I just remember ek9 looking great with eichel.
Thought it was a outstanding season?
The kind of season that guys sign for 7+?
Eye test.
He was clearly a good player prior, and now after buffalo
- Boss34
Eichel, albeit his earlier years did NOT enhance Kanes production.
Numbers don't lie about results.
Eye Test? Unless you attended say 20 - 30 games in both Winnipeg and San Jose is just local bias, homerism if you will...based purely on your perception of what (you think) you saw.
So, you can have your opinion, but realize it is just that, opinion.
The factual numbers for Sam and Evander relative to the notion of each living of Jack's coattails is just plain false.
I'll be happy to sign a Sam jersey for your friends daughter if it will make a difference!
I once penned a letter to a niece from Santa to help her understand that the surprise Puppy needs alot of love, play and training in their early years ... and then she will repay it over the next 12 or so years!
It worked well.
I can sign
Skunk, Sam Reinfart if you like