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Forums :: Blog World :: Carol Schram: Vancouver Canucks Close to Re-Signing Jacob Markstrom, Development Camp
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Turning a new Leaf, CA
Joined: 09.29.2010

Jul 5 @ 5:17 PM ET
In other news Nicholas Jensen resigned with the Rangers...
Joined: 08.13.2015

Jul 5 @ 5:18 PM ET
To me that would be best case scenario. The absolute best.

I think injuries are going to wreak havoc again.


You're consistant optimism is soooo contagious!!!
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 09.16.2005

Jul 5 @ 5:23 PM ET
Garrison gets more through than Tanev and even if he doesn't get a shot through at any given time, its heavy enough to inflict pain on anyone blocking it. Tanev's shots just bounce off guys without really doing anything. Secondly, which you fail to mention, Garrison has a physical component to his game and can physically match up with opposing forwards. Tanev can't.
- kaptaan

It's not always about physicality, Tanev's game is all about positioning and hockey sense, fundamentals. He doesn't need to throw any monster hits to be effective, and that goes for any player - in fact, throwing the bit hit usually leaves you out of position in the play. Tanev might not be overly exciting but he's very steady/consistent and gets the job done and that's all that matters. If he can improve on his offensive numbers (something which he is in fact addressing, by working on his shot during this off-season) then he will be that much more effective
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Auckland -Burn it all down
Joined: 10.22.2008

Jul 5 @ 5:27 PM ET
Tanev is a quality D.
He is not a #1 D (and neither is Edler )He does not hit, score or run a PP, but he is effective at gathering the puck from his own end and moving it up ice, he doesn't make many mistakes and uses his stick/body well. He's similar to Hamhuis really in that way.

The problem is that we don't yet have any proven PMD or a big nasty stay at home D that offsets a player like Tanev.

Hutton or OJ might turn into a PMD
Guds or Tryamkin might be that tough stay at home D.
remains to be seen.

In the meantime, our D is a big ? with 6 middling D's.
In saying that, we are not in a position to move any of the top 4 (Sbisa is fairgame imo) as we don't have the prospect depth to replace them and won't be able to snag what we need in a trade.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Jul 5 @ 5:28 PM ET
Strange move...perhaps Gully is high on Vey
- CanuckDon

very possible
Location: When youre 7 pages behind Dont bother catching up, you will never get that time back - Codes1087
Joined: 07.26.2010

Jul 5 @ 5:33 PM ET
But u forget to mention Garrison is 5yrs older & does not score more
- Nighthawk

Except he does score considerably more than Tanev: http://public.tableau.com...27T544?:display_count=yes

They arent really comparable though, two different styles of players one is offensive and the other defensive. I hope Hutton/Larssen/etc. will be able to pick up the offense for the backend
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Jul 5 @ 5:34 PM ET
Tanev is a quality D.
He is not a #1 D (and neither is Edler )He does not hit, score or run a PP, but he is effective at gathering the puck from his own end and moving it up ice, he doesn't make many mistakes and uses his stick/body well. He's similar to Hamhuis really in that way.

The problem is that we don't yet have any proven PMD or a big nasty stay at home D that offsets a player like Tanev.

Hutton or OJ might turn into a PMD
Guds or Tryamkin might be that tough stay at home D.
remains to be seen.

In the meantime, our D is a big ? with 6 middling D's.
In saying that, we are not in a position to move any of the top 4 (Sbisa is fairgame imo) as we don't have the prospect depth to replace them and won't be able to snag what we need in a trade.

- dbot

good post.

you wouldn't think that you would need to spell things out to this extent to the team's own fan base but.... this is the canucks we're talking about.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Jul 5 @ 5:43 PM ET
Here you are Bloated. Interesting article on Virtanen...


- CanuckDon

Training camp will be good this year. Hope Virt stands out.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Jul 5 @ 5:45 PM ET

You're consistant optimism is soooo contagious!!!

- Brooks_Light

Just trying to keep the conversation lively.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Vancouver, BC
Joined: 01.31.2015

Jul 5 @ 5:47 PM ET
Garrison gets more through than Tanev and even if he doesn't get a shot through at any given time, its heavy enough to inflict pain on anyone blocking it. Tanev's shots just bounce off guys without really doing anything. Secondly, which you fail to mention, Garrison has a physical component to his game and can physically match up with opposing forwards. Tanev can't.
- kaptaan

Tanev >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Garrison
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Canuckville, BC
Joined: 01.09.2015

Jul 5 @ 5:48 PM ET
Except he does score considerably more than Tanev: http://public.tableau.com...27T544?:display_count=yes

They arent really comparable though, two different styles of players one is offensive and the other defensive. I hope Hutton/Larssen/etc. will be able to pick up the offense for the backend

- WhiteLie

using the last 3 seasons as a comparison

Garrison 31yrs old as a bottom pair D on an offensive team had 16 goals to Tanev's 26yrs old 12 goals as a top 4 D. IMO it is VERY clear Tanev is better for us.
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 09.16.2005

Jul 5 @ 5:48 PM ET
Tanev >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Garrison
- Retinalz

you wrecked the Interwebs
Joined: 08.13.2015

Jul 5 @ 5:49 PM ET
Just trying to keep the conversation lively.
- bloatedmosquito

i know man, i'm just gonna pick on you until you cheer up
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Auckland -Burn it all down
Joined: 10.22.2008

Jul 5 @ 5:50 PM ET
you wrecked the Interwebs
- Zogg

somebody call Marwood to clean up this mess.
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 09.16.2005

Jul 5 @ 5:53 PM ET
using the last 3 seasons as a comparison

Garrison 31yrs old as a bottom pair D on an offensive team had 16 goals to Tanev's 26yrs old 12 goals as a top 4 D. IMO it is VERY clear Tanev is better for us.

- Nighthawk

12 goals? Tanev had 4 goals last year, so not sure where you are getting this number from?

I agree with your comment, though, in that Tanev has served us well. He's still fairly young, so hopefully his offensive game will come around as well. I think at this stage he's far better than Garrison in terms of an all around game
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Vancouver, BC
Joined: 01.31.2015

Jul 5 @ 5:55 PM ET
12 goals? Tanev had 4 goals last year, so not sure where you are getting this number from?

I agree with your comment, though, in that Tanev has served us well. He's still fairly young, so hopefully his offensive game will come around as well. I think at this stage he's far better than Garrison in terms of an all around game

- Zogg

Goal totals since Garrison was traded. Also Garrison only had 5 goals last season. not exactly lighting the lamp on a team that scores more than we do. Only 6 assists as well. Pretty sure Tanev had better offensive numbers last season.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Vancouver, BC
Joined: 01.31.2015

Jul 5 @ 5:56 PM ET
you wrecked the Interwebs
- Zogg

Well I had to state just how much better Tanev is than Garrison
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Las Vegas
Joined: 08.05.2014

Jul 5 @ 5:56 PM ET
12 goals? Tanev had 4 goals last year, so not sure where you are getting this number from?

I agree with your comment, though, in that Tanev has served us well. He's still fairly young, so hopefully his offensive game will come around as well. I think at this stage he's far better than Garrison in terms of an all around game

- Zogg

He is summing their goal production over the last 3 years. Garrison had 16 goals while Tanev had 12. Garrison's production fell off a cliff last year.
Location: When youre 7 pages behind Dont bother catching up, you will never get that time back - Codes1087
Joined: 07.26.2010

Jul 5 @ 5:59 PM ET
using the last 3 seasons as a comparison

Garrison 31yrs old as a bottom pair D on an offensive team had 16 goals to Tanev's 26yrs old 12 goals as a top 4 D. IMO it is VERY clear Tanev is better for us.

- Nighthawk

Im not saying Tanev isnt better, nearly any deal involving Tanev would result in Canucks acquiring multiple assets back IMO. But given the opportunity and icetime, Garrison out produces Tanev at a much higher rate which as we know is due to the roles they play and their skillsets
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Canuckville, BC
Joined: 01.09.2015

Jul 5 @ 5:59 PM ET
12 goals? Tanev had 4 goals last year, so not sure where you are getting this number from?

I agree with your comment, though, in that Tanev has served us well. He's still fairly young, so hopefully his offensive game will come around as well. I think at this stage he's far better than Garrison in terms of an all around game

- Zogg

not sure? lol

stats can be found everywhere bro
Joined: 07.03.2010

Jul 5 @ 6:00 PM ET
Our lineup would be a disaster without Virt. Softest forward group in the league
- CanuckDon

I think Menga and Dorsett are energy guys? I think the Latvian also .
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Canuckville, BC
Joined: 01.09.2015

Jul 5 @ 6:02 PM ET
Im not saying Tanev isnt better, nearly any deal involving Tanev would result in Canucks acquiring multiple assets back IMO. But given the opportunity and icetime, Garrison out produces Tanev at a much higher rate which as we know is due to the roles they play and their skillsets
- WhiteLie


TBL has better support for Garrison.
Give Tanev the same roster & it would only improve.
TBL r a contender whilst we r trying to return to those heights.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Las Vegas
Joined: 08.05.2014

Jul 5 @ 6:08 PM ET
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Las Vegas
Joined: 08.05.2014

Jul 5 @ 6:08 PM ET
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Las Vegas
Joined: 08.05.2014

Jul 5 @ 6:09 PM ET
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