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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: Toronto Maple Leafs Top-40 Prospects - #24
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: I'm sick of your "I play real , NC
Joined: 07.11.2006

Aug 24 @ 10:12 AM ET
Mike Augello: Toronto Maple Leafs Top-40 Prospects - #24
- mikeinbuffalo

you lost me at “diminutive”😡🤦🏿‍♂️

douglas would’ve been #1 but dufuss gave him away for nothing 😭🤦🏿‍♂️

what a (frank)ing joke 🤦‍♂️

edit: nice alliteration 👍🏿
Boston Bruins
Location: ON
Joined: 06.20.2012

Aug 24 @ 10:13 AM ET
Lol ya I'm not wasting my time "proving otherwise" thanks I know what I read and have read in the past from you. This would include your outrage about Bunting's elbow in last year's playoffs and then your turtle impression and almost silence until you were pressed endlessly when a Bruin's player committed a hit that was at least as dirty if not more so.

The Big Bad Bruins can do no wrong thought right?

I happened to take a peek in the Boston blog yesterday and saw someone had posted an opinion that was negative (Hawks fan I believe) and everyone jumped down his throat - guess you missed that eh? It happens in EVERY teams thread - It's amazing you can't comprehend that when it happens to you here.

It's equally amazing you can't see or understand your own hypocrisy.

Keep back peddling though it's cute.

- Cush29

1) wasn't a Bruin player - someone tried to get me to comment on a player from a different team for an infraction which I did not see. later on had a chance to view it and of course it was an infraction that deserved supplemental penalty. Maybe you can revisit that post so you have the facts. If a Bruins player pulls a dumbass move I call them out.

2) That Hawks fan hasn't just made one post that was a difference of opinion. He's been posting to multiple Bruins blogs multiple times trash talking the team. You comparing my post to what he was doing just indicates you are cherry-picking to make your point.

Maybe you can't be objective when commenting on players of the team you cheer for. I think I can.

Example is David Pastrnak. Over the past 4 years he's scored only 4 points less than Matthews, but just signed a new contract for a CAP hit of 2M less than Matthews. I do NOT think Pasta is underpaid. He arguably might be slightly overpaid as I don't think he will average 95+ pts / 50 goals over the life of the contract, which for the 11M he needs to. But Bruins had to sign him.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Name the Traitors!, AB
Joined: 06.29.2006

Aug 24 @ 10:21 AM ET

From the article:

I love playing in Edmonton, and I really feel at home there. Lauren loves being in Edmonton. There are a lot -a lot of things that check the boxes for us in Edmonton. We're super comfortable there. But with that all being said, it's three years down the road. We've got to kind of see where our lives are at and kind of go from there.

I don't say that to raise eyebrows or cause panic. It's just the way that it is. But love playing in Edmonton, I'm 100 per cent committed to winning in Edmonton with this group..

Stoke the fires of the "AM and MC Jesus have a secret plot to play together in Toronto when MC David's current contract is up". lol

As much as people in Edmonton hate Toronto already this would push it to next level stuff! Now just imagine if Matthews had said anything of the sorts to the media before he re-upped!!!!

- Cush29

no one loves being in Edmonton
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: I'm sick of your "I play real , NC
Joined: 07.11.2006

Aug 24 @ 10:22 AM ET
The cap was expected to go up for for McDavid too but with Covid everything slowed down. I think Matthews only taking less than 2 million a year isn’t bad at all considering. These next 5 years are key either way.
- bryant

you misspelled “tyrannical government”🤦‍♂️
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Aug 24 @ 10:25 AM ET
1) wasn't a Bruin player - someone tried to get me to comment on a player from a different team for an infraction which I did not see. later on had a chance to view it and of course it was an infraction that deserved supplemental penalty. Maybe you can revisit that post so you have the facts. If a Bruins player pulls a dumbass move I call them out.

2) That Hawks fan hasn't just made one post that was a difference of opinion. He's been posting to multiple Bruins blogs multiple times trash talking the team. You comparing my post to what he was doing just indicates you are cherry-picking to make your point.

Maybe you can't be objective when commenting on players of the team you cheer for. I think I can.

Example is David Pastrnak. Over the past 4 years he's scored only 4 points less than Matthews, but just signed a new contract for a CAP hit of 2M less than Matthews. I do NOT think Pasta is underpaid. He arguably might be slightly overpaid as I don't think he will average 95+ pts / 50 goals over the life of the contract, which for the 11M he needs to. But Bruins had to sign him.

- Nasty_Duck

Thanks for the laugh re: you being objective & my inability to be that's a cute attempt at deflection.

Matthews > Pasta by a country mile - it's not even close.

And if you want to re-visit things here is a lovely video of a super clean hit by a Bruin from last years playoffs, this is the hit I was referring to (and I think you knew that but whatever):


My point about the Bruins blog is that it's the same as every other blog - those who go in with negative (trolling) comments face backlash and are called out. This blog is actually far more tolerant than many of the other blogs are to that behaviour but again that doesn't' fit your narrative of being innocent and not trolling.

Tell yourself you're objective and not trolling all you like, others see it differently and I'm not alone in that opinion but I'm done debating it with you.

You can post whatever you like, much ijn the same way as people can claim you're trolling when you post those comments, not sure why it bothers you so much but that's your issue.

Boston Bruins
Location: ON
Joined: 06.20.2012

Aug 24 @ 10:32 AM ET
Thanks for the laugh re: you being objective & my inability to be that's a cute attempt at deflection.

Matthews > Pasta by a country mile - it's not even close.

And if you want to re-visit things here is a lovely video of a super clean hit by a Bruin from last years playoffs, this is the hit I was referring to (and I think you knew that but whatever):


My point about the Bruins blog is that it's the same as every other blog - those who go in with negative (trolling) comments face backlash and are called out. This blog is actually far more tolerant than many of the other blogs are to that behaviour but again that doesn't' fit your narrative of being innocent and not trolling.

Tell yourself you're objective and not trolling all you like, others see it differently and I'm not alone in that opinion but I'm done debating it with you.

You can post whatever you like, much ijn the same way as people can claim you're trolling when you post those comments, not sure why it bothers you so much but that's your issue.

- Cush29

Oh my.

And what was my reaction to that hit you've posted? You must have it handy if you were able to recall video of the hit...

(If I recalled it I would have said so. Of course that's a bad infraction - elbow to the head)
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Aug 24 @ 10:37 AM ET
you misspelled “tyrannical government”🤦‍♂️
- Skalapy

I hate how everything went back to normal after - they just did that to discredit those of us who were on to their power grab.
Atomic Wedgie
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The centre of the hockey universe
Joined: 07.31.2006

Aug 24 @ 10:38 AM ET

From the article:

I love playing in Edmonton, and I really feel at home there. Lauren loves being in Edmonton. There are a lot -a lot of things that check the boxes for us in Edmonton. We're super comfortable there. But with that all being said, it's three years down the road. We've got to kind of see where our lives are at and kind of go from there.

I don't say that to raise eyebrows or cause panic. It's just the way that it is. But love playing in Edmonton, I'm 100 per cent committed to winning in Edmonton with this group..

Stoke the fires of the "AM and MC Jesus have a secret plot to play together in Toronto when MC David's current contract is up". lol

As much as people in Edmonton hate Toronto already this would push it to next level stuff! Now just imagine if Matthews had said anything of the sorts to the media before he re-upped!!!!

- Cush29

This means absolutely nothing.

What Tavares said before leaving the Island meant nothing.

What Stamkos said before staying in Tampa meant nothing.

What every single pro athlete says about staying with their current team means absolutely nothing.

I seem to recall there was a guy on Columbus who flat out said he wasn't re-signing - that's about the only time I can think where a player told the truth.

And FYI - the same goes for Matthews. There's a lot of Leafs fans this morning who are saying they always knew he was going to re-sign in Toronto.

No, you didn't know. You had no way of knowing. You wished and hoped, but you didn't know.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 09.24.2013

Aug 24 @ 10:39 AM ET
This means absolutely nothing.

What Tavares said before leaving the Island meant nothing.

What Stamkos said before staying in Tampa meant nothing.

What every single pro athlete says about staying with their current team means absolutely nothing.

I seem to recall there was a guy on Columbus who flat out said he wasn't re-signing - that's about the only time I can think where a player told the truth.

And FYI - the same goes for Matthews. There's a lot of Leafs fans this morning who are saying they always knew he was going to re-sign in Toronto.

No, you didn't know. You had no way of knowing. You wished and hoped, but you didn't know.

- Atomic Wedgie

what about basketball
Atomic Wedgie
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The centre of the hockey universe
Joined: 07.31.2006

Aug 24 @ 10:43 AM ET
I hate how everything went back to normal after - they just did that to discredit those of us who were on to their power grab.
- Zezel

You know what the worst part is?

The United States' death rate from COVID was 2.5 times higher than Canada's.

So there's still a lot more sheep living in Canada who the government can continue to manipulate.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 24 @ 10:44 AM ET
Hes not underpaid and neither is the nhl considering their popularity in the states.
Thats what drives their revenue and pay.
Doesnt matter that hes a top 5 player in the league, its the 4th or 5th popular sport in the states and the gap is still pretty wide

- Fakepartofme

Yes they are

The NHL has stood still and it's entirely their own doing. Every other league keeps raising it's ceiling, but the NHL refuses to do so.

The players, agents, and NHLPA have repeatedly brought up this fact, and they're right. The league is more profitable every single season, and the only ones benefiting from it are the owners.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 24 @ 10:45 AM ET
Compared to my laughable effort, I'm extremely overpaid😁
- 21peter

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Name the Traitors!, AB
Joined: 06.29.2006

Aug 24 @ 10:45 AM ET
You know what the worst part is?

The United States' death rate from COVID was 2.5 times higher than Canada's.

So there's still a lot more sheep living in Canada who the government can continue to manipulate.

- Atomic Wedgie

im gonna hazard a guess that the obesity rate in the US was roughly 2.5x higher than Canadas
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 24 @ 10:47 AM ET
poor internet in his basement, give him a break.

We could always go back to Howard Berger for rapid "unbias" opinions

- Symba007

He's traded Matthews 20 times in the last few months. Actually. Said it's the smart thing for the team to do.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Aug 24 @ 10:48 AM ET
You know what the worst part is?

The United States' death rate from COVID was 2.5 times higher than Canada's.

So there's still a lot more sheep living in Canada who the government can continue to manipulate.

- Atomic Wedgie

I'll die before I take western medicine like a sheep! Pass me the horse paste!
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Aug 24 @ 10:48 AM ET
im gonna hazard a guess that the obesity rate in the US was roughly 2.5x higher than Canadas
- drexel

I'm gonna know you're wrong.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 24 @ 10:50 AM ET
Or, to put it another way, Nylander will stay.

- Zezel

Yeah, I think Matthews only getting a $1.6M raise bodes well for a Nylander extension.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Aug 24 @ 10:53 AM ET
Happy Independence Day to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 24 @ 10:55 AM ET

From the article:

I love playing in Edmonton, and I really feel at home there. Lauren loves being in Edmonton. There are a lot -a lot of things that check the boxes for us in Edmonton. We're super comfortable there. But with that all being said, it's three years down the road. We've got to kind of see where our lives are at and kind of go from there.

I don't say that to raise eyebrows or cause panic. It's just the way that it is. But love playing in Edmonton, I'm 100 per cent committed to winning in Edmonton with this group..

Stoke the fires of the "AM and MC Jesus have a secret plot to play together in Toronto when MC David's current contract is up". lol

As much as people in Edmonton hate Toronto already this would push it to next level stuff! Now just imagine if Matthews had said anything of the sorts to the media before he re-upped!!!!

- Cush29

I think McJesus 100% loves the thought of playing for the Leafs, but I think the only way he leaves Edmonton is if they continue to fail.

I think it's probably likely he re-signs. Be amazing if he doesn't, though.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: GalacticStone made avi, AB
Joined: 07.04.2006

Aug 24 @ 11:02 AM ET
Or, to put it another way, Nylander will stay.

- Zezel

We can, and we will.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 24 @ 11:07 AM ET
I think McJesus 100% loves the thought of playing for the Leafs, but I think the only way he leaves Edmonton is if they continue to fail.

I think it's probably likely he re-signs. Be amazing if he doesn't, though.

- GreatGigInTheSky

Mcdavid likely doesn't know if he will re sign or not.

It is 3 years away, lots of life stuff is going to happen and likely make that decision for him.

Hyman, RNH, Ekholm, Kane will all be 34 and 37. The core will not be spring chickens anymore. Who knows where EDM will be.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: All Ontario Scientist (Masters Level III)
Joined: 04.11.2018

Aug 24 @ 11:08 AM ET
Oh my.

And what was my reaction to that hit you've posted? You must have it handy if you were able to recall video of the hit...

(If I recalled it I would have said so. Of course that's a bad infraction - elbow to the head)

- Nasty_Duck

Bud you are comparing a one dimensional winger to the best 2way centre in the NHL.
You are throwing up Matthews point totals when his offensive gift is scoring goals not passing. It would be like being all over Marner for not scoring 50 goals. He is a passer.
I might be wrong but your lack of understanding of the game screams Stars and Stripes eh.

Just stay in your own thread if you are gonna chirp and cause crap by pooping on another team. Or don’t! I just don’t see the point of what you are doing…unless being a disappointing troll is actually the objective.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 24 @ 11:11 AM ET
Bud you are comparing a one dimensional winger to the best 2way centre in the NHL.
You are throwing up Matthews point totals when his offensive gift is scoring goals not passing. It would be like being all over Marner for not scoring 50 goals. He is a passer.
I might be wrong but your lack of understanding of the game screams Stars and Stripes eh.

Just stay in your own thread if you are gonna chirp and cause crap by pooping on another team. Or don’t! I just don’t see the point of what you are doing…unless being a disappointing troll is actually the objective.

- Big23Questions

He is just cranky his Bruins are at the end of the road.
Boston Bruins
Location: We’re Too Old, Boston
Joined: 04.03.2013

Aug 24 @ 11:17 AM ET
He is just cranky his Bruins are at the end of the road.
- Santo_44

‘Twas a good road to traverse
Boston Bruins
Location: We’re Too Old, Boston
Joined: 04.03.2013

Aug 24 @ 11:23 AM ET
Matthews seems to be going the NBA contract route. I wonder if it pays off and what the calculations look like being done behind the scenes. He’s definitely testing out an alternative strategy to the 8 year max.

Good deal, would’ve liked more term if I were a Leafs fan. That’s the way she goes.
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