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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: Toronto Maple Leafs Top-40 Prospects - #24
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 23 @ 9:50 PM ET
Auston Matthews is a Maple Leaf.

Guess he's banking on Arizona's rebuild being complete in 5 years.

- Zezel

Odds are better than not that Arizona is relocated by then. Maybe that's what Matthews is thinking.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 23 @ 9:52 PM ET
Hilarious that this signing isn't on HB yet
- Zezel

Only a matter of time until it's up with it's source: Eklund
The Law
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 01.29.2008

Aug 23 @ 9:55 PM ET
Hilarious that this signing isn't on HB yet
- Zezel

Even the best have to sleep sometimes.

Plus he's hot on the trail of this Nylander to the Isles story.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: The Slovakian Jagr, QC
Joined: 02.25.2007

Aug 23 @ 10:02 PM ET
Hilarious that this signing isn't on HB yet
- Zezel

Ek is waiting for the right moment to break out the news.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Everybody calm down, AB
Joined: 07.24.2011

Aug 23 @ 10:04 PM ET
Ek is waiting for the right moment to break out the news.
- Scabeh

He’s waiting to post his Willy to NYI article.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Vancouver Island, BC
Joined: 01.18.2015

Aug 23 @ 10:11 PM ET
The jays and richards absolutely falling apart
- Fakepartofme

Brutal hitting approach, ALWAYS!

Jays did not draw a walk in tonight’s game
What a fn joke
Detroit Red Wings
Joined: 04.11.2018

Aug 23 @ 10:17 PM ET
Not sure he hits 120pts but im guessing he ask for 12.5m per
I could see the leafs extend wiile, sign McDavid in a few years and move on from Mitch

- Fakepartofme

He will put up points if AM34 lights it up that’s for certain. He should be massaging Austons muscles and making sore his training off-season is rollin’! Marner needs a big couple years from Matthews for sure leading up to next contract.

Great sign by Tree great numbers all around and term - massive win to me.
Detroit Red Wings
Joined: 04.11.2018

Aug 23 @ 10:20 PM ET
Never thought he should take a pay cut. That's preposterous. But when you compare the contract to McKinnon's signed just last year after winning the cup and at 15.29% of cap for an 8 year deal, 15.99% of cap for a 4 year deal doesn't feel like he's done the team any favours right?

Could he have asked for more, sure! Could he have gotten more, sure! Is this a home town discount that was intimated earlier this year to help spread around more money for better players to surround him, no...

Not crapping on this deal. I'm glad he's here for the next 5 years, and Matthews will likely go down as the greatest Leaf ever.

- Leaffrog

I would bet the farm on that personally
Detroit Red Wings
Joined: 04.11.2018

Aug 23 @ 10:23 PM ET
He only signed for five years because he wanted to bleed every cent out of this team he could. Which is also why he re-signed for four years, so he can do it again and swing for the fences for 8 years at age 29-39. Great player, but all about the cashish with this cat, it's pretty clear.
- fifty__missions

Jesus H bud! Take er’ down eh.

If I’m tree I don’t want more than 5 to be honest. A lot changes things happen and frankly I don’t like the 8 yr unless it’s unreal number.

This is a perfect term at a perfect number to me. He could easily have tested and gotten 14+ no problem
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The Name Of The Game Is Hockey, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Aug 23 @ 10:36 PM ET
Jesus H bud! Take er’ down eh.

If I’m tree I don’t want more than 5 to be honest. A lot changes things happen and frankly I don’t like the 8 yr unless it’s unreal number.

This is a perfect term at a perfect number to me. He could easily have tested and gotten 14+ no problem

- Big23Questions

He's also taking a risk because without a 7 or 8 year deal, a career-ending injury leaves tens of millions of dollars on the table.
Season Ticket Holder
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: ON
Joined: 01.24.2011

Aug 23 @ 10:37 PM ET
He will put up points if AM34 lights it up that’s for certain. He should be massaging Austons muscles and making sore his training off-season is rollin’! Marner needs a big couple years from Matthews for sure leading up to next contract.

Great sign by Tree great numbers all around and term - massive win to me.

- Big23Questions

Leafs should play Marner with Tavares and on 2nd PP to see just how much he drives play
Detroit Red Wings
Joined: 04.11.2018

Aug 23 @ 10:38 PM ET
He's also taking a risk because without a 7 or 8 year deal, a career-ending injury leaves tens of millions of dollars on the table.
- Zezel

Yup I agree man. He left cash on the table and as you said takes that risk.

If JT wasn’t here that’s the C to me. Commitment to both sides of the puck since game 1 in his career. Took him some time as a centre to find that footing but the commitment was there no doubt. He could float and be lazy but he is not. Absolute unit of a 2 way player
Boston Bruins
Location: ON
Joined: 06.20.2012

Aug 23 @ 10:40 PM ET

Just like Mcdavid and Mack

They are underpaid.

AM could have taken the leafs to the cleaners, or any team if he wanted to.

He did not.

- Santo_44

13.25 is underpaid?

Detroit Red Wings
Joined: 04.11.2018

Aug 23 @ 10:40 PM ET
Leafs should play Marner with Tavares and on 2nd PP to see just how much he drives play

- jribout

For sure his numbers would go down. He’s still put up serious numbers he is a real good offensive player no doubt but to me it’s around 80-90 in that scenario.
Matthews scored 40 as a Rookie with like Kapennen sometimes Johnsson Hyman. 34 scores regardless who he plays with he has proven that. I think Marner helps for sure to get around 60 for sure - Marner makes some real talented passes but 34 still gets 50 without him all day and still is unreal in all 3 zones and in the dot
Detroit Red Wings
Joined: 04.11.2018

Aug 23 @ 10:41 PM ET
13.25 is underpaid?

- Nasty_Duck

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The Name Of The Game Is Hockey, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Aug 23 @ 10:44 PM ET
Leafs should play Marner with Tavares and on 2nd PP to see just how much he drives play

- jribout

Babcock played him with Tavares the year JT got 47 goals...
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Aug 23 @ 10:51 PM ET
Don’t say that to the cush guy, he will get incredibly triggered
- optimus-reim

Oh you got me I’m so Triggered.

Man you just prove what an idiot you are nearly every single time you post.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 23 @ 10:56 PM ET
13.25 is underpaid?

- Nasty_Duck

/Cam Robinson/
Auston Matthews' new mega-deal for 13.5M makes him the highest-paid NHLer

It would also make him the...

• 113th highest-paid player in the NBA
• 103rd highest-paid player in the MLB
• 88th highest-paid player in the NFL

So basically he's a peasant in the pro sports world.


Boston Bruins
Location: ON
Joined: 06.20.2012

Aug 23 @ 10:58 PM ET
- Big23Questions

Under his current deal he was ranked 4th in Cap-hit and 11th in scoring over the 7 years he's been in the league.

Better hope he actually plays better, or IMO he's not underpaid...
Season Ticket Holder
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: ON
Joined: 01.24.2011

Aug 23 @ 10:59 PM ET
Babcock played him with Tavares the year JT got 47 goals...
- Zezel

I think JT has regressed considerably since then. But if Marner can still get JT to 47 goals then it is a no brainer.
Season Ticket Holder
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: ON
Joined: 01.24.2011

Aug 23 @ 10:59 PM ET
Babcock played him with Tavares the year JT got 47 goals...
- Zezel

I think JT has regressed considerably since then. But if Marner can still get JT to 47 goals then it is a no brainer.
Season Ticket Holder
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: ON
Joined: 01.24.2011

Aug 23 @ 10:59 PM ET
Under his current deal he was ranked 4th in Cap-hit and 11th in scoring over the 7 years he's been in the league.

Better hope he actually plays better, or IMO he's not underpaid...

- Nasty_Duck

Yeah but he is also great defensively
Season Ticket Holder
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: ON
Joined: 01.24.2011

Aug 23 @ 11:00 PM ET
Under his current deal he was ranked 4th in Cap-hit and 11th in scoring over the 7 years he's been in the league.

Better hope he actually plays better, or IMO he's not underpaid...

- Nasty_Duck

And I think by underpaid people refer to what he would get on the open market.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The Name Of The Game Is Hockey, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Aug 23 @ 11:01 PM ET
Under his current deal he was ranked 4th in Cap-hit and 11th in scoring over the 7 years he's been in the league.

Better hope he actually plays better, or IMO he's not underpaid...

- Nasty_Duck

How about goals scored over that time?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Aug 23 @ 11:01 PM ET
Under his current deal he was ranked 4th in Cap-hit and 11th in scoring over the 7 years he's been in the league.

Better hope he actually plays better, or IMO he's not underpaid...

- Nasty_Duck

Doesn’t he have more goals than anyone else since he’s been in the league?
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