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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: love is love
Joined: 06.29.2006

Sep 23 @ 10:48 AM ET
How does the players association sign off on something like that, they are to blame here. Yea he could have had the surgery how long ago now, how it goes on this long is beyond me. I feel like there is more to it, just doesn’t make sense.
- ClaudeFather

I wonder that, too. Certainly there should be joint conversations and consultations but I think the ultimate decision should be the player's to make. He's going to have to live with the consequences for the rest of his life.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 09.17.2013

Sep 23 @ 10:53 AM ET
I wonder that, too. Certainly there should be joint conversations and consultations but I think the ultimate decision should be the player's to make. He's going to have to live with the consequences for the rest of his life.
- Scoob

absolutely insane that the team has final say. though i can't imagine there are many instances of a team putting their foot down saying a player has to get this surgery. i don't see that going over too well with the player.

both sides aren't coming to an agreement here because they don't really want to. the fact we're about to be in the following season and nothing has been done says a lot.
Bob Habib
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.01.2020

Sep 23 @ 10:54 AM ET
How is he being a baby? He and his team want a disc replacement surgery versus the fusion the team wants. There is plenty of evidence that a fusion can create balance issues when skating and playing because of the limitation to mobility it creates.

A synthetic disc replacement doesn't do that and allows the athlete to have a return to more natural "feel" and mobility. The issue is it's fairly new and no hockey player has ever had it. That shouldn't matter as other professional athletes have and it has worked,. But surprise, surprise...Buffalo old school idiot management doesn't want to allow him to dictate the procedure so are digging their heels in.

- juiced

Why don't they tell eichel and draw up some paperwork that says of his choice of surgery doesn't work and he doesn't recover then he forfeits his remaining salary?. Let eichel accept all of the risk
I think it's a good compromise for both parties. I don't agree that a team should have medical control over it's players but if the payer goes outside the box then they're on the hook for anything that goes wrong
Of course of eichel doesn't recover then that's a huge asset lost by the sabers but at this point it's already a poop show
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: love is love
Joined: 06.29.2006

Sep 23 @ 11:08 AM ET
absolutely insane that the team has final say. though i can't imagine there are many instances of a team putting their foot down saying a player has to get this surgery. i don't see that going over too well with the player.

both sides aren't coming to an agreement here because they don't really want to. the fact we're about to be in the following season and nothing has been done says a lot.

- Ftown19125

Yep - which means it's not really about the injury.

And I agree with you that there wouldn't (shouldn't) be many instances of disagreement but for the players to sign off that the team gets final say is really odd.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Sep 23 @ 11:22 AM ET
The main issue is he doesn't want to get the surgery they recommend. That is a fact.
- hello it's me 2050

He's been grumbling about wanting out well before he got hurt.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Sep 23 @ 11:22 AM ET
talk is cheap. When AV and hi staff make these adjustments then I will believe it.

So he is going copy other teams and not implement any of his own new ideas?

- hello it's me 2050

The sign of a good coach is one that is not set in his ways, but adapts as the game evolves!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philly, PA
Joined: 06.10.2013

Sep 23 @ 11:42 AM ET
Malkin to miss 2 months
Bob Habib
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.01.2020

Sep 23 @ 11:43 AM ET
Malkin out for 2 months.
Crosby hurt

Does this make any ody else as happy as it makes me? I'd LOVE to see them miss the playoffs under hextall
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Dementia Patient in the White House, DC, PA
Joined: 03.20.2020

Sep 23 @ 11:49 AM ET
I agree that it should be a situation that the players association an Buffalo management discuss out of public record. However it appears that because the players association signed off on the clause that allows the team to dictate medical treatment, that Buffalo believes they hold all the cards.

Funny thing is they could be cutting their own nose off to spite their face. One of the biggest issues with the fusion at the location Jack would need it has to do with balance/shooting issue. His fear is It would hamper his ability to keep his head still and looking in proper direction while his core pivots for shots. That has happened on players who have had the operation and were never quite the same again. Could he play? Probably. Would he be able to play at an all star level That he is used to and to maintain a $$$$ salary justification going forward? Quite possibly not and that is why they'd rather take the chance or the newer surgery that wouldn't limit his movement as much as the fusion.
Its actually pretty silly its gone this far.

- juiced

What makes the entire situation even more stupid is the fact that IF Eichel's desired surgery did not work, they could always go to the old fashioned fusion after that. So why is Buffalo management still being dooshbags?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.14.2007

Sep 23 @ 11:49 AM ET
i hear buffalo is selling eichels on the cheap might even be a buy one get one free type of sale
Bill Meltzer
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 07.13.2006

Sep 23 @ 11:50 AM ET
Malkin out for 2 months.
Crosby hurt

Does this make any ody else as happy as it makes me? I'd LOVE to see them miss the playoffs under hextall

- Bob Habib

Have said this before. Always liked Hexy, and he treated me well (as does Chuck) in my interactions with him and as relates to hockey content for the Flyers site. I'm aware of the dissenting opinions but can only go by personal experience. I like Chris Pryor and Nick Pryor and Kerry Huffman. All good people who were accessible to me whenever needed.

So I certainly don't root for any of them to fail. But the Penguins at the NHL level, yeah; I root for them lose.

Joined: 06.13.2014

Sep 23 @ 12:04 PM ET
What makes the entire situation even more stupid is the fact that IF Eichel's desired surgery did not work, they could always go to the old fashioned fusion after that. So why is Buffalo management still being dooshbags?
- Letterkenney

100% correct on Disc replacement reversal and follow up fusion.

Have to wonder how much of this is just due to the old school vs. new school thinking. The whole "how dare you speak out" against anything Buffalo management does after we "gave" you such a great salary. Like he didn't earn it or deserve it...like it was their generosity that got him the money and he owes them the loyalty to just shut up and dribble. Wonder how many discussions happened over the years on "please keep O'Reilly" or please keep "Hall" or any number of items that had caused him to lose faith. like repeated bad coaching and systems or issues in practice/behind the scenes nobody sees. Then in the worst betrayal he goes out publicly and tells the world he wants a safer approach to his spine issue. THAT's THE FINAL STRAW....YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!!!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PHX, AZ
Joined: 10.20.2015

Sep 23 @ 12:34 PM ET
Pineapple or nectarines?
- hello it's me 2050

Good one Rinaldo!
You're so funny with these dumba$$ posts.
Keep em coming.
Loved how obsessed you are with my posts, you phuckhead!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 09.17.2013

Sep 23 @ 12:46 PM ET
Malkin out for 2 months.
Crosby hurt

Does this make any ody else as happy as it makes me? I'd LOVE to see them miss the playoffs under hextall

- Bob Habib

i'd rather they miss while healthy, personally.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Sep 23 @ 12:47 PM ET
Good one Rinaldo!
You're so funny with these dumba$$ posts.
Keep em coming.
Loved how obsessed you are with my posts, you phuckhead!

- konalover711

So which on is it? Or are you a plum guy?
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Sep 23 @ 12:47 PM ET
This is a lumbar example but neck is the same....

Discectomy vs. fusion: what is the difference?

Discectomy: Trauma to the back can result in a herniated disc, a type of injury that pinches the nerves in your spine. It can cause symptoms such as radiating pain, numbness or weakness. A discectomy is a procedure that involves removing the herniated or protruding disc material between the vertebrae that is causing the pain. It is a minimally invasive procedure with a shorter recovery period that a fusion surgery.
Lumbar spinal fusion: When a more conservative is not an option, your physician may suggest a lumbar spinal fusion. This procedure involves permanently joining or fusing two or more vertebrae with a bone graft or metal implant to eliminate motion. It is a major surgery. There is a longer recovery period and a higher chance that you may require permanent restrictive duties.

Had they let him have the replacement surgery when he was hurt....he could have been back in a few weeks. It is absolutely comical.

like everyone, I don't believe the surgery is the only issue that makes him not want to paly there. However, the Buffalo response probably is indicative of why he may have reservations about being there when combined with everything else that goes on there in terms of coaching, team building and tons of stuff none of us have visibility to.

- juiced

It really is a battle over the medical procedure….crazy…I guess the Sabre Dr.s are against the newer technology, as in their view comes with a different set of risks…I frankly agree with Eichel as in the end it’s his body…..but that 10 million a year “guaranteed” contract looms over the situation…..interesting the agent apparently is now talking with different teams medical staffs having to sign off on any potential deal….with them having to agree with the newer technology surgery…..then comes the whole insurance issue on the acquiring teams side. If your the-teams medical advisor are you putting out your neck for this?
Joined: 06.13.2014

Sep 23 @ 12:56 PM ET
It really is a battle over the medical procedure….crazy…I guess the Sabre Dr.s are against the newer technology, as in their view comes with a different set of risks…I frankly agree with Eichel as in the end it’s his body…..but that 10 million a year “guaranteed” contract looms over the situation…..interesting the agent apparently is now talking with different teams medical staffs having to sign off on any potential deal….with them having to agree with the newer technology surgery…..then comes the whole insurance issue on the acquiring teams side. If your the-teams medical advisor are you putting out your neck for this?
- landros 2

Depends on the staff. There are plenty of teams that have medical staffs that are also buried in the 80's mentality...who may not keep up with all the latest medical advancements, who prefer the old ways.

There are plenty of athletes who have had this surgery and come out of it well. Its much less invasive then a fusion and if it doesn't yield the desired result then a fusion can still be done.

Part of me has to believe this is because Eichel had the audacity to talk about potentially wanting out of Buffalo and did it in the media so the team is using this as some ludicrous form of control over him when it is going to end up hurting them more than it does Jack.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philly, PA
Joined: 06.10.2013

Sep 23 @ 12:58 PM ET
i'd rather they miss while healthy, personally.
- Ftown19125

Watch the Pens win the lottery now lol
Location: MAGA
Joined: 09.28.2020

Sep 23 @ 12:58 PM ET
Maybe it would be seen as a stupid move, but if I’m Eichel I just mutually agree to terminate that contract.

Or sit out and let the Sabres pay you.

Buffalo is just further tarnishing any kind of positive image that may remain, for a club that really can’t afford to do so.

Buffalo is clearly rebuilding (again). Cut your losses and put the ego aside.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PHX, AZ
Joined: 10.20.2015

Sep 23 @ 1:03 PM ET
So which on is it? Or are you a plum guy?
- hello it's me 2050

Phuck you you pieces of sh!!!t troll Rinaldo!!
Joined: 06.13.2014

Sep 23 @ 1:04 PM ET
Maybe it would be seen as a stupid move, but if I’m Eichel I just mutually agree to terminate that contract.

Or sit out and let the Sabres pay you.

Buffalo is just further tarnishing any kind of positive image that may remain, for a club that really can’t afford to do so.

Buffalo is clearly rebuilding (again). Cut your losses and put the ego aside.

- FlyerFan3260

I think that is what he is doing...he came in probably knowing the physical would be failed...thus guaranteeing his payout.

His team has also probably made the replacement vs. fusion so public that in time public sentiment will swing to Jack and Buffalo will have to accept the treatment or look very bad to free agents, people up for contract renewal, fans...basically everyone.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 09.17.2013

Sep 23 @ 1:08 PM ET
Maybe it would be seen as a stupid move, but if I’m Eichel I just mutually agree to terminate that contract.

Or sit out and let the Sabres pay you.

Buffalo is just further tarnishing any kind of positive image that may remain, for a club that really can’t afford to do so.

Buffalo is clearly rebuilding (again). Cut your losses and put the ego aside.

- FlyerFan3260

can't imagine buffalo would agree to terminate the contract, they want a haul for him.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 09.17.2013

Sep 23 @ 1:10 PM ET
Watch the Pens win the lottery now lol
- arichardson22

haha crosby and malkin will be back with enough time to avoid that.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: love is love
Joined: 06.29.2006

Sep 23 @ 1:11 PM ET

Part of me has to believe this is because Eichel had the audacity to talk about potentially wanting out of Buffalo and did it in the media so the team is using this as some ludicrous form of control over him when it is going to end up hurting them more than it does Jack.

- juiced

Imho, it is 100% not about the surgery options.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: love is love
Joined: 06.29.2006

Sep 23 @ 1:13 PM ET
I have zero sympathy for completely avoidable self-inflicted situations.

Some of you seemingly will never learn.
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