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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: Toronto Maple Leafs Top-40 Prospects - #24
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Aug 23 @ 5:33 PM ET
Can't wait to hear the doom and gloom crew now pivot to find something negative in this, I'm sure it will start with not enough term........oh wait I see it's already started, how shocking.

I don't mind it at all - risk on both sides of it.

Risk for the team who gives him his next contract (even if it's not Toronto) is that it'll be his monster 7 or 8 year deal to let him sail into or close to retirement that kicks in when he is what 31?

Risk for Matthews is his production tapers or he becomes injury prone between now and then and loses out on some $ etc.

I think by then the Leafs will be able to offer him the "C" to stay.

I like it and wonder what McJesus will be looking for when his current 12.5M per season contract ends? JT's current deal will be over the year before McDavid's......let the McJesus coming home in his Leaf's Jammies rumours run wild!

I guess Matthews decided he wanted to stay up in Canada vs going to a US team despite the high taxes and how much the Leafs suck!

Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 23 @ 5:34 PM ET

Just like Mcdavid and Mack

They are underpaid.

AM could have taken the leafs to the cleaners, or any team if he wanted to.

He did not.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Aug 23 @ 5:37 PM ET
Doesn't feel like much of a hometown discount though does it? Kind of what it should be, but no real bargain compared to McKinnon etc...
- Leaffrog

It's less than 1M more than McDavid who signed his deal back in 2018 as well as being less than 1M more than McKinnon - feels like a deal to me.

I just realized that McKinnon makes more starting this year than McDavid.
Canada Cup
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Not here to sell jerseys , ON
Joined: 07.06.2007

Aug 23 @ 5:40 PM ET
Uh? Expected by who?
Its in the middle of what many thought.
3-5 years.

- Fakepartofme

Uh, expected by me. I literally said 1 year more than I thought. I’ve been saying for a year that I thought he’d sign a 3 year deal so he can cash in again when the cap is higher and he’s still near the top of his game.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Aug 23 @ 5:40 PM ET

Just like Mcdavid and Mack

They are underpaid.

AM could have taken the leafs to the cleaners, or any team if he wanted to.

He did not.

- Santo_44

This is what I have been hoping for from the big contract guys in Toronto - to do what teams like Boston have done and take a bit less to allow the team to sign what they need etc.

Matthews absolutely did this - to your point he could have for sure got more from Toronto and likely A LOT more from other teams but he didn't go that route.

Let's hope Willy and down the road Marner and others follow his lead.

I am fairly convinced JT will take a very reasonable contract to retire a Leaf and stay with the team & even give up the C to the 'next generation'.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 23 @ 5:41 PM ET
Doesn't feel like much of a hometown discount though does it? Kind of what it should be, but no real bargain compared to McKinnon etc...
- Leaffrog

He could've asked/demanded over $14M, imo.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: ON
Joined: 06.28.2011

Aug 23 @ 5:41 PM ET
Matthews deal seems good.

Technically they have him tied up for 5 seasons now.

If leafs don’t get it done in 5 then they’re probably starting to retool anyways. I think this is good.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 04.22.2014

Aug 23 @ 5:42 PM ET
Can't wait to hear the doom and gloom crew now pivot to find something negative in this, I'm sure it will start with not enough term........oh wait I see it's already started, how shocking.

I don't mind it at all - risk on both sides of it.

Risk for the team who gives him his next contract (even if it's not Toronto) is that it'll be his monster 7 or 8 year deal to let him sail into or close to retirement that kicks in when he is what 31?

Risk for Matthews is his production tapers or he becomes injury prone between now and then and loses out on some $ etc.

I think by then the Leafs will be able to offer him the "C" to stay.

I like it and wonder what McJesus will be looking for when his current 12.5M per season contract ends? JT's current deal will be over the year before McDavid's......let the McJesus coming home in his Leaf's Jammies rumours run wild!

I guess Matthews decided he wanted to stay up in Canada vs going to a US team despite the high taxes and how much the Leafs suck!

- Cush29

I'd bet Matthews never takes a 7 or 8 year deal in his career. He's constantly trying to push the envelope for hockey players getting paid. Quite honestly, he should. 13 million is Kikuchi on the jays or some other middle of the road pitcher. Kinda nuts in comparison.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 23 @ 5:43 PM ET
This is what I have been hoping for from the big contract guys in Toronto - to do what teams like Boston have done and take a bit less to allow the team to sign what they need etc.

Matthews absolutely did this - to your point he could have for sure got more from Toronto and likely A LOT more from other teams but he didn't go that route.

Let's hope Willy and down the road Marner and others follow his lead.

I am fairly convinced JT will take a very reasonable contract to retire a Leaf and stay with the team & even give up the C to the 'next generation'.

- Cush29

Yep, could have gotten 14-15M if he wanted to.

Honestly in free agency probably even more.

Time for Willy to follow suit. Matthews production on paper is worth more than what he received.
Canada Cup
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Not here to sell jerseys , ON
Joined: 07.06.2007

Aug 23 @ 5:46 PM ET
Yep, could have gotten 14-15M if he wanted to.

Honestly in free agency probably even more.

Time for Willy to follow suit. Matthews production on paper is worth more than what he received.

- Santo_44

I think Willie still believes he got the short end of the stick compared to Matthews/Marner. My guess is that he wants a little bit of catch up but Matthews reigning in his deal makes that a bit easier.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Aug 23 @ 5:50 PM ET
It's less than 1M more than McDavid who signed his deal back in 2018 as well as being less than 1M more than McKinnon - feels like a deal to me.

I just realized that McKinnon makes more starting this year than McDavid.

- Cush29

Mac has a cup.
Mcd signed many moons ago.

Lets just hope that cap gets to 100m in the next 2 -3 years
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 23 @ 5:52 PM ET
I'd bet Matthews never takes a 7 or 8 year deal in his career. He's constantly trying to push the envelope for hockey players getting paid. Quite honestly, he should. 13 million is Kikuchi on the jays or some other middle of the road pitcher. Kinda nuts in comparison.
- Aaron_85

That's MLB leading ERA since the All-Star break Kikuchi to you, sir.
Canada Cup
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Not here to sell jerseys , ON
Joined: 07.06.2007

Aug 23 @ 5:53 PM ET
That's MLB leading ERA since the All-Star break Kikuchi to you, sir.
- GreatGigInTheSky

And (frank) the Mariners


I’m kind of surprised that Anderson didn’t try to fight anyone for getting a ball in helmet
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Aug 23 @ 5:55 PM ET
I'd bet Matthews never takes a 7 or 8 year deal in his career. He's constantly trying to push the envelope for hockey players getting paid. Quite honestly, he should. 13 million is Kikuchi on the jays or some other middle of the road pitcher. Kinda nuts in comparison.
- Aaron_85

Maybe his next deal will be longer?
He'll be 31 then
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 23 @ 5:56 PM ET
Mac has a cup.
Mcd signed many moons ago.

Lets just hope that cap gets to 100m in the next 2 -3 years

- Fakepartofme

That honestly makes Matthews' contract better.

Signed it so long ago and Matthews still only barely got more.

And I think the CAP going up is assured. $10ish million in a couple years.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Aug 23 @ 5:56 PM ET
Mac has a cup.
Mcd signed many moons ago.

Lets just hope that cap gets to 100m in the next 2 -3 years

- Fakepartofme

So because he has won a single cup he deserves more money than McDavid?

I guess old Fatty Patty Maroon should be the highest paid player in the league then right? (yes it was a joke)

McDavid signed in 2018/2019 - that's not eons ago but sure it's not today, but it was a max term deal so he could have asked for more if he wanted to and thought it would be paid to him.

More people will view this as a good deal than a bad one, even if the cap doesn't go up to 100M.

Matthews at 13.25M would be perceived by most as fair value for money this season never mind next when he actually gets the bump in pay.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Aug 23 @ 5:57 PM ET
And (frank) the Mariners


I’m kind of surprised that Anderson didn’t try to fight anyone for getting a ball in helmet

- Canada Cup

Will the mariners ever lose?

Of course they will....but they are becoming a thorn.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 23 @ 5:58 PM ET
And (frank) the Mariners


I’m kind of surprised that Anderson didn’t try to fight anyone for getting a ball in helmet

- Canada Cup

Was watching live. Got so caught up with Matthews that I forgot to quote my post early on page 1 about the White Sox (frank)ing us.

Anderson's first game back from suspension, so maybe he wanted to cool it a bit.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 06.30.2018

Aug 23 @ 5:58 PM ET
It's less than 1M more than McDavid who signed his deal back in 2018 as well as being less than 1M more than McKinnon - feels like a deal to me.

I just realized that McKinnon makes more starting this year than McDavid.

- Cush29

They just mentioned percentage of Cap when the big contracts were signed. Matthews just under 16% of cap while McJesus was just over 16% of cap at time of signing. Let's remember, that was an 8 year deal, and not a 4 year deal. Not terrible, and sure, Matthews could have signed for more, but 8 years would have been expected for any number that was considerably more.

It works, sure, but it's no big home town discount.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Aug 23 @ 5:59 PM ET
Maybe his next deal will be longer?
He'll be 31 then

- Fakepartofme

I think he will go for a max term deal at 31 for sure. 7 years elsewhere or 8 in Toronto but I guess we will see.

By then maybe he will have busted out pics of him in his Arizona PJ's and want to 'go home' a la JT.

I'll consider allowing it provided he has brought lord Stanley back to Toronto at least once.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Aug 23 @ 6:01 PM ET
They just mentioned percentage of Cap when the big contracts were signed. Matthews just under 16% of cap while McJesus was just over 16% of cap at time of signing. Let's remember, that was an 8 year deal, and not a 4 year deal. Not terrible, and sure, Matthews could have signed for more, but 8 years would have been expected for any number that was considerably more.

It works, sure, but it's no big home town discount.

- Leaffrog

Less than what he could have got is a discount.

Anyone who thought he'd take equal pay or a pay cut after what he has done while playing under the current contract was setting themselves up for disappointment.

What do you think he would / could have got on the open market? I'd say even on a 4 year deal the # starts at 14M if it's a team other than Toronto.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: ON
Joined: 06.28.2011

Aug 23 @ 6:02 PM ET
Who knows after 5 years from now maybe Matthews isn’t producing like 15 million dollar player. Like Cush said I think there is definitely risk for both sides here but more so for the player imo.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Aug 23 @ 6:03 PM ET
So because he has won a single cup he deserves more money than McDavid?

I guess old Fatty Patty Maroon should be the highest paid player in the league then right? (yes it was a joke)

McDavid signed in 2018/2019 - that's not eons ago but sure it's not today, but it was a max term deal so he could have asked for more if he wanted to and thought it would be paid to him.

More people will view this as a good deal than a bad one, even if the cap doesn't go up to 100M.

Matthews at 13.25M would be perceived by most as fair value for money this season never mind next when he actually gets the bump in pay.

- Cush29

Then mcds cap that he signed 5 years ago?
Doesn't mean he is better, but its all about cap percentage.
Mcds and drysaddles next deals will be interesting.
Would have preferred another year or two but cest la vie.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Aug 23 @ 6:04 PM ET
Hopefully willie is next.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Aug 23 @ 6:04 PM ET
Who knows after 5 years from now maybe Matthews isn’t producing like 15 million dollar player. Like Cush said I think there is definitely risk for both sides here but more so for the player imo.
- bryant

Very true
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