Pokka is going to have to gain a lot from experience, because he has some serious (lack of) quickness issues and he is a pylon at the NHL level.
- John Jaeckel
It is essential more work in his pivot to get in backward skating mode that he continues to have; it is almost like his head is taking time to decide whether to attempt the pivot, or just try and barrel up bnext to the outside attacking wingers, ala Trevor Daley.
The management etam purposefully sent a large roojie contingent out against a Blues line up full of starters with intent to see just what these guys without our core guys in there. Not bad thinking, extra rest and no injuries for your solid real lineup.
It didn't leave questions about Motter, Hinostroza, or Hartman, it just gave them enough new info to ask Forsling to wait and return at the playoffs, Fortin to go back to junior with a terrifically positive attitude.
You can throw a dart as to whether Nickie Schmaltz is staying, or whether vets are going...
You can debate who and why, but I certainly can't decide across the board...but would keep Schmaltz, Hulkiing, ah Forsling.
I am gla d we didn't give up a possible second rounder for Yak, because with good players he might have a good offensiev end, if not the rest...
Anybody think he gets protected away from Las Vegas ?