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Forums :: Blog World :: Ryan Wilson: Up against it
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Newark, DE
Joined: 03.09.2010

Oct 27 @ 8:35 AM ET
For what its worth...I let my 7 year old stay up to watch the 1st (might have to every game now...) and he actually commented on how fast and good #2 looked a few times hahaha.

EDIT: should also mention he said "Dad I thought Crosby was way better than this" : /

- MattStrat

My daughter's the hockey fan, but my 5 year old son Steelers fan. I think a lot has to do with whipping mom's Terrible Towel around but he actually sat down and watched a few games this year.

Edit: Did you explain that Crosby was 87, not 77?
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