Interesting this seems like a rather deep draft. Hope we wind up with a gem.
- SimpleJack
DEEP in a sense that there is a clear cut nice group of top ten kids, even a bit farther, and enough kids for almost the entire first round to get a possible talent.
My head is spinning with the articles and what might happens in relation to the draft order...
this idea that since the standings really were point totals where all teams didn't get to play the same number, and some fake playoff change in summer is gonna ADD teams to the "playoff" -----both things bother me in regards Chicago.
Sure there starting point MIGHT be 8 and not 9....but we know that those totals were real season I can live with slot 9 and three teams below them jump above with top three lottery wins,
But it makes me nuts that a) the country is healthy enough for some playoff expansion from 8 conference teams to 12...only because IF the hawks "get in" and win a couple games and then show they are not a big dog yet...and suddenly that playoff prowess knocks them 13 14 15 16 based on some created draft order.
I am happy getting the lotto balls on slot 9 and see if luck brings them up...
It is curious with a Francophone locked as the best player...
and the way just like in the hawks year the third pick is one were RIGHT NOW you will find five players rotating in as top three draftables...yup, there are
seven guys who easily can be considered top
three candidates...
Reminds of the post strike Crosby draft were a different formula was derived to determine Pittsburgh was the lucky winner...It you don't think an Ottawa or Montreal win has to be sen as a huge benefit,,,,,,,
and I am also curious about this draft in terms of a jump up winner
, because lets take New Jersey occupy sixth and 10th spot, so there have the lotto balls .... the balls dont say nj ball from 10th slot (I know they are numbered...) so if NJ gets say the chance to draft matter which ball the SIX spot is where the "jump up is from, right...
Ottawa currently sitting in 2nd and 3rd slots has a 72.7 % they STAY IN THE TOP THREE.
And a 25% chance of drafting first and getting follow me....if the win the league assumes Ottawa no longer select second, right...not that 3rd overall lotto ball won and they still sit in slot two (ALONG WITH FIRST OVERALL)?
Anyway not sure I want to see any draft changes where the order get a re-order as I dont want the Hawks moving out of the nice slot they are in...