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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Free Agency: A "Reverse Kotkaniemi"?
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Jul 13 @ 10:51 PM ET

(frank)ER IS NIRO


Listened to the whole thing. You can just hear it in the voice of the media with every question. This guy is out of touch.
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Joined: 09.01.2012

Jul 13 @ 10:52 PM ET
Chuck Fletcher: “Players like Nic Deslauriers are hard to find.”
- funmaster18

Unbelievable. I can’t believe he said that! The only thing missing today was signing Nate Thompson at 12:02pm sharp this afternoon.
Location: Driver's Seat: Mitch Marner bandwagon. Grab 'em by the Corsi.
Joined: 02.04.2009

Jul 13 @ 10:53 PM ET
Chuck Fletcher: “Players like Nic Deslauriers are hard to find.”
- funmaster18

I lol'd at that one. 😂
Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Jul 13 @ 10:58 PM ET
Well. We got what we wanted. Him to sign low end guys and to let the crap roster be crap to get better picks in a deep draft. Few sells at the tdl and we can begin the rebuild that everyone female doged about. However, some of you just love to be miserable and female dog about anything. (frank), we could win the cup and some of you will give Hextall the credit and female dog we got lucky. This site is hilarious.
- Deasr1

Amen! I was saying this earlier...isn't this what most people wanted? Meaning for us to suck this year and get a potential star in a deep draft? If we signed JG at soon to be age 29 for 7 years, this place also would've went nuts. As I always say, there are more important things in life than obsessing over the Flyers, Fletcher, Hexy, RR, and now ND, etc.
NC Flyers Fan
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.19.2018

Jul 13 @ 10:59 PM ET
Chuck Fletcher: “Players like Nic Deslauriers are hard to find.”
- funmaster18

Look at his contract history. You would think he had some big breakthrough last season to get that kind of raise in salary and term!


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Joined: 09.01.2012

Jul 13 @ 11:00 PM ET
I lol'd at that one. 😂
- Tomahawk

Oh boy, Kevin Hayes at 7.14 million for 7 years is still the raining champion. I didn’t know it came with a “bring a couple buddies in clause” but Nic Deslauriers coming at 1.9 million over 4 years is a close second.
Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Jul 13 @ 11:01 PM ET
Chuck Fletcher: “Players like Nic Deslauriers are hard to find.”
- funmaster18

Lmao! Yes, that part was hilarious. I don't see any use complaining but Chuck is definitely delusional by making a statement like that.
Philadelphia Flyers
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Joined: 03.20.2020

Jul 13 @ 11:01 PM ET

Absolutely clueless.

(Stabilizing with a Vengeance!)

- Tomahawk

This sounds like a defeated man trying to put lipstick on the pig of his offseason moves. Almost like he's resigned to the fact that he's getting fired. Then again, Dave Scott is probably the only one in the org that is more incompetent that CF.

Another year of forgetting when the Flyers game is on TV.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jul 13 @ 11:01 PM ET
Hextall was fired on November 26th. Interesting Fletcher was hired 1 week later. Point being if season gets off to a rough start, good chance Fletcher is gone by Christmas.
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Joined: 09.01.2012

Jul 13 @ 11:02 PM ET
Lmao! Yes, that part was hilarious. I don't see any use complaining but Chuck is definitely delusional by making a statement like that.
- Don Nachbaur

He made a couple comments about feeling much improved and I think he said something about improving the power play. If he thinks DeAngelo is gonna improve the power play alone, he’s sadly mistaken. He also said something about DeAngelo being on the top pair. It wasn’t just one dumb comment.
NC Flyers Fan
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.19.2018

Jul 13 @ 11:06 PM ET
He made a couple comments about feeling much improved and I think he said something about improving the power play. If he thinks DeAngelo is gonna improve the power play alone, he’s sadly mistaken.
- SuperSchennBros

Do they have a PP coach yet? Who is this miracle-working mastermind?

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Joined: 09.01.2012

Jul 13 @ 11:09 PM ET
Do they have a PP coach yet? Who is this miracle-working mastermind?
- NC Flyers Fan

He also said something about DeAngelo being on the top pair. It wasn’t just one dumb comment.
NC Flyers Fan
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.19.2018

Jul 13 @ 11:12 PM ET
He also said something about DeAngelo being on the top pair. It wasn’t just one dumb comment.
- SuperSchennBros

I’m sure. Just bewildered by whatever this “plan” is.

Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Jul 13 @ 11:13 PM ET
He made a couple comments about feeling much improved and I think he said something about improving the power play. If he thinks DeAngelo is gonna improve the power play alone, he’s sadly mistaken. He also said something about DeAngelo being on the top pair. It wasn’t just one dumb comment.
- SuperSchennBros

Yikes! I didn't see the presser but going to check it out now for a few laughs. I didn't want it, but really thought they'd go for JG to try to squeak into the playoffs. I'm even more surprised that they made moves that won't help the team at all.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jul 13 @ 11:17 PM ET
I guess we all misheard Chuck and he was actually just hiring an aggressive tool
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Jul 13 @ 11:20 PM ET

Absolutely clueless.

(Stabilizing with a Vengeance!)

- Tomahawk
No way in hell. I will NEVER listen to another presser from this turd. In fact, I don't think I've listened to one yet? The next Flyers presser I will listen to will be the one that is introducing a new GM after this turd is fired. This man is a disgrace and just may be the worst GM in all of sports. It seriously seems as if he is throwing darts at a dartboard to make his decisions. I say...I say...that man is bout as sharp as a bowlin ball.
Location: Not protected by the Mods...I mean Mob. Take your best shot!
Joined: 09.01.2012

Jul 13 @ 11:29 PM ET
Yikes! I didn't see the presser but going to check it out now for a few laughs. I didn't want it, but really thought they'd go for JG to try to squeak into the playoffs. I'm even more surprised that they made moves that won't help the team at all.
- Don Nachbaur

How do you (frank) up a buyout? It seemed like a good idea IF nobody wanted Lindblom…except the Sharks wanted Lindblom at practically the same price and multiple years.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Jul 13 @ 11:34 PM ET
So basically the Flyers couldn't afford Johnny Hockey because of Hexy's signing of JVR. Wow, the last 2 GMs of this team have sucked. I see Hexy signing all the gray beards to extended contracts in Pitt! Ba ha, ruin that organization. Thanks! Giroux to Ottawa(sorry just catching up on things this evening)? So much for that relentless chase of the elusive silver chalice. Eh what?
Pixote Andolini
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: South Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 07.23.2007

Jul 13 @ 11:48 PM ET
The fact that Ryan Ellis and his camp won't come clean with whatever the issue is for a year after signing a deal here speaks volumes as to the collapse of this once respected franchise. LOL Deslausiers for almost 2M hahaha.
Pixote Andolini
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: South Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 07.23.2007

Jul 13 @ 11:53 PM ET
The fact that Ryan Ellis and his camp won't come clean with whatever the issue is for a year after signing a deal here speaks volumes as to the collapse of this once respected franchise. LOL Deslausiers for almost 2M hahaha.
- Pixote Andolini

It's actually fun rooting for other teams now. I honestly hope they just get creamed and embarrassed to the extent that Comcast realizes their corpratocracy alongside the Flyers front office, which has just been a cliquey hot mess for decades now, will have to consider a more measured and serious approach beyond free agent band-aid stupidity, inept scouts, and the staffing of a model and a muppet to promote their ongoing kabuki theater — isn't quite cutting it.
NC Flyers Fan
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.19.2018

Jul 13 @ 11:59 PM ET
I guess we all misheard Chuck and he was actually just hiring an aggressive tool
- anti-lame

Joined: 06.09.2021

Jul 14 @ 12:22 AM ET
So basically the Flyers couldn't afford Johnny Hockey because of Hexy's signing of JVR. Wow, the last 2 GMs of this team have sucked. I see Hexy signing all the gray beards to extended contracts in Pitt! Ba ha, ruin that organization. Thanks! Giroux to Ottawa(sorry just catching up on things this evening)? So much for that relentless chase of the elusive silver chalice. Eh what?
- Phillywhiteout

You truly are the stupidest person in this thread
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Morgantown, PA
Joined: 01.21.2011

Jul 14 @ 12:42 AM ET
I killed the Rangers for signing Reaves. Dude offers nothing at 5 on 5 and doesn’t play special teams. Somehow the Flyers found a player that contributes less and signed him for 4 years. CF should have received his promotion already.
Joe Nardone
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Medicine Hat
Joined: 07.05.2018

Jul 14 @ 12:46 AM ET
1500 comments. Flyers fans at least care I’ll say that. Might disagree on a ton of shyt, but this day is one of the very best days in flyers free agent day history.

Who in their right might thought spending 70 mill on Johnny hockey was a good idea? I don’t buy for a second that Fletcher wanted him anyway. Devils prob running the number up on Philly. Not confident they wanted him either as either team could have figured out 9.5 mill. Who objectively can look at this team and think - sure let me drop 70 mill and a huge chunk of my cap on a winger at almost 39 years old?

You want to criticize them for giving the goon penalty killer 2 mill - that’s fine, but not signing JG might have been the best move a flyers GM has done in a long time.
Joe Nardone
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Medicine Hat
Joined: 07.05.2018

Jul 14 @ 12:47 AM ET
I killed the Rangers for signing Reaves. Dude offers nothing at 5 on 5 and doesn’t play special teams. Somehow the Flyers found a player that contributes less and signed him for 4 years. CF should have received his promotion already.
- mickel25

He does kill penalties actually
For what it’s worth
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