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Forums :: Blog World :: Carol Schram: Juolevi, Lind, Gadjovich, DiPietro headline Canucks' Young Stars returnees
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Carol Schram
Joined: 09.27.2013

Aug 30 @ 2:41 PM ET
My Young Stars preview continues, today looking at the tournament's invitees at forward.

Also a trip down memory lane with a look at the roster when Antoine Roussel attended Young Stars back in 2011.

Seattle Kraken
Location: BC
Joined: 11.11.2010

Aug 30 @ 2:51 PM ET
Well said, although you won't get to many agreeing because their all super awesome armchair GM's that would get every action right.
- Makita

See, here's the problem. First if all, it isn't well said, it is incredibly difficult to read. Secondly, there are several points which are wrong, or rediculous.

"Sure some bumps along the road getting to this point but its all positive."
-How you can agree that it's all positive when the tire fire has been blazing to Springfield proportions? Yes there are positives, but it is far from all positive.

"What we need is hockey ppl run the hockey side of the biz. Everyone else stay da fuq outta the way."
-Totally agree, but many of the decisions suggest that great hockey minds are not in charge of each different department. Examples include being fined for tampering, only interviewing one candidate for a job, bringing in people who are family friends etc.

"This fanbase generally speaking is historically never satisfied"
- What have we had to be satisfied with? Good teams? Yippy, we're more successful than the Sharks.

"[the fans] is most of the problem along with some management being FA mostly."
- I'm sorry, the biggest problem with team success is the fans?

"Everyone likes & wants to be a winner but very few ppl want to be a part of the pain & process."
- I've been a fan since the late 70's, pretty sure I've endured some pain along the way. Does being a fan mean you can't be critical of the organization?

"Thats why democracy is bs & why like it or not most of us are wrong on mostly everything."
- Do I even need to comment on this?

"Til ppl walk in someones shoes they know nada."
- This goes doubly for the author.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: #theonlyrealfan, BC
Joined: 02.16.2007

Aug 30 @ 5:58 PM ET
Well said Makita.

Good save bro.

- LordHumungous

Thanks lordy, always good to see your name in lights and the crowd lovin ya.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: #theonlyrealfan, BC
Joined: 02.16.2007

Aug 30 @ 6:03 PM ET
And Grammar police.
- thundachunk

Stand down chunky and know your place, Lefty is the grammar Nazi here
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Vancouver, BC
Joined: 09.26.2010

Aug 30 @ 6:54 PM ET
Stand down chunky and know your place, Lefty is the grammar Nazi here
- Makita

Man up and respond to Vintage
Vancouver Canucks
Location: #theonlyrealfan, BC
Joined: 02.16.2007

Aug 30 @ 9:53 PM ET
Man up and respond to Vintage
- Nucker101

Vintsy is a bloody drama queen.
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