is the eyeball test to see the bums in the seats last night . And probably 40% of them were Sabre's fans.
But maybe it is a conspiracy . The game was broadcast over a green screen . The building was actually full and an empty arena was put in the background.
It is like the restaurant and bar business . Any idiot can be busy on Friday and Saturday night. The real smart Bar / restaurant owner finds ways to fill his seats on slower nights . Any owner can fill the seats when you are a cup contender . Strong franchises in good markets fill the seats when the team is weaker or rebuilding.
- Maximum Signal
Florida is still a new market, though.
How does that bar owner get people to his bar on slower nights? By giving them a reason to come to his bar. He needs something to attract the patrons. A piss poor product isn't the way to do it. And that's exactly what the Panthers have had for the better part of two decades.
And make no mistake, if Buffalo had a brand new expansion franchise in 1993, and they had that sort ineptitude coming out of their building night in and night out, Buffalo would also have problems filling the seats, just like they did from 2002 until 2006...when they were good again. Larry Quinn did an outstanding job of making the team more of an institution, which allowed his to build a stronger season ticket base. However, he still needed the winning product in order to build it, something the Florida Panthers never really had.