As an unbiased observer since you guys were able to overcome the Hawks, if I were a gambling man my money is on the Blues to win it all, Bolts, Pens and Sharks are tough good teams but you guys have the best defense in the playoffs this year. The right mix of braun, speed and skill players. Since 2013 the Blackhawks either won the cup or they lost to the team that eventually won the cup and I see that trend continuing, ENJOY and good luck
- BetweenTheDots
I hope so.
We had the same streak minus winning a Cup and that streak ended last year when the Wild beat us. All those other years that people started asking questions were good series against the eventual Cup winners.
I am happy how well the Blues have done but that Sharks team has a really good mix of players. They have some guys who are cheaper than Ott ever will be--Joe Thorton. Jumbo Joe is a guy that scares me on a number of levels but the biggest is when things do not go his way or he is frustrated he just blind sides people coming out of the penalty box with an elbow to the head keeping them from playing for over a year. He also cup checked one of our guys this year. So to beat the Sharks I imagine a toll will be paid.
I think these teams our psychology on the up swing and are fairly evenly matched. The weakness I see on the Skarks is their third oairing on D and Jones. He has not looked all that great in the play offs. In fact I would argue many of the Sharks losses could be attributed to his play.
This series could influenced by officiating in that the Sharks have a great pp.