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Forums :: Blog World :: HockeyBuzz Hotstove: Hotstove: Who Should The Maple Leafs Take 1st Overall?
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Joined: 09.24.2013

May 16 @ 6:00 PM ET
Seriously? "They're" is correct? Seriously? You are better than that.
- jkuczkowski

Yeah, seriously. If you're gonna correct someone's grammar, you'd better be certain that you're correct

I used "you're" twice there, for your benefit
Location: "Welcome to HockeyBuzz. Come for the rumors. Stay for the idiots." - Feds91Stammer
Joined: 08.21.2014

May 16 @ 6:00 PM ET
It's too bad one of the worst hotstove topics gets one of the most comments. Talk about reinforcing bad behavior...
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Who cares?, NY
Joined: 02.15.2012

May 16 @ 6:04 PM ET
We'll call it a draw.
- mjones242

It's all good.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: why bitch about no new blogs, when all you're going to do is post the same, tired stuff day after da, NY
Joined: 07.16.2011

May 16 @ 6:12 PM ET
Lol, you live in Buffalo. You're a fan of an irrelevant team that thinks they have some big rivalry with the Leafs. Enough said.
- domi_legend

Nobody said that, numbnuts. I posted a comment pages ago very nicely saying I was looking forward to there being a rivalry and pointed to Matthews/Eichel. Then the usual poopstorm of crap from the emo- TO fans rained down.

Last time I checked, we both are fans of irrelevant teams, and I for one am hopeful that changes soon.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 02.28.2011

May 16 @ 6:18 PM ET
You're probably the same person who thought that McDavid was pissed that he came to Edmonton because he "wasn't grinning ear to ear" get over yourself
- 6ringslowe

McDavid is out of Edmonton the first chance he gets. Book it.

I'm not saying that he'll be a Leaf, but he won't be a lifer with the Oil.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

May 16 @ 6:29 PM ET
Wow... proud moments for your fanbase...

She should suit up for your team... she's doing allot of good for Ontario...

- geta02it

Is someone from Alberta really chirping someone from Ontario on any subject right now?

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

May 16 @ 6:29 PM ET
This is getting so intense
- sbroads24

Location: "Welcome to HockeyBuzz. Come for the rumors. Stay for the idiots." - Feds91Stammer
Joined: 08.21.2014

May 16 @ 6:34 PM ET
Matthews will undoubtedly be better than Eichel. Eichel's depression stemming from having to play in a "city" like Buffalo will surely affect his gameplay in the future.
- domi_legend

Hey, look who decided to show up, the worst poster on HB.

Now kindly (frank) off and delete your account...
Location: "Welcome to HockeyBuzz. Come for the rumors. Stay for the idiots." - Feds91Stammer
Joined: 08.21.2014

May 16 @ 6:38 PM ET
Lol, you live in Buffalo. You're a fan of an irrelevant team that thinks they have some big rivalry with the Leafs. Enough said.
- domi_legend

Don't you and sensnucksnocups have some feral children to feed?
Joined: 08.02.2014

May 16 @ 7:17 PM ET
Nobody said that, numbnuts. I posted a comment pages ago very nicely saying I was looking forward to there being a rivalry and pointed to Matthews/Eichel. Then the usual poopstorm of crap from the emo- TO fans rained down.

Last time I checked, we both are fans of irrelevant teams, and I for one am hopeful that changes soon.

- LandlordTom

It's obvious that you and the other Buffalo fan are the same person. One account with a Polish name, and one with a Polish flag. How many Polish Buffalo fans can there be?

Nice try, chump.

And no, Toronto is not irrelevant. Is that a joke? Lol.
Joined: 08.02.2014

May 16 @ 7:18 PM ET
McDavid is out of Edmonton the first chance he gets. Book it.

I'm not saying that he'll be a Leaf, but he won't be a lifer with the Oil.

- As_I_See_It

Joined: 08.02.2014

May 16 @ 7:18 PM ET
Is someone from Alberta really chirping someone from Ontario on any subject right now?

- Aetherial

Still, you gotta feel for them. NDP has absolutely destroyed that province.
Joined: 08.02.2014

May 16 @ 7:19 PM ET
Hey, look who decided to show up, the worst poster on HB.

Now kindly (frank) off and delete your account...

- RonPielep

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Auston city limits, ON
Joined: 06.13.2012

May 16 @ 7:23 PM ET
We're gonna dominate even more when Toronto drafts Jake Bean 1st overall.
- sbroads24

Regular season stats in losing seasons don't mean squat. Just ask Ottawa
Buffalo Sabres
Location: why bitch about no new blogs, when all you're going to do is post the same, tired stuff day after da, NY
Joined: 07.16.2011

May 16 @ 7:33 PM ET
It's obvious that you and the other Buffalo fan are the same person. One account with a Polish name, and one with a Polish flag. How many Polish Buffalo fans can there be?

Nice try, chump.

And no, Toronto is not irrelevant. Is that a joke? Lol.

- domi_legend

Again, learn to read. You give your team's fans a bad name. And making fun of heritage is for desperate folks with Daddy issues and/or small penises (or is it peni in Canadian?)
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

May 16 @ 7:41 PM ET
Ur funny bc at least my mom isn't a tranny like urs......
- Ur Not Me

Jesus that was a poor attempt.

How do you know his mother is a tranny? Do you leaf through tranny classified sections often?

Also, what type of tranny are we talking? Man pretending to be a woman or woman pretending to be a man? In either case it's highly unlikely they'd be mothers.

Just so poorly thought out.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

May 16 @ 7:45 PM ET
"Leafs might take Laine"

That's just the media

"Matthews would have gone 2nd in 2015"

Because the media said so

- sbroads24

Or because he massively outperformed him at the same level...
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Auston city limits, ON
Joined: 06.13.2012

May 16 @ 7:48 PM ET
Connor Brown with the shortie!
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

May 16 @ 7:52 PM ET
Still, you gotta feel for them. NDP has absolutely destroyed that province.
- domi_legend

The downturn there is related to the price of oil, which is a global commodity, it has nothing to do with who is in government.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Auston city limits, ON
Joined: 06.13.2012

May 16 @ 8:00 PM ET
All this poop slinging killed this thread faster than one of my late night drunken diatribes
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Cochrane, AB
Joined: 02.02.2014

May 16 @ 8:23 PM ET
Is there a package of pitts first any extra picks players not named Reilly that could land us Arizonas pick? Pitts first, Bozak, 2nd round pick?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Auston city limits, ON
Joined: 06.13.2012

May 16 @ 8:33 PM ET
Is there a package of pitts first any extra picks players not named Reilly that could land us Arizonas pick? Pitts first, Bozak, 2nd round pick?
- Ralphb1967

The only thing Zona will trade that pick for is help on the back end IMO
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

May 16 @ 8:38 PM ET
The only thing Zona will trade that pick for is help on the back end IMO
- Seanook

that or they maybe they trade down 3-4 spots.

i can't see a team dropping 20 spots from 7 to 27ish.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Auston city limits, ON
Joined: 06.13.2012

May 16 @ 9:10 PM ET
that or they maybe they trade down 3-4 spots.

i can't see a team dropping 20 spots from 7 to 27ish.

- Tumbleweed

That's fair. Hard to guage. If one of the three d-kids is likely to be on the board at their position then I could see them stand pat and keep the pick.

No matter what happens..... They're in for another loooong season
Joined: 08.02.2014

May 16 @ 9:28 PM ET
Again, learn to read. You give your team's fans a bad name. And making fun of heritage is for desperate folks with Daddy issues and/or small penises (or is it peni in Canadian?)
- LandlordTom

When did I make fun of heritage, chump. I just said you are fooling nobody with your alternate account, lowly Buffalo fan.
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