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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Flyers Gameday: 11/18/23 vs. VGK; Phantoms Update
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Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Nov 18 @ 10:46 PM ET
Thank God we have you to correct us MJL! And Frost had at least 3 turnovers that I saw today. Maybe the HS intern keeping the game stats didn't see them.
- jd250

Lol yes thank God for the Great One! He is the most knowledgeable poster on HB...just ask him and he will tell you!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 18 @ 10:49 PM ET
Columbus had some talent, and Torts lead them to a few playoff series wins, but that was about right for those teams. If Columbus was able to keep some of that talent, maybe they would have had a chance to go further, but what good player is really going to want to play there? It was always a ridiculous place for an NHL franchise, right up there with Atlanta and Arizona. And finally, I didn't love Fletcher. I gave him a shot and supported him until it was clear he was complete screw up. I also gave Hextall the same shot by the way.
- jd250

Tortorella led Columbus to one playoff series win in 5 years as the coach there. Not a few. Again, Tortorella had equal talent there then he has here. You anointed moves made by Fletcher as putting the team on the definition of the path to the Cup. As I told you the moves were more likely to hurt the teams future than to help it. We know who was right and who was wrong. Yes you did love him. You gave Fletcher the same misguided praise as you now give Tortorella.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Nov 18 @ 10:51 PM ET
Another contradiction. If the sample size is too small right now then why did you post that all of the young players are progressing nicely in an attempt to support Tortorella? Not to mention that as even you pointed out in the post above, that it is not accurate that all the young players are progressing nicely.

I'm going to clue you in here. The main reason why the Flyers are improved, is not the coaching of Tortorella. It's the addition of players such as Couturier and Atkinson in the lineup. Farabee, a player whom you recently said you don't see him as a top 6 player, being healthy and improved. As well as Sanheim, whom in the last few weeks, you posted is a stiff who is not good offensively or defensively, has had a very good first quarter of the season. As well as strong goaltending by Hart and supportive contributions from players such as Walker.  


I still don't see Farabee as a top 6 forward, He has improved over last season, but at this point I think he is what he is, good player, probably best suited for the 3rd line role. It's laughable that you simply will not give Torts any credit, you are just embarrassing yourself now. I don't know about you, but I'm tired and going to bed. The Flyers were briefly in 2nd place in the Metro today, and it felt GOOD!!
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Nov 18 @ 10:53 PM ET
Tortorella led Columbus to one playoff series win in 5 years as the coach there. Not a few. Again, Tortorella had equal talent there then he has here. You anointed moves made by Fletcher as putting the team on the definition of the path to the Cup. As I told you the moves were more likely to hurt the teams future than to help it. We know who was right and who was wrong. Yes you did love him. You gave Fletcher the same misguided praise as you now give Tortorella.

Man, if I had 2 lightsabers crossed in front of your neck .. Kobayashi Maru! Peace!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 18 @ 10:58 PM ET
I still don't see Farabee as a top 6 forward, He has improved over last season, but at this point I think he is what he is, good player, probably best suited for the 3rd line role. It's laughable that you simply will not give Torts any credit, you are just embarrassing yourself now. I don't know about you, but I'm tired and going to bed. The Flyers were briefly in 2nd place in the Metro today, and it felt GOOD!!
- jd250

You are incorrect that I'm unwilling to give Tortorella any credit. I'm unwilling to give him credit for what he doesn't deserve.

Farabee is a top 25 scorer at ES in this league. He is equal in points at ES with players such as Matthew Tkachuk, Jack Eichel and Leon Draisaitl. He is without a doubt a top 6 talent in this league. Drafted by Hextall.

Disclaimer: I'm not attempting to say that Farabee is an equal to those players listed. He's not
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 18 @ 11:00 PM ET
Man, if I had 2 lightsabers crossed in front of your neck .. Kobayashi Maru! Peace!
- jd250

Don't fall back on hyperbole and rhetoric.

To update on a past post. Tortorella had a greater talent level on Columbus than here and only won one playoff series in 5 years there. The 18/19 Columbus team had a strong roster.

Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Nov 18 @ 11:16 PM ET
You are incorrect that I'm unwilling to give Tortorella any credit. I'm unwilling to give him credit for what he doesn't deserve.

Farabee is a top 25 scorer at ES in this league. He is equal in points at ES with players such as Matthew Tkachuk, Jack Eichel and Leon Draisaitl. He is without a doubt a top 6 talent in this league. Drafted by Hextall.

Disclaimer: I'm not attempting to say that Farabee is an equal to those players listed. He's not


So how many of Hexy's picks are legit NHL players and either current or future stars?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 18 @ 11:19 PM ET
So how many of Hexy's picks are legit NHL players and either current or future stars?
- Don Nachbaur

Hextall drafted 12 NHL players in 5 drafts. Define stars?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.03.2018

Nov 19 @ 5:45 AM ET
The cat fight between MJL and Jd has lasted almost 12 hours. New record ?
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Boynton Beach, FL
Joined: 10.03.2010

Nov 19 @ 6:35 AM ET
I still don't see Farabee as a top 6 forward, He has improved over last season, but at this point I think he is what he is, good player, probably best suited for the 3rd line role. It's laughable that you simply will not give Torts any credit, you are just embarrassing yourself now. I don't know about you, but I'm tired and going to bed. The Flyers were briefly in 2nd place in the Metro today, and it felt GOOD!!
- jd250

Love they’re winning but Torts putting Farabee with Laughton and Phoeling is dumb, farabee is playing good hockey and needs proven middle 6 linemates, not the next teacher pet and a Swiss Army knife
Joined: 06.09.2021

Nov 19 @ 7:31 AM ET
Like I said, I don't want to be Buffalo, or Edmonton ... or Toronto, teams that tanked for great players but to do so created a culture of losing that they still can't get away from. When are you going to learn, if you inject super star players into a culture of losing, they will eventually accept losing also. No, for me, I want to root for a team that wants to win and doesn't accept losing. That is what Torts has brought to the Flyers, and in the nick of time. Whether you like to hear this or not, Hextall brought the culture of losing to the Flyers and only now are we starting to see change, all thanks to Torts!
- jd250

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: DE
Joined: 02.13.2013

Nov 19 @ 7:40 AM ET
I still don't see Farabee as a top 6 forward, He has improved over last season, but at this point I think he is what he is, good player, probably best suited for the 3rd line role.
- jd250

Farabee leads the team with 12 ES points. Sanheim is second with 11, tied with Tippett.

Your are so bad at evaluating NHL players, it's comical.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: DE
Joined: 02.13.2013

Nov 19 @ 7:44 AM ET
Love they’re winning but Torts putting Farabee with Laughton and Phoeling is dumb, farabee is playing good hockey and needs proven middle 6 linemates, not the next teacher pet and a Swiss Army knife
- wcorvette

How crazy is it that the Flyers have two natural RWs playing their off side and also have Laughton or Farabee playing their off side to accommodate Poehling, a center who is scoring at 0.8 ESP/60 this season. Farabee is at 3.2, best on the team. And that line had the most ES minutes yesterday.


And it's so easy to make much better lines, even if Brink is benched


Joined: 06.09.2021

Nov 19 @ 7:47 AM ET
The Blue Jackets under Jorts had some decent teams. They were carried in the regular season by Sergi Bobrovski an subsequently sunk by PLAYOFF BOB. Every single offensive star Jorts coached had better offensive production before and after he left, their production dropped under his coaching tenure.....take it on face value, im not getting into systems or going back to his Tampa Days.

Jorts has his style and his style blows
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Nov 19 @ 8:07 AM ET
You are incorrect that I'm unwilling to give Tortorella any credit. I'm unwilling to give him credit for what he doesn't deserve.

Farabee is a top 25 scorer at ES in this league. He is equal in points at ES with players such as Matthew Tkachuk, Jack Eichel and Leon Draisaitl. He is without a doubt a top 6 talent in this league. Drafted by Hextall.

Disclaimer: I'm not attempting to say that Farabee is an equal to those players listed. He's not


So why bring this data into the discussion? Farabee had a nice start to the season but he is settling down now. Against Vegas he looked incredibly slow to me and behind the play. I think he is a good player, and on the Flyers right now he is a good top 9 forward, but on a real contending team, I don't see him being top 6. He's close, I'll give you that.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Nov 19 @ 8:24 AM ET
The Blue Jackets under Jorts had some decent teams. They were carried in the regular season by Sergi Bobrovski an subsequently sunk by PLAYOFF BOB. Every single offensive star Jorts coached had better offensive production before and after he left, their production dropped under his coaching tenure.....take it on face value, im not getting into systems or going back to his Tampa Days.

Jorts has his style and his style blows


Did a quick check and actually your statement here is not true. Torts coached Columbus from 2015-2021, and during that time under Torts:

Saad - 2 seasons with most points in his career (53 points)
Atkinson - best goal scoring years, peaked at 41 goals in 2018
Jenner - best season of his career, 30 goals in 2015
Hartnell - 2nd best season of his career (60 points)
Wennberg - best season of his career, 59 points in 2017
Foligno - best season of his career, 51 points in 2016
Seth Jones - best season of his career, 16 goals in 2017
Werenski - averaged 40 points per season from the ages of 19-22 years old
Edit: Panarin - at the time two best offensive seasons of his career

You can check this yourself if you don't trust me.
Joined: 06.09.2021

Nov 19 @ 8:33 AM ET
Did a quick check and actually your statement here is not true. Torts coached Columbus from 2015-2021, and during that time under Torts:

Saad - 2 seasons with most points in his career (53 points)
Atkinson - best goal scoring years, peaked at 41 goals in 2018
Jenner - best season of his career, 30 goals in 2015
Hartnell - 2nd best season of his career (60 points)
Wennberg - best season of his career, 59 points in 2017
Foligno - best season of his career, 51 points in 2016
Seth Jones - best season of his career, 16 goals in 2017
Werenski - averaged 40 points per season from the ages of 19-22 years old
Panarin - best season of his career, 32 goals and 95 points in 2019

You can check this yourself if you don't trust me.

- jd250

i knew you would do this, I said Offensive star, relook at Panarins #s in Chicago and the Rangers. I forget if it was here or another site that somebody posted a bunch of analytics on the topic, this is why I said take it on face value Good players are still going to produce, look at TK. Theres way more that goes into this and I dont have the time for it
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Nov 19 @ 8:34 AM ET
Hextall drafted 12 NHL players in 5 drafts. Define stars?

With my statement that Hextall started the culture of accepting losing on the Flyers, it's not about the drafting. Hextall did draft TK, and whether you like him or not, Provorov is a decent defenseman. He also drafted Farabee who is a good player. But what I mean is Hextall had a team with G, Voracek, Simmonds in their prime and Couts a rising star and he did NOTHING to support them, absolutely NOTHING! Instead of make shrewd moves to maximize their talent and giving them a legit shot to win, Hextall often signed bad players (e.g. Dale Weise) and didn't make moves to try to win. He rather hoard draft picks, most of them not turning into anything, and in the process wasting the prime years of these good players. He didn't give his best to the team and the players knew it, and thus the culture of accepting losing was born.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Nov 19 @ 8:37 AM ET
Hextall drafted 12 NHL players in 5 drafts. Define stars?

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Nov 19 @ 8:37 AM ET
i knew you would do this, I said Offensive star, relook at Panarins #s in Chicago and the Rangers. I forget if it was here or another site that somebody posted a bunch of analytics on the topic, this is why I said take it on face value Good players are still going to produce, look at TK. Theres way more that goes into this and I dont have the time for it

I rechecked Panarin. I made a mistake above, that 95pt season was with the Rangers. However I want to point out that Panarin only played 2 seasons under Torts and in both season had at the time the best seasons of his career, with 82 and 87 points respectively. Panarin wanted to play for the Rangers and since he went to NY he has been a great player. But the fact remains, Torts did nothing to stifle Panarin's offense and Pararin was an offensive star in Columbus.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Nov 19 @ 8:40 AM ET
i knew you would do this, I said Offensive star, relook at Panarins #s in Chicago and the Rangers. I forget if it was here or another site that somebody posted a bunch of analytics on the topic, this is why I said take it on face value Good players are still going to produce, look at TK. Theres way more that goes into this and I dont have the time for it
Ha ha, owned again on here! You need to go back to watching soccer. Perhaps you actually know something about that sport.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 05.22.2008

Nov 19 @ 8:41 AM ET
I rechecked Panarin. I made a mistake above, that 95pt season was with the Rangers. However I want to point out that Panarin only played 2 seasons under Torts and in both season had at the time the best seasons of his career, with 82 and 87 points respectively. Panarin wanted to play for the Rangers and since he went to NY he has been a great player. But the fact remains, Torts did nothing to stifle Panarin's offense and Pararin was an offensive star in Columbus.
- jd250

I see nothing about how the flyers play that would stifle offensive players. I like how they play on the ice. I don’t like the unnecessary mind games
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Nov 19 @ 8:42 AM ET
With my statement that Hextall started the culture of accepting losing on the Flyers, it's not about the drafting. Hextall did draft TK, and whether you like him or not, Provorov is a decent defenseman. He also drafted Farabee who is a good player. But what I mean is Hextall had a team with G, Voracek, Simmonds in their prime and Couts a rising star and he did NOTHING to support them, absolutely NOTHING! Instead of make shrewd moves to maximize their talent and giving them a legit shot to win, Hextall often signed bad players (e.g. Dale Weise) and didn't make moves to try to win. He rather hoard draft picks, most of them not turning into anything, and in the process wasting the prime years of these good players. He didn't give his best to the team and the players knew it, and thus the culture of accepting losing was born.
- jd250

you want to get rid of the losing culture then get rid of of laughton ex selke sanheim tk and hart to an extent. They are all content here otherwise they wouldn't have re-signed. all they know is losing

So what do you think TK re-signs for this summer?
Joined: 06.09.2021

Nov 19 @ 8:43 AM ET
I rechecked Panarin. I made a mistake above, that 95pt season was with the Rangers. However I want to point out that Panarin only played 2 seasons under Torts and in both season had at the time the best seasons of his career, with 82 and 87 points respectively. Panarin wanted to play for the Rangers and since he went to NY he has been a great player. But the fact remains, Torts did nothing to stifle Panarin's offense and Pararin was an offensive star in Columbus.
- jd250

I never said stifle. I said Offensive stars had better production before playing and after playing than during playing for Jorts, nothing more nothing less
Joined: 06.09.2021

Nov 19 @ 8:45 AM ET
Ha ha, owned again on here! You need to go back to watching soccer. Perhaps you actually know something about that sport.
- Phillywhiteout

I rechecked Panarin. I made a mistake above, that 95pt season was with the Ranger


youre such a gutless schmuck
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