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Forums :: Blog World :: Brad Lohr: Buffalo South Predators Punch a Ticket to the Finals.
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Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.24.2019

Jun 7 @ 9:39 AM ET
Jeff Marek and Elliot Friedman both hinting at Adams moving 11 overall in the last few days
Location: the little apple
Joined: 08.19.2014

Jun 7 @ 9:40 AM ET
I can only dream I'll be as witty as this felon some day:


Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.24.2019

Jun 7 @ 9:44 AM ET
mando, clone wars or bust
- TheSabresTaco

Anything Dave Folini worked on …. Is the “Disney” shows that have been good.

Mando 1 + 2
Boba fett
Obi wan
And clone wars animated series.

A non- Dave Folini directed Disney movies and shows have sucked

Disney trilogy
And this new show the acolyte
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Formerly Visionville, Now Purgatory
Joined: 07.29.2021

Jun 7 @ 9:45 AM ET
I'd feel good about them as a duo heading into the season. Better than I have in a long time. UPL was great last year, but I think it's almost a coin toss who is #1 at the end of the season.

Depending on how things go, a trade next offseason is an option. I'd draft another.

- Lunaion


And I'd still prescribe to the "draft one per year" mentality. Levi is a 7th round pick, Miller was a 5th, heck Hasek was 10th round. If that isn't a sign that goalies are voodoo and good scouting doesn't necessarily help, I don't know what does.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Formerly Visionville, Now Purgatory
Joined: 07.29.2021

Jun 7 @ 9:46 AM ET
Well said, I was looking for Lindy will make either one a phenom, but your response was good.
- washedup20

Thank you! I know I'm in the minority about DL, but it's all hedging bets with goalies, nothing is for sure unfortunately.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.24.2019

Jun 7 @ 9:46 AM ET
UPL is very comparable to Miller.

You know, guys, Levi could just be Jonas Enroth all over again.

We should draft Kenta Isogai in the draft this year to make up for that Taro Tsujimoto crap

- Jet Jaguar BD

Miller won a vezina and was a top 3 to top 5 goalie for a few years

UPL can’t hold millers jock strap when it comes to on ice play
Location: the little apple
Joined: 08.19.2014

Jun 7 @ 9:48 AM ET
Halted 3 times already:

Buffalo Sabres
Location: BUFFALO , NY
Joined: 12.03.2015

Jun 7 @ 9:56 AM ET
It's good to have you back Boss.

I'm good either way they go..
▪︎ UPL starter, Levi backup ... say 55/27 split
▪︎ UPL starter, BUG on a 1 year deal, Levi in Roch

G is now lower on the list of worries...still important and impactful no doubt, but I liked what I saw in last half of last season for UPL...although, he was a bit erratic the last 8 -10 games

- IonSabres

Thank you uncle ion, it’s good to be back and have some meaningful hockey chats.

I agree with you, if they sign upl , goalie is lower on my list of concerns.

Sabres really need some tougher players in general.

Your suggestion of goodrow would work for me.

Buffalo Sabres
Location: I said that months ago, keep up!, FL
Joined: 03.10.2013

Jun 7 @ 9:56 AM ET
UPL is very comparable to Miller.

You know, guys, Levi could just be Jonas Enroth all over again.

We should draft Kenta Isogai in the draft this year to make up for that Taro Tsujimoto crap

- Jet Jaguar BD

Is Kenta that kid from Senegal? I heard that league is 🔥
Buffalo Sabres
Location: BUFFALO , NY
Joined: 12.03.2015

Jun 7 @ 10:02 AM ET
What are your top 3 questions for them?
- IonSabres

I’d like to hear about the goalie rotation/split plans for sure. I’m assuming it’s upl/ phenom on paper.

I’d like to ask Lindy why he didn’t jump at the offer immediately? Was there some kind of concessions?
Is Lindy responsible for player decisions, does he need to pound the table to bring in someone he’s familiar with?

Is the 1st round pick in play for a nhl established forward?
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Formerly Visionville, Now Purgatory
Joined: 07.29.2021

Jun 7 @ 10:05 AM ET
I’d like to hear about the goalie rotation/split plans for sure. I’m assuming it’s upl/ phenom on paper.

I’d like to ask Lindy why he didn’t jump at the offer immediately? Was there some kind of concessions?
Is Lindy responsible for player decisions, does he need to pound the table to bring in someone he’s familiar with?

Is the 1st round pick in play for a nhl established forward?

- Boss34

Fwiw, Adams indicated that Lindy would have a lot of input on acquisitions.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: BUFFALO , NY
Joined: 12.03.2015

Jun 7 @ 10:08 AM ET
Fwiw, Adams indicated that Lindy would have a lot of input on acquisitions.
- QuinnFan

I appreciate the post.

The fact that Lindy has been coaching the past few years in the league and has a fresh view of nhl talent feels differently then Donnie’s approach.

Donnie had a lot of minor league/ USA experience with the guys , but obviously little nhl experience
Joined: 05.23.2016

Jun 7 @ 10:11 AM ET

And I'd still prescribe to the "draft one per year" mentality. Levi is a 7th round pick, Miller was a 5th, heck Hasek was 10th round. If that isn't a sign that goalies are voodoo and good scouting doesn't necessarily help, I don't know what does.

- QuinnFan

It's been really stupid going through an extended rebuild and often having to sign UFA goalies for Roch and Buffalo.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: I said that months ago, keep up!, FL
Joined: 03.10.2013

Jun 7 @ 10:12 AM ET
I can only dream I'll be as witty as this felon some day:


- washedup20

The DOJ decides not to indict a guy who willingly viokated the law and had no authority to possess documents because he is too old.
That same DOJ attempted to bury felony charges against the old senile man's son and got caught
The same DOJ has their #3man join NYS Prosecution Team on misdemeanor at best charges in which the statute of limitations expired in a kangaroo court in a biased jurisdiction on trumped up charges for an undisclosed charge.
Meanwhile, the senile old man uses Executive Privilege to hide the video which purportedly shows just how mentally challenged he is so Voters won't see it... Election fraud/interference
And the same man is in charge of the Party who is vociferously trying to eliminate him from the Democratic election process

Can't make this poop up. What an embarrassment on the world stage.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: I said that months ago, keep up!, FL
Joined: 03.10.2013

Jun 7 @ 10:14 AM ET
Miller won a vezina and was a top 3 to top 5 goalie for a few years

UPL can’t hold millers jock strap when it comes to on ice play

- Sabretooth9

If course, 1 guy has played 1 seasons worth of games while the other played for what 12 - 13 years.

I could see how that comparison is fair.
Joined: 05.23.2016

Jun 7 @ 10:18 AM ET
I’d like to hear about the goalie rotation/split plans for sure. I’m assuming it’s upl/ phenom on paper.

I’d like to ask Lindy why he didn’t jump at the offer immediately? Was there some kind of concessions?
Is Lindy responsible for player decisions, does he need to pound the table to bring in someone he’s familiar with?

Is the 1st round pick in play for a nhl established forward?

- Boss34

I can't imagine you'll get an honest answer on goalies. After last season, you have to say you're confident in UPL as your starter. Reality, Levi could steal that job a month in.

Sure felt like Lindy jumped immediately to me and just a given that he'll say Lindy's input is invaluable.

Can't you hear KA in your head already on 11? "Always open to make trades to improve the team"

Kev is great at saying nothing interesting
Buffalo Sabres
Location: I said that months ago, keep up!, FL
Joined: 03.10.2013

Jun 7 @ 10:21 AM ET
I’d like to hear about the goalie rotation/split plans for sure. I’m assuming it’s upl/ phenom on paper.

I’d like to ask Lindy why he didn’t jump at the offer immediately? Was there some kind of concessions?
Is Lindy responsible for player decisions, does he need to pound the table to bring in someone he’s familiar with?

Is the 1st round pick in play for a nhl established forward?

- Boss34

Solid questions.

I wonder why, not that is should be a question, but why did Lindy fire Adams from his staff and is it uncomfortable now in this relationship in which he now reports to him

Also, what is the identity he wants this roster to take on... What are they when they get into the playoffs
Joined: 05.23.2016

Jun 7 @ 10:25 AM ET
Solid questions.

I wonder why, not that is should be a question, but why did Lindy fire Adams from his staff and is it uncomfortable now in this relationship in which he now reports to him

Also, what is the identity he wants this roster to take on... What are they when they get into the playoffs

- IonSabres

I hear that said a lot, but his wiki says it wasn't the case.

On August 3, 2011, Adams was named Assistant Coach of the Buffalo Sabres.[3] He was fired on May 9, 2013, two days after the Sabres named Ron Rolston as their new head coach
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Formerly Visionville, Now Purgatory
Joined: 07.29.2021

Jun 7 @ 10:31 AM ET
It's been really stupid going through an extended rebuild and often having to sign UFA goalies for Roch and Buffalo.
- Lunaion

Agreed. I really like Ratzlaff, he's a good example of the shot in the dark picks we should be making. He had a slight downturn this year, but the Thunderbirds went from going 54-11 to 27-38, so this was to be expected. Take one a year, worst case scenario it may save you from having to pay vets like Subban or Tokarski. Best case scenario, you get a good one every few years.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Formerly Visionville, Now Purgatory
Joined: 07.29.2021

Jun 7 @ 10:32 AM ET
I appreciate the post.

The fact that Lindy has been coaching the past few years in the league and has a fresh view of nhl talent feels differently then Donnie’s approach.

Donnie had a lot of minor league/ USA experience with the guys , but obviously little nhl experience

- Boss34

Yeah, that's what I like about Lindy especially. Well said. He knows NHL guys, not kids from development days.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: We want 1, FL
Joined: 02.24.2008

Jun 7 @ 10:35 AM ET
In must win games…. We lost with UPL in net.

Did you see the goaltending during the playoffs? UPL isn’t even close to those guys.

Also, do you trust UPL like you did with Ryan Miller?

If the answer is no. Then I’m right

- Sabretooth9

I never trusted ryan miller

skinner got yanked for the oilers
hellebuyck looked like crap

saros played great, lost first round

goalies are a crapshoot unless you have hasek in his prime

Buffalo Sabres
Location: 2 15/16, NY
Joined: 07.07.2010

Jun 7 @ 10:37 AM ET
I never trusted ryan miller
- homiedclown

For our entertainment, please elaborate on this
Location: the little apple
Joined: 08.19.2014

Jun 7 @ 10:41 AM ET
For our entertainment, please elaborate on this
- Buffalo--Sabres

I always knew he would give up one bad goal a game, pretty sure the "Miller shutout" was when he would play a great game but let in a softy late.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: We want 1, FL
Joined: 02.24.2008

Jun 7 @ 10:41 AM ET
For our entertainment, please elaborate on this
- Buffalo--Sabres

played like crap in game 7 vs the canes

played blah in 5 of 7 games in flyers series

let in 4 goals in the first 2 games of the sens series in 07 to give us no chance

had 1 great 2/3 of a season when he got silver though

I put Miller on the most over rated sabres all time team and if he was Canadian instead of American he would have received about 5 percent the hype he got
Buffalo Sabres
Location: We want 1, FL
Joined: 02.24.2008

Jun 7 @ 10:43 AM ET
I always knew he would give up one bad goal a game, pretty sure the "Miller shutout" was when he would play a great game but let in a softy late.
- washedup20

being crosby's b@tch doesn't help
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