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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: Toronto Maple Leafs Top-40 Prospects - #24
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Atomic Wedgie
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The centre of the hockey universe
Joined: 07.31.2006

Aug 24 @ 11:23 AM ET
‘Twas a good road to traverse
- RickJames77


I feel sorry for losers like you from Boston.

Having to shell out money year after year for expensive playoff tickets to hockey, football, baseball, basketball.

The money I saved over the years from the Leafs choking went to alcohol and therapy, which I needed because of the Leafs choking all the time.
Boston Bruins
Location: We’re Too Old, Boston
Joined: 04.03.2013

Aug 24 @ 11:25 AM ET

I feel sorry for losers like you from Boston.

Having to shell out money year after year for expensive playoff tickets to hockey, football, baseball, basketball.

The money I saved over the years from the Leafs choking went to alcohol and therapy, which I needed because of the Leafs choking all the time.

- Atomic Wedgie

The bill has come due. I’ve already started seeing a therapist and bought LEAPS on $SAM. I’m prepared.

Sort of
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 24 @ 11:25 AM ET
Matthews seems to be going the NBA contract route. I wonder if it pays off and what the calculations look like being done behind the scenes. He’s definitely testing out an alternative strategy to the 8 year max.

Good deal, would’ve liked more term if I were a Leafs fan. That’s the way she goes.

- RickJames77

Who cares, as long as he keeps signing.

Plus we get to laugh at anti leaf fans and doom and gloom leaf fans tell us he will bolt to ARZ or LA again, and then laugh at them when they are wrong.
Tampa Bay Lightning
Location: We shoulda let Uncle Billy finish the job.
Joined: 01.29.2013

Aug 24 @ 11:27 AM ET
Happy Independence Day to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!
- Zezel

Slava Ukraini!

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Aug 24 @ 11:27 AM ET
This means absolutely nothing.

What Tavares said before leaving the Island meant nothing.

What Stamkos said before staying in Tampa meant nothing.

What every single pro athlete says about staying with their current team means absolutely nothing.

I seem to recall there was a guy on Columbus who flat out said he wasn't re-signing - that's about the only time I can think where a player told the truth.

And FYI - the same goes for Matthews. There's a lot of Leafs fans this morning who are saying they always knew he was going to re-sign in Toronto.

No, you didn't know. You had no way of knowing. You wished and hoped, but you didn't know.

- Atomic Wedgie

Although I agree with a lot of what your saying you have to admit the difference between the players you mentioned and most players and what McDavid is quoted as saying is a tad different.

He's saying he wants to win in Edmonton but was really non-committal on the future - specifically him in Edmonton. Most others spout cliches that lead people to believe they want to and likely will resign (and I even think many of them are being honest when they say it) that there was a notable absence of that in this.

That being said it's sports media - there is way more BS than truth to a lot of what is said/printed etc. for sure.

Detroit Red Wings
Location: All Ontario Scientist (Masters Level III)
Joined: 04.11.2018

Aug 24 @ 11:29 AM ET
Good signing, now pay Nylander what he deserves, 5yrs at 10.5M/yr. Marner will get his 12M/yr next summer

Hopefully for the Leafs AM can stay healthy this season and be the player he showed in 21/22, his wrist really seemed to bother him last season for some games.

- Symba007

Ya I mean can’t understand why he wasn’t run of town. 40goals and a fantastic defensive game as a top line centre. Garbage.
Tampa Bay Lightning
Location: We shoulda let Uncle Billy finish the job.
Joined: 01.29.2013

Aug 24 @ 11:29 AM ET
As per Friedman, Matthews' contract has a clause stating that he loses all signing bonuses if he shaves or changes his mustache.
Atomic Wedgie
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The centre of the hockey universe
Joined: 07.31.2006

Aug 24 @ 11:33 AM ET
As per Friedman, Matthews' contract has a clause stating that he loses all signing bonuses if he shaves or changes his mustache.
- GalacticStone

Matthews is a pretty good mustached hockey player, but he'll never measure up to this Leaf:

Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 24 @ 11:38 AM ET
Although I agree with a lot of what your saying you have to admit the difference between the players you mentioned and most players and what McDavid is quoted as saying is a tad different.

He's saying he wants to win in Edmonton but was really non-committal on the future - specifically him in Edmonton. Most others spout cliches that lead people to believe they want to and likely will resign (and I even think many of them are being honest when they say it) that there was a notable absence of that in this.

That being said it's sports media - there is way more BS than truth to a lot of what is said/printed etc. for sure.

- Cush29

I really don't believe Mcdavid knows what he will do...he is just being honest.

It is 3 years away, the fans can think about it but why the (frank) should he care right now? He will be able to go where he wants and get the money he wants.

What Dri decides to do will have major implications.
Boston Bruins
Location: ON
Joined: 06.20.2012

Aug 24 @ 11:39 AM ET
Bud you are comparing a one dimensional winger to the best 2way centre in the NHL.
You are throwing up Matthews point totals when his offensive gift is scoring goals not passing. It would be like being all over Marner for not scoring 50 goals. He is a passer.
I might be wrong but your lack of understanding of the game screams Stars and Stripes eh.

Just stay in your own thread if you are gonna chirp and cause crap by pooping on another team. Or don’t! I just don’t see the point of what you are doing…unless being a disappointing troll is actually the objective.

- Big23Questions

Not chirping and you have a very odd definition of "pooping on another team".

To repeat, Matthews is a great player and he signed a good deal that is fair to him and fair to the team. Pervert that any way you want...
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 09.24.2013

Aug 24 @ 11:39 AM ET
Matthews is a pretty good mustached hockey player, but he'll never measure up to this Leaf:

- Atomic Wedgie

after shaving:

Tampa Bay Lightning
Location: We shoulda let Uncle Billy finish the job.
Joined: 01.29.2013

Aug 24 @ 11:42 AM ET
after shaving:

- TheMussel

This wins the internet today. Everyone log off and go outside.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Aug 24 @ 11:42 AM ET

From the article:

I love playing in Edmonton, and I really feel at home there. Lauren loves being in Edmonton. There are a lot -a lot of things that check the boxes for us in Edmonton. We're super comfortable there. But with that all being said, it's three years down the road. We've got to kind of see where our lives are at and kind of go from there.

I don't say that to raise eyebrows or cause panic. It's just the way that it is. But love playing in Edmonton, I'm 100 per cent committed to winning in Edmonton with this group..

Stoke the fires of the "AM and MC Jesus have a secret plot to play together in Toronto when MC David's current contract is up". lol

As much as people in Edmonton hate Toronto already this would push it to next level stuff! Now just imagine if Matthews had said anything of the sorts to the media before he re-upped!!!!

- Cush29

Meh, another athlete saying what athletes are suppose to say.
Nothing to see here imo. Even if Matthews had said the same thing several years out from his contract expiring.
Although the Toronto media would make a "story" out of anything
The Law
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 01.29.2008

Aug 24 @ 11:43 AM ET
Matthews seems to be going the NBA contract route. I wonder if it pays off and what the calculations look like being done behind the scenes. He’s definitely testing out an alternative strategy to the 8 year max.

Good deal, would’ve liked more term if I were a Leafs fan. That’s the way she goes.

- RickJames77

Maybe you Bruins fans don't notice cuz your superstars get better with age but generally things get tricky for athletes after 30/31 so I don't see the short term as a bad thing.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Aug 24 @ 11:45 AM ET
I'm gonna know you're wrong.
- Zezel

Usually is for this type of thing.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 24 @ 11:45 AM ET
Maybe you Bruins fans don't notice cuz your superstars get better with age but generally things get tricky for athletes after 30/31 so I don't see the short term as a bad thing.
- The Law

JT was supposed to be crippled at 30.

While Marchand is still an elite forward at 35.
Atomic Wedgie
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The centre of the hockey universe
Joined: 07.31.2006

Aug 24 @ 11:45 AM ET
I really don't believe Mcdavid knows what he will do...he is just being honest.

It is 3 years away, the fans can think about it but why the (frank) should he care right now? He will be able to go where he wants and get the money he wants.

What Dri decides to do will have major implications.

- Santo_44

As a Leafs fan, I'm hoping Draisaitl signs in Toronto - OMG Hockeybuzz would be on franking fire for an entire year, as the haterz would worry about a secret agreement for McDavid to sign with the Leafs.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Aug 24 @ 11:46 AM ET
I really don't believe Mcdavid knows what he will do...he is just being honest.

It is 3 years away, the fans can think about it but why the (frank) should he care right now? He will be able to go where he wants and get the money he wants.

What Dri decides to do will have major implications.

- Santo_44

The last part is a big factor imo.
Dri is gonna wanna get paid!
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 24 @ 11:48 AM ET

Howard Berger all pissy

The funny thing is Sundin didn't score a 2nd round playoff goal until he was 28
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Aug 24 @ 11:49 AM ET
Mcdavid likely doesn't know if he will re sign or not.

It is 3 years away, lots of life stuff is going to happen and likely make that decision for him.

Hyman, RNH, Ekholm, Kane will all be 34 and 37. The core will not be spring chickens anymore. Who knows where EDM will be.

- Santo_44

For sure. And I also have negative faith in their GM, so I can see them achieve nothing and McJesus not liking it.

If he does leave Edmonton and actually come to the Leafs, they're gonna start calling hum McJudas.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 24 @ 11:49 AM ET
The last part is a big factor imo.
Dri is gonna wanna get paid!

- Fakepartofme

Wonder if he will be the first franchise guy to suck a team dry and want to be PAID.

I mean Nurse did it and he is a number 3 defensemen.
Atomic Wedgie
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The centre of the hockey universe
Joined: 07.31.2006

Aug 24 @ 11:50 AM ET

Howard Berger all pissy

The funny thing is Sundin didn't score a 2nd round playoff goal until he was 28

- Santo_44

Berger needs to bury all his bitterness.

Which should be easy for him to do - as he's an assistant to a funeral director (note: not an assistant funeral director - assistant to a funeral director).
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Aug 24 @ 11:51 AM ET
For sure. And I also have negative faith in their GM, so I can see them achieve nothing and McJesus not liking it.

If he does leave Edmonton and actually come to the Leafs, they're gonna start calling hum McJudas.

- GreatGigInTheSky

From a pure on ice perspective, the allure of Matthews, Mcdavid, Marner and Nylander with JT waterskiing behind them would be pretty awesome.

One of those things that is a possibility.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Aug 24 @ 11:52 AM ET

Howard Berger all pissy

The funny thing is Sundin didn't score a 2nd round playoff goal until he was 28

- Santo_44

McKinnon didn't make it past the 2nd round until his 9th season.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Waterloo, ON
Joined: 01.12.2011

Aug 24 @ 11:52 AM ET
Isles fans were chomping at the bit in anticipation.....all 33 of them.
- Fakepartofme

I think you are underselling their fanbase. They at least are 50 strong.

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