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Forums :: Blog World :: Jan Levine: Rangers on brink of elimination after 3-2 loss to Panthers in Game 5
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New York Rangers
Location: I would rather see a dudes hairy balls than his hairy feet-Jimbro
Joined: 12.13.2013

May 31 @ 10:49 AM ET
They win Games 6 and 7, we are calling Selma for you. Up to you after that
- airjan23

New York Rangers
Location: I would rather see a dudes hairy balls than his hairy feet-Jimbro
Joined: 12.13.2013

May 31 @ 10:50 AM ET
Haven’t you banged her in your dreams yet?

I got tennis elbow, in both arms
New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

May 31 @ 10:51 AM ET
No. I'll just fire them off now then.

If I could resume the role of owner and GM. Drury fired. Laviolette mutual agreement where I pay him to resign becasue he won't want to be a part of this.

I trade: Lindgren to highest bidder. I trade Miller to the highest bidder. I trade Kakko for any return I can get.

I also trade, (and not because I think they are bad or dislike them, but because I'm nuke this era of hockey.) Lafreneire and Shesterkin.

Let this current core be the bottom feeders they deserve to be.

- blacksheep1

I feel your frustration but we have 2 more years of Panarin and Trouba, they can rework after they leave.
New York Rangers
Location: ON
Joined: 02.04.2016

May 31 @ 10:52 AM ET

WAHH we lost game 5 let's trade Igor and Laf

Everyone here is laughing at you. This is your worst attempt to nuke the blog. Go touch some grass

- NYR11

Or, maybe smoke some.
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 31 @ 10:52 AM ET
The true tom is starting to show again. He was only able to hide it for so long
- nyrangers9479

He gets FAR too much respect around here. Just one man’s opinion
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 04.17.2012

May 31 @ 10:52 AM ET
Messier was an elite leader and a member of six cup wins. Saying no one on this team is him is not a surprise.

Florida is a great club. I think we all knew that to be the case. But not throwing in the towel just yet.

- airjan23

Nor should you, anything can happen.
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 31 @ 10:52 AM ET
I feel your frustration but we have 2 more years of Panarin and Trouba, they can rework after they leave.
- Brukie

Can you two just go off to Aruba and live happily ever after together
New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

May 31 @ 10:53 AM ET
Fox is pretty Leetch-esque

But hey a flyers fan telling us it's not coming back to MSG. SHOCK. Thanks for letting us know....none of us are going to watch on Saturday now

- NYR11

Im sorry but Fox isnt in Leetchs class
New York Rangers
Location: Stacheville
Joined: 06.17.2010

May 31 @ 10:53 AM ET
I think Laf will be the next captain. Not sure when.

Trouba isn’t going anywhere I think that’s a guarantee whether people like it or not

- Slimtj100

Its unfortunate because theres a lot that can be done with his departure.
Jan Levine
New York Rangers
Joined: 09.16.2005

May 31 @ 10:54 AM ET
Nor should you, anything can happen.
- BiggE

Plus knew you weren't being snarky and thanks for popping in. We are just frustrated, so our tolerance level is thin
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 31 @ 10:54 AM ET
Im sorry but Fox isnt in Leetchs class
- Brukie

New York Rangers
Location: I would rather see a dudes hairy balls than his hairy feet-Jimbro
Joined: 12.13.2013

May 31 @ 10:55 AM ET
My take on last night. It was probably their 2nd best game against the Panthers. Definitely better than the last 3. Was pretty even most of the night. 5V5 has not been the rangers strong suit, pretty much middle of the league. With the PP not working its an uphill battle to win games, especially against this team.
New York Rangers
Location: ON
Joined: 02.04.2016

May 31 @ 10:55 AM ET
I honestly think Kreider was the first to be offered it and just doesn’t want it. Why Trouba was named captain

Laffy will be the next Rangers Captain.
Jan Levine
New York Rangers
Joined: 09.16.2005

May 31 @ 10:55 AM ET
Im sorry but Fox isnt in Leetchs class
- Brukie

Not a demeaning comment either. Playing on one leg isn't ideal, but Leetch had a bum shoulder in 94 and played through it. But Fox is close to Leetch, though has a ways to go to be there.
New York Islanders
Joined: 11.05.2011

May 31 @ 10:55 AM ET
I'll own it. and I'll expand on it.

Me wanting to trade Laf and Shesterkin isn't out dislike or criticism of them. But what could get me back the best return possible. I'd like the keep them, but if I'm going scored earth in my scenario, they go because I get back the most. Sell high.

- blacksheep1

Even if you lost this series(which is not a forgone conclusion) why in gods name would you trade either? You are looking to blow up a team that won the presidents trophy and is battling in the ECF? You would have offed yourself twenty years ago if you were an Islander fan.
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

May 31 @ 10:56 AM ET
Just watching the panthers during the season, it was the team i least wanted to face in the playoffs. I dont know how they have kept it up, but they have been playing playoff hockey all year. I definitely thought we are the underdog in this series, but i still have some hope, although its about as much hope as me banging Salma Hayek
- mdw7413

Florida is a nightmare to play against mdw. I get flashback to the Islanders losing twice to Tampa in the ECF. These darn Florida teams.
New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

May 31 @ 10:56 AM ET
Can you two just go off to Aruba and live happily ever after together
- Slimtj100

I hope one day soon a dog will chase you.
New York Rangers
Location: Handsome Eddy, IA
Joined: 07.30.2010

May 31 @ 10:57 AM ET
make another burner, throw some more hot takes out bud
- NYRangers1124

May have to at this rate. Again, the problem with majority is that your annoyed with me at the take and not the Rangers lack of effort, which is insane. But here we are.
New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

May 31 @ 10:57 AM ET
- Slimtj100

After the dog chases you, catches you, then mauls you.
Jan Levine
New York Rangers
Joined: 09.16.2005

May 31 @ 10:57 AM ET
My take on last night. It was probably their 2nd best game against the Panthers. Definitely better than the last 3. Was pretty even most of the night. 5V5 has not been the rangers strong suit, pretty much middle of the league. With the PP not working its an uphill battle to win games, especially against this team.
- mdw7413

They played a solid game, was even. Florida made one more play than they did. The Lundell goal was rough as you could see it happening. As you said, the lack of a PP is a killer. I would bring Panarin to the middle and up higher, screw the east-west pass, get shots towards the net and have CK and Trocheck down low.
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

May 31 @ 10:57 AM ET
Even if you lost this series(which is not a forgone conclusion) why in gods name would you trade either? You are looking to blow up a team that won the presidents trophy and is battling in the ECF? You would have offed yourself twenty years ago if you were an Islander fan.
- Cptmjl

The Islanders badly need to re-tool. the Rangers do not need to push the panic button even if they lose, all hope is not lost.
New York Rangers
Location: Stacheville
Joined: 06.17.2010

May 31 @ 10:57 AM ET
My take on last night. It was probably their 2nd best game against the Panthers. Definitely better than the last 3. Was pretty even most of the night. 5V5 has not been the rangers strong suit, pretty much middle of the league. With the PP not working its an uphill battle to win games, especially against this team.
- mdw7413

It was the first game vs. Panthers where it felt like for 3 periods we were right there with the Panthers although the metrics dont agree.
New York Islanders
Joined: 11.05.2011

May 31 @ 10:58 AM ET
That's nice. Also I don't care, if the player want to put forth this much of lack luster effort, then why should they stay together?
- blacksheep1

Some things are starting to become clearer for me now. 😆
New York Rangers
Location: Handsome Eddy, IA
Joined: 07.30.2010

May 31 @ 10:58 AM ET
He gets FAR too much respect around here. Just one man’s opinion
- Slimtj100

Quite literally nobody respects me boss. Just.. read? Idk what to tell you. Again, your frustrated with me and not the Rangers for being shrinking violets.
Jan Levine
New York Rangers
Joined: 09.16.2005

May 31 @ 10:59 AM ET
May have to at this rate. Again, the problem with majority is that your annoyed with me at the take and not the Rangers lack of effort, which is insane. But here we are.
- blacksheep1

You keep saying effort. Florida wins 1:1 battles, this is what they do. Did they beat Boston for the Bruins lack of effort or were they better? They may just be better. I don't see New York giving up, they are just losing to a better team who may be grinding more. If you want to say they need to work and grind even harder, I can buy that. But they aren't just throwing in the towel and coasting.
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