Thanks for making my previous point with that last sentence. It looks good on you. They keep showing the same teams cause they know most of the league sucks! Yeah, the NHL doesn't generate a spec compared to the NFL, but it's a better product as far as competitive balance goes. Hell, the NHL is a better product cause you actually sit down to watch a game and you are WATCHING THE GAME! The NFL has to pay for all those rights fees with a gazillion commercials. I swear there are more commercials than plays in a football game and it's not even close. A bad product. Thanks!
- Phillywhiteout
This is just your biased opinion. Not supported by any facts.
Here are examples of what you posted in the conversation in the Eagles. You reap what you sow.
Examples of condescension and insults. Look in the mirror. Not only are you condescending, insulting and arrogant. More importantly, you are woefully ignorant on the facts.
"Pretty simple dude. Did you watch the game"
"No offense, but I keep hearing that they haven't played to their ability yet? What the hell does that even mean?"
"Good for you. You probably think that they got revenge for losing in the SB to the Chiefs, but that isn't how it works. Thanks!"
"If I'm analyzing that game without green glasses on"
"I have no idea what that means and nor do I care. You sure know how to kill a conversation. You must be a hoot at parties."
"Moving the goal posts as usual I see. Just come out and admit that last week you said that the NFL is a VERY GOOD product. I wish I archived things like you do on here cause this one would blow up in your face."
(That sure happened didn't it. That's why I supplied the facts to you)
"There...ya happy? Wait, you're never happy, so why would I ask such a silly question."