Thanks, but I don't apply to this mate. Only had unpaid overtime a few times, but the manager was actually a human being, and told me "you better do a half day next week, I feel bad you staying late". So I did.
and I'll be honest... I gave ZERO poops about overtime there with all the free food.
It certainly would have been closer and possibly competitive. - MadCap2008
OV was younger and a lot more brash; I remember thinking that he threw in the towel after that save and it trickled through the team. He can't - and won't - do that again. You guys have guys like Orpik that keep guys accountable and I think that's been needed over there in Washington.
Haha, I was on the phone interview for the position I am withholding celebration for about being hired. I want that damn paperwork email first. - Guile
I hate that waiting game. I'm in a similar place right now, except it's within the same company.
I hate that waiting game. I'm in a similar place right now, except it's within the same company. - cranktheradio
Well, I accepted the pay rate via email... pretty sure they can't take it back now without a lawsuit. But I'd still feel better when I get the forms and fax them over so I can celebrate like its old school madtv.
Well, I accepted the pay rate via email... pretty sure they can't take it back now without a lawsuit. But I'd still feel better when I get the forms and fax them over so I can celebrate like its old school madtv.