Referee Buffalo Sabres |
Location: Where ever Matt Ellis allows me to be, NY Joined: 07.30.2012
You seem to miss the point on this. The refs jobs are to enforce the rulebook, but they are told by the NHL how to enforce said rulebook. What should and what shouldn't be called.
Now i will admit that i don't know this first hand, i know this from reading what former refs in the league have openly stated. I will trust the handful of guys who have come out and told us that the league itself tells them how to call the games.
Please stop blaming the refs for the GMs+owners getting what they want. - tweaver3312
This is absolutely correct. I have worked college games with a former NHL ref. This is indeed true. It happens at every level. USA hockey tells us how to call the game. The NCAA tells us how to call a game as well. |
Montreal Canadiens |
Location: Belle River, ON Joined: 05.11.2012
Suspend Prust for the rest of the series. I could give a poop less. He acted like an idiot. Deserved to get kicked out of the game.
Not sure why people keep bringing Prusts idiocy here. This is an issue with the referees thinking they can control the game. Makeup calls, soft calls on star players, non calls on players who embarrassed them. poop that doesn't need to be in the game - l3ig_l2ecl
I totally agree. There's certain guys here who seem to just wan to hate on the Habs and that's fine, but the discussion is why a ref called a penalty then berated a player the entire way to the box, then in the box, and when the player looks up he gets a extra 2. That's the problem. The ref decided that he was bigger than Prust, the Canadiens, and the TBL. That's where all these ref sympathizers are wrong. I don't pay to watch a ref talk tough. I pay money so he calls a fair game and I get to see the best team win. Not the the team who is in the good graces with the ref.
this Sabres guy with the bettman avatar is just hating on the Canadiens and their fans. He's being a tool so I wouldn't worry about what he types because he is literally making me laugh with every post. Someone else posted about being happy the ref chews him out in beer leagues and then chastises someone for apparently not playing hockey at a high enough level. That's hilarious! Beer league expectations=professional sports league expectations lmao.
The thing is that there's a lot of money involved in sports from owners, to fans, to gamblers and if the outcome of said events has any bias or slant because of a ref fraternity that punishes others more and punishes a entire team/owner/fans because of one guy he doesn't like or doesn't like said team then that ref should be back in the beer leagues telling flyers fans to shut their mouths and play out their game to collect their tshirt prizes. |
Again you're going by what Prust said. Insult please? He probably said something like hey if you keep acting like a bleeping a$$hole I will throw you out. I didn't know that's insulting.
However IF he did in fact say what Prust said he said he should get fined and probably fired. But the fact this happened in the media is my issue. He is deflecting blame for his actions on a ref who scolded him. - Stripes77
But we're not debating what he said or Prust taking it to the media - like i said in my post its what he allegedly said that is the issue. All we can base this discussion off of is what we have heard - if you want to believe Prust thats fine if you don't thats also fine.
If you're only issue here is that prust made it public well then we wont agree - i dont think he necessarily should have made it public however the issue here, for me, isnt that prust tattled on the ref. Its that the ref said what he said - assuming what prust said is true. |
Montreal Canadiens |
Location: Belle River, ON Joined: 05.11.2012
Referee Buffalo Sabres |
Location: Where ever Matt Ellis allows me to be, NY Joined: 07.30.2012
I totally agree. There's certain guys here who seem to just wan to hate on the Habs and that's fine, but the discussion is why a ref called a penalty then berated a player the entire way to the box, then in the box, and when the player looks up he gets a extra 2. That's the problem. The ref decided that he was bigger than Prust, the Canadiens, and the TBL. That's where all these ref sympathizers are wrong. I don't pay to watch a ref talk tough. I pay money so he calls a fair game and I get to see the best team win. Not the the team who is in the good graces with the ref.
this Sabres guy with the bettman avatar is just hating on the Canadiens and their fans. He's being a tool so I wouldn't worry about what he types because he is literally making me laugh with every post. Someone else posted about being happy the ref chews him out in beer leagues and then chastises someone for apparently not playing hockey at a high enough level. That's hilarious! Beer league expectations=professional sports league expectations lmao.
The thing is that there's a lot of money involved in sports from owners, to fans, to gamblers and if the outcome of said events has any bias or slant because of a ref fraternity that punishes others more and punishes a entire team/owner/fans because of one guy he doesn't like or doesn't like said team then that ref should be back in the beer leagues telling flyers fans to shut their mouths and play out their game to collect their tshirt prizes. - SmielmaN
Again people just want to defend their team but there is no doubt in my mind Prust had choice words for him all the way to the box. My knowledge of the mindset of an official in situations like this has me defending the official. If you guys want robots out there be m guest but you wont like what you see. |
Referee Buffalo Sabres |
Location: Where ever Matt Ellis allows me to be, NY Joined: 07.30.2012
Montreal Canadiens |
Location: Quebec City, QC Joined: 02.16.2009
Again people just want to defend their team but there is no doubt in my mind Prust had choice words for him all the way to the box. My knowledge of the mindset of an official in situations like this has me defending the official. If you guys want robots out there be m guest but you wont like what you see. - Stripes77
Whatever Prust may have said, there is still the fact that a referee can apparently name-call someone, but if that person name-call him too then the referee can penalize/eject him.
So, either the referees can penalize a player for his words but should stay professional and NEVER respond or goad them, or they should not be able to penalize them for their words if they do the same.
Right now it seems they feel they are justified doing both, and it doesn't look good on the league. |
Montreal Canadiens |
Location: Quebec City, QC Joined: 02.16.2009
Read what I posted. IF and that's a big IF Watson said what Prust said he should absolutely be fined if not fired. However people agreeing he Watson is playing god like Prust said have no clue. - Stripes77
Nobody is arguing that, you are arguing against a straw man here. The name-calling by a referee is the issue here. |
Read what I posted. IF and that's a big IF Watson said what Prust said he should absolutely be fined if not fired. However people agreeing he Watson is playing god like Prust said have no clue. - Stripes77
I dont think anyone really has a clue right now - its all speculation at this point.
If Watson said what Prust claims and gave him an extra two for no real reason then he was acting like an idiot and playing 'god' i suppose by trying to flex his referee muscles.
If Prust goaded watson into blowing up then he lost his composure and made a big mistake insulting Prust but both are at least partially to blame (although i lay more responsibility in this case on the ref)
And if watson didnt in fact say those things Prust is a total tool for making it up and should be fined or suspended.
Lots of ifs - people are just debating different scenarios right now that may or may not be true. |
Montreal Canadiens |
Location: Belle River, ON Joined: 05.11.2012
Again people just want to defend their team but there is no doubt in my mind Prust had choice words for him all the way to the box. My knowledge of the mindset of an official in situations like this has me defending the official. If you guys want robots out there be m guest but you wont like what you see. - Stripes77
A great job by a ref is one in which you don't know who he even was out there. Calls the penalties that affect scoring plays and that are borderline attempt to inj plays. Warn players/coaches for behaviour then hand out a call if it continues. To hear a ref fraternity holds grudges all series and across all refs is ludicrous for a professional sports league and removes all integrity from the game. The game is not about the ref and his fragile sensibilities and ability to influence his peers to make calls against certain teams and players because he holds a grudge or has mega hurt feelings. These refs sound like a bunch of cry babies who take everything to heart and make their peers punish guys all season. What a bunch of pansies you and Stewie make refs seem to be. Seems like they can't make decisions themselves amd always need others to tell them how to do their jobs. What a bunch of rudderless cry babies. |
Montreal Canadiens |
Location: Belle River, ON Joined: 05.11.2012
Whatever Prust may have said, there is still the fact that a referee can apparently name-call someone, but if that person name-call him too then the referee can penalize/eject him.
So, either the referees can penalize a player for his words but should stay professional and NEVER respond or goad them, or they should not be able to penalize them for their words if they do the same.
Right now it seems they fell they are justified doing both, and it doesn't look good on the league. - Popofjc
Bingo! Watson looks like the biggest Puss out there and his fraternal buddies have come out of the wood work to defend what he did and it haut makes them all look like they don't call the game with integrity of the sport in mind. That's a MASSIVE problem. |
Referee Buffalo Sabres |
Location: Where ever Matt Ellis allows me to be, NY Joined: 07.30.2012
A great job by a ref is one in which you don't know who he even was out there. Calls the penalties that affect scoring plays and that are borderline attempt to inj plays. Warn players/coaches for behaviour then hand out a call if it continues. To hear a ref fraternity holds grudges all series and across all refs is ludicrous for a professional sports league and removes all integrity from the game. The game is not about the ref and his fragile sensibilities and ability to influence his peers to make calls against certain teams and players because he holds a grudge or has mega hurt feelings. These refs sound like a bunch of cry babies who take everything to heart and make their peers punish guys all season. What a bunch of pansies you and Stewie make refs seem to be. Seems like they can't make decisions themselves amd always need others to tell them how to do their jobs. What a bunch of rudderless cry babies. - SmielmaN
But Prust throwing his glove into the Tampa bench and crying in the media isn't exactly that?
Refs don't hold grudges but they sure don't forget. They don't penalize players just because they don't like a guy or they wouldn't have a job very long. But if a player is a notorious head hunter or a guy who crosses the line a lot (see Pat Kaleta) you better believe they keep a closer eye on him. |
But Prust throwing his glove into the Tampa bench and crying in the media isn't exactly that?
Refs don't hold grudges but they sure don't forget. They don't penalize players just because they don't like a guy or they wouldn't have a job very long. But if a player is a notorious head hunter or a guy who crosses the line a lot (see Pat Kaleta) you better believe they keep a closer eye on him. - Stripes77
I think the issue here is that thinking the ref was wrong in this situation as well as thinking prust was wrong in this situation are not mutually exclusive. Most people think both parties acted like dummies. |
Referee Buffalo Sabres |
Location: Where ever Matt Ellis allows me to be, NY Joined: 07.30.2012
Referee Buffalo Sabres |
Location: Where ever Matt Ellis allows me to be, NY Joined: 07.30.2012
I think the issue here is that thinking the ref was wrong in this situation as well as thinking prust was wrong in this situation are not mutually exclusive. Most people think both parties acted like dummies. - DirtyDozen
It was something that happens a lot though. It is part of the game whether you like it our not. What doesn't happen usually is it boiling over into the media. |
Montreal Canadiens |
Location: I'm not sure... I lost my GPS, QC Joined: 07.02.2010
This is absolutely correct. I have worked college games with a former NHL ref. This is indeed true. It happens at every level. USA hockey tells us how to call the game. The NCAA tells us how to call a game as well. - Stripes77
Shouldn't the rule book tell you how to officiate a game? |
Referee Buffalo Sabres |
Location: Where ever Matt Ellis allows me to be, NY Joined: 07.30.2012
Shouldn't the rule book tell you how to officiate a game? - elcabong
A piece of paper?
How about HOW to enforce the rule or how to call it. Or what impedes means in the eyes of the NHL.
Your interpretation of a rule might be different than mine. That is what the league is there for. To set the standard of what is and isn't a penalty. |
Montreal Canadiens |
Location: Belle River, ON Joined: 05.11.2012
But Prust throwing his glove into the Tampa bench and crying in the media isn't exactly that?
Refs don't hold grudges but they sure don't forget. They don't penalize players just because they don't like a guy or they wouldn't have a job very long. But if a player is a notorious head hunter or a guy who crosses the line a lot (see Pat Kaleta) you better believe they keep a closer eye on him. - Stripes77
Attempts to inj is way dif from just being a grinder. Look I'm a Habs fan so I'll speak of one other Habs related scenario earlier in the year. Gallagher gets tossed around like a rag doll with no puck around. Says to the ref as they are skating out how that play on him isn't a penalty. Ref replies that it is but not for you. *slow clap* bravo ref. your a hero. I'm glad I paid hard earned money to watch you disregard the rules because you and your frat don't like Gallagher. Gallagher told that story in a intermission interview. The next day says he regrets saying that. Why? Prob because now the refs will have a even harder hard on for him and his team.
Refs need to operate as if the two teams are black vs white with no numbers on anyone and call the game like a man with the best interest of the sport in mind. Not call it according to him and his buddies think because they don't like certain ppl. That's a god damn joke to me. And yes I played hockey too and was a hard hard player but I kept it clean until someone dirted me. I never had any official that I disagreed with follow me around the ice swearing at me and calling me names, but if I did and I was slapped with a unsportsmanlike because I ignored his belligerent name calling I would prob be quite the sh!t disturber at the end of a game we had taken 12 penalties in too. I'm not defending Prust. Simply saying that if that sequence played out with me I would probably turn into a huge pain in everyone's ass too. And who's fault would that be? Prob the ref who's supposed to be impartial who disrespected me completely then went on to disrespect my entire team and fans.
The musings of Fraser and Stewie here have shown that the refs are a very sensitive bunch who don't hold the games best interests in mind, only their own bias/vendettas/grudges. Call the game fair, drop pucks, fetch pucks, then gtfo because no one cares about you, only about the integrity of the game. |
Philadelphia Flyers |
Location: Akron, PA Joined: 09.25.2013
I totally agree. There's certain guys here who seem to just wan to hate on the Habs and that's fine, but the discussion is why a ref called a penalty then berated a player the entire way to the box, then in the box, and when the player looks up he gets a extra 2. That's the problem. The ref decided that he was bigger than Prust, the Canadiens, and the TBL. That's where all these ref sympathizers are wrong. I don't pay to watch a ref talk tough. I pay money so he calls a fair game and I get to see the best team win. Not the the team who is in the good graces with the ref.
this Sabres guy with the bettman avatar is just hating on the Canadiens and their fans. He's being a tool so I wouldn't worry about what he types because he is literally making me laugh with every post. Someone else posted about being happy the ref chews him out in beer leagues and then chastises someone for apparently not playing hockey at a high enough level. That's hilarious! Beer league expectations=professional sports league expectations lmao.
The thing is that there's a lot of money involved in sports from owners, to fans, to gamblers and if the outcome of said events has any bias or slant because of a ref fraternity that punishes others more and punishes a entire team/owner/fans because of one guy he doesn't like or doesn't like said team then that ref should be back in the beer leagues telling flyers fans to shut their mouths and play out their game to collect their tshirt prizes. - SmielmaN
You completely missed the point of my post earlier.
Ill simplify it for you.
The original poster that i was responding to made a comment along the lines of the refs shouldn't speak unless its to inform the crowd of what penalty was called.
My point was if thats how the game is going to be called alot of guys would get out of control. I reference the leagues in which i play now to explain that its not really the same, however the point is the same. Refs warn players when they are at the line, at least the good ones do. Regardless of the level of the league. I then continued to let him know that a player who plays on the edge would appreciate the warnings from the refs, whereas a player who's never been in the corner, wouldn't even understand that the ref can talk to a player before calling a borderline penalty.
I was not actually defending Watson, because if he did indeed say what prust said he did, that is way over the line. I was defending refs having the ability to use their voices on the ice. |
Season Ticket Holder |
Location: not the BigSmoke anymore Joined: 10.29.2007
At the time of the altercation it was 1-0 Montreal.
I think he was talking about when it was 6-2 and prust bumped Bishop
That was a huge momentum shift included the soft call on Subban as soon as the 4 min double minor was served.
2 handed crosscheck to the back of the neck while a player is on all fours is a soft call? - 77emac77
well - unfortunately the Habs faithful believe that ANY call against what they feel is the flow of the game is a soft call or wrong call.
they have been spoiled for so long that they simply cannot objectively look even at video evidence and make an unbiased comment - simply can't do it.
just need to keep asking the question... if anyone had come into contact with Price like the Canadien's have been going at Bishop... how many infractions would there have been?
Season Ticket Holder |
Location: not the BigSmoke anymore Joined: 10.29.2007
I dont think anyone really has a clue right now - its all speculation at this point.
If Watson said what Prust claims and gave him an extra two for no real reason then he was acting like an idiot and playing 'god' i suppose by trying to flex his referee muscles.
If Prust goaded watson into blowing up then he lost his composure and made a big mistake insulting Prust but both are at least partially to blame (although i lay more responsibility in this case on the ref)
And if watson didnt in fact say those things Prust is a total tool for making it up and should be fined or suspended.
Lots of ifs - people are just debating different scenarios right now that may or may not be true. - DirtyDozen
exactly. the facts will eventually come out.. .and either Prust is lying or exaggerating... but that doesn't change one thing - whether or not Watson verbally abused him... he behaved stupidly on the ice.
if I'm the Canadiens.. and I have an ounce of class and "smarts" I sit Prust for a game.... which would take all the emphasis off the wrong behaviors of either the other players or the officials. If the Habs have a hope of climbing back into this thing they should consider this.
Chicago Blackhawks |
Location: Wheeling, IL Joined: 09.24.2009
Stewie - Did Prust trip Bishop, or was that the best acting job of a goalie since Mike Smith? |
Season Ticket Holder |
Location: not the BigSmoke anymore Joined: 10.29.2007
Yeah but again, nobody is defending Prust here. The issue we are arguing is the referee behaviour. And I'm pretty sure Prust didn't make all those insults up. With all the microphones in the rink nowadays and the inquiry that should follow from the NHL, you can't just make that up out of thin air and go public with it if there is no truth behind it.
You can see in the video that the ref look irate with all the finger pointing 1 inch from Prust face. You really thinks he more likely said something like "hey please stop acting like that" instead of what Prust quoted ? Really ? - Popofjc
well... now that Prust has apologized and said himself he was out of line... broke the code etc..
perhaps its time for the Hab's fans to back up from all their comments of today... about the officiating and making excuses for the Mr Prust.
it would seem Mr Prust was lying - or for those of you sensitive to the use of that word... he exaggerated.
Season Ticket Holder |
Location: not the BigSmoke anymore Joined: 10.29.2007
So, we presume an official guilty based on the non-sensical post game tirade of Prust? Yeeeah... - Tangled
exactly... even Prust - who has since apologized said he was wound up after the game
the Habs fans will keep on defending him... even after he's indicated he shouldn't have said what he said. |
Referee Buffalo Sabres |
Location: Where ever Matt Ellis allows me to be, NY Joined: 07.30.2012
exactly... even Prust - who has since apologized said he was wound up after the game
the Habs fans will keep on defending him... even after he's indicated he shouldn't have said what he said. - BorjeFan4Ever
Prust got fined and nothing about what Watson allegedly said was true. So for you all Hab fans crying about this and how refs like Fraiser and Stewey "stick together" when they know what it's like to be in that situation can go back to crying about being down 2 games to 0 |