im sorry I don't get the Francesca reference or the reference to the fan are you a friend of mikes? Just asking you seem to reference him a lot. - Bobd62
Typical response exactly what I would expect from an islander fan. But that's ok. But I must say you are pretty arrogant for an islander fan. But whatever maybe you can teach me obi wan.
Typical response exactly what I would expect from an islander fan. But that's ok. But I must say you are pretty arrogant for an islander fan. But whatever maybe you can teach me obi wan. - Bobd62
Bawb from Nawth Central Eyes Lip is gone, I tink we loahst Bawb, bad connection.
Yes why not? Trade away a young 39 goal scorer locked up at 4.5 million. Even though he's never played with a real #1 Center in his career. It will be easy to replace those 30-40 goals a couple years down the road. Those players grow on trees.
I was going to say something serious about blowing up the Habs, but all these little video clips (not sure of the proper term for them) made me laugh so hard, I lost my train of thought! Keep them coming. Very funny!!!
Oh yeah, the answer to the question is...NO. Too much core talent on that team. Bite the bullet, maybe a few long term solutions, and weather the storm. I will say though, if Therrien lost the team, as good as he may be, he has to go. As we all know, you can't fire the team. other thing, we don't need any more ridiculous, one sided, pipe dream, trade proposals!! However, legit, interesting, make sense, transactions are what we come here for..........and these funny video clips!
What if Ladd takes the Trade to the Hawks and simply re signs with Winnipeg in the off season. Just like Vermette did.
The Jets get a few new faces that can help them start over next year with Buff and Ladd.
And Ladd gets a shot at the Cup this year.
On Montral:
I may get laughed off the board for this....
Maybe the Habs should think about moving Price for a Boat Load of Picks and Talent.
Might be the quickest way to rebuild on the fly.
As someone said earlier, this has been a true wake-up call season for the Habs... Price IS the true leader of this team. All others are followers including PK. When Price is there, they all calm down because his presence is so dominant. When he's out, everything falls apart. Pretty obvious now isnt it. This is a major problem because its also pretty obvious that Price is prone to injuries and its just the beginning if it. Tough times ahead for Montreal. So we are not talking tweaks here, we are talking mid/long term strategy to bring a team together, not just the best goalie leading a bunch of followers, some good, some bad.
I think the 1st thing to do needs to be the replacement of Bergevin. No way this guys has what it takes to rebuild or to even tweak a team in a market like Montreal. Who can? Good question my dear, goooood question.