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Forums :: Blog World :: HockeyBuzz Hotstove: Hotstove: Who Should The Maple Leafs Take 1st Overall?
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Buffalo Sabres
Location: We are in 30th place. It's 2017 , NY
Joined: 02.12.2012

May 16 @ 10:02 PM ET
Or because he massively outperformed him at the same level...
- Feeling Glucky?

Edmonton Oilers
Location: Calgary, AB
Joined: 03.25.2016

May 16 @ 11:21 PM ET
McDavid is out of Edmonton the first chance he gets. Book it.

I'm not saying that he'll be a Leaf, but he won't be a lifer with the Oil.

- As_I_See_It

Classic Toronto: Assumes everything with absolutely ZERO evidence to back it up.

FYI Connor LOVES playing for us, he's going to be our captain next year heading into our brand new barn and Oil Country can't wait

But hey, you can keep up the dream that he'll sign with someone else. Prepare to be disappointed though, I'm guessing being a Leafs fan you're used to that by now!
Joined: 08.02.2014

May 17 @ 12:46 AM ET
The downturn there is related to the price of oil, which is a global commodity, it has nothing to do with who is in government.
- Zezel

You need to read more. NDP has full on said it's ashamed that Alberta's leading sector is oil, and is absolutely destroying that industry.

But yes, the oil prices factor in as well.
Joined: 08.02.2014

May 17 @ 12:47 AM ET
Classic Toronto: Assumes everything with absolutely ZERO evidence to back it up.

FYI Connor LOVES playing for us, he's going to be our captain next year heading into our brand new barn and Oil Country can't wait

But hey, you can keep up the dream that he'll sign with someone else. Prepare to be disappointed though, I'm guessing being a Leafs fan you're used to that by now!

- 6ringslowe

Says a fan of the joke of the league hahahahahahaha
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Calgary, AB
Joined: 03.25.2016

May 17 @ 12:58 AM ET
Says a fan of the joke of the league hahahahahahaha
- domi_legend

You haven't made it past the second round in how long again?
Buffalo Sabres
Location: why bitch about no new blogs, when all you're going to do is post the same, tired stuff day after da, NY
Joined: 07.16.2011

May 17 @ 6:54 AM ET
When did I make fun of heritage, chump. I just said you are fooling nobody with your alternate account, lowly Buffalo fan.
- domi_legend

I notice you did not dispute having a small penis. Good for you.

I have only one account.

I miss anything? Oh yeah:

Loving and

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

May 17 @ 7:57 AM ET
- sbroads24

Yup- beat him offensively, and not only does he know there's a defensive side to the game, he's damned good at it.

And let's not forget, the Leafs attracted one of the top coaches in the sport to play for them, to help grow the youth... A guy who turned down more money in Buffalo to come to Toronto.

I can't wait to see the Garth article about how Buffalo aways gets their guy, when they sign Lucic after missing out on Stamkos.
Location: Buffalo, NY
Joined: 06.14.2012

May 17 @ 8:11 AM ET
Lol, Buffalo fans. Irrelevent.
- domi_legend

And the Maple leafs are relevant? Maybe in the late 90s when Sundin and Domi were there. That's about it in the past 20 seasons or so...

Calgary Flames
Location: AB
Joined: 11.10.2007

May 17 @ 11:17 AM ET
Still, you gotta feel for them. NDP has absolutely destroyed that province.
- domi_legend

Meh, I'd still take Notley over Wynne... besides we only have her for one term...
We put out some fires, build a pipeline and we're back to paying for Ont's and Que's deficit...back to normal.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: NYC, NY
Joined: 04.29.2016

May 17 @ 3:46 PM ET
And the Maple leafs are relevant? Maybe in the late 90s when Sundin and Domi were there. That's about it in the past 20 seasons or so...
- mattsox

Since when did Tie Domi ever make the Maple Leafs relevant? lol
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