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Forums :: Blog World :: Brad Lohr: Buffalo South Predators Punch a Ticket to the Finals.
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Vegas Golden Knights
Location: Hail Satan
Joined: 10.07.2010

Jun 7 @ 5:35 PM ET

- washedup20

I mean, sure, I'll take it, but being minus a zero isn't exactly great
Florida Panthers
Location: Mo can stay awhile, FL
Joined: 10.27.2017

Jun 7 @ 5:45 PM ET
The DOJ decides not to indict a guy who willingly viokated the law and had no authority to possess documents because he is too old.
That same DOJ attempted to bury felony charges against the old senile man's son and got caught
The same DOJ has their #3man join NYS Prosecution Team on misdemeanor at best charges in which the statute of limitations expired in a kangaroo court in a biased jurisdiction on trumped up charges for an undisclosed charge.
Meanwhile, the senile old man uses Executive Privilege to hide the video which purportedly shows just how mentally challenged he is so Voters won't see it... Election fraud/interference
And the same man is in charge of the Party who is vociferously trying to eliminate him from the Democratic election process

Can't make this poop up. What an embarrassment on the world stage.

- IonSabres

Looked like Mr President might’ve pooped his pants on the stage @ Normandy. France’s First Lady had a look like something nearby was really stanky, and then Dr Jill led the tottering Chief away from the scene.
Location: the little apple
Joined: 08.19.2014

Jun 7 @ 5:54 PM ET
I mean, sure, I'll take it, but being minus a zero isn't exactly great
- Wetbandit1

No argument from my end, the news live streaming the beginning of his stream was hilarious:

Buffalo Sabres
Location: Don't get so high and mighty about your superiority over Lockport, NY
Joined: 10.10.2015

Jun 7 @ 6:09 PM ET
Byram the power bottom who knew
- Jet Jaguar BD

Hank Balling
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.18.2021

Jun 7 @ 6:10 PM ET
C3P0 was and is more annoying than Jar Jar Binks.

People get hung up on Midichlorians but there’s something literally called THE FORCE in Star Wars that has no rules, makes no sense and no one seems to know how it works.

Yeah a microscopic organism that lives on the force is one of the more believable aspects of Star Wars and I never understood why people focused on literally one God Damn line of dialogue in a series full of nonsense.

- Jet Jaguar BD

The only thing that would have redeemed Jar Jar was George Lucas's original idea that he was the Sith underling a la The Mule from the second Isaac Asimov Foundation book. Lucas abandoned the idea because he thought it would make kids too sad.

That would have been an amazing twist in the second movie. Jar Jar as it ended up was horrible
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Don't get so high and mighty about your superiority over Lockport, NY
Joined: 10.10.2015

Jun 7 @ 6:14 PM ET
Well, we either win the season or win the off-season.


- TheSabresTaco

Who's gonna fire Terry though?
Slump Buster
Buffalo Sabres
Location: I root for draft picks but not the team, apparently, NY
Joined: 10.24.2006

Jun 7 @ 6:15 PM ET
The only thing that would have redeemed Jar Jar was George Lucas's original idea that he was the Sith underling a la The Mule from the second Isaac Asimov Foundation book. Lucas abandoned the idea because he thought it would make kids too sad.

That would have been an amazing twist in the second movie. Jar Jar as it ended up was horrible

- Hank Balling

I am a movie buff (I review them on the side) and there is a fantastic podcast called "What Went Wrong". Each week they pick a movie and talk about where it went off the tracks. They spent a long episode on Lucas - it was fascinating to hear how the idea for Star Wars evolved and became what it was. It also explained how it went off the tracks, and why. The main reason that the prequels were so bad was because his wife was no longer around to reign him in (she was a respected editor).
Slump Buster
Buffalo Sabres
Location: I root for draft picks but not the team, apparently, NY
Joined: 10.24.2006

Jun 7 @ 6:17 PM ET
C3P0 was and is more annoying than Jar Jar Binks.

People get hung up on Midichlorians but there’s something literally called THE FORCE in Star Wars that has no rules, makes no sense and no one seems to know how it works.

Yeah a microscopic organism that lives on the force is one of the more believable aspects of Star Wars and I never understood why people focused on literally one God Damn line of dialogue in a series full of nonsense.

- Jet Jaguar BD

It isn't one line, that's part of the problem. They say it over and over and over again, especially in some of the weaker movies and shows.
Hank Balling
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.18.2021

Jun 7 @ 6:17 PM ET
I am a movie buff (I review them on the side) and there is a fantastic podcast called "What Went Wrong". Each week they pick a movie and talk about where it went off the tracks. They spent a long episode on Lucas - it was fascinating to hear how the idea for Star Wars evolved and became what it was. It also explained how it went off the tracks, and why. The main reason that the prequels were so bad was because his wife was no longer around to reign him in (she was a respected editor).
- Slump Buster

Interesting. I never heard that before. I'll check it out - I'm always looking for new podcasts
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jun 7 @ 6:20 PM ET
Would Pius Suter for Joker be a move anyone might be interested in
Buffalo Sabres
Location: BUFFALO , NY
Joined: 12.03.2015

Jun 7 @ 6:29 PM ET
I've made it half way down your list, I now understand.
- Lunaion


Power ( hopefully)


About 10 better then average hockey players
Hank Balling
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.18.2021

Jun 7 @ 6:29 PM ET
Would Pius Suter for Joker be a move anyone might be interested in
- Buff36

Yes and run away laughing when Vancouver accepts.

But I'm also ready to just not qualify Jokiharju
Hank Balling
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.18.2021

Jun 7 @ 6:34 PM ET
Would Pius Suter for Joker be a move anyone might be interested in
- Buff36

To go further with this proposal, if Vancouver accepts, you then trade Krebs for a serviceable 3rd pair RHD. I think it would be an upgrade all around
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jun 7 @ 6:48 PM ET
To go further with this proposal, if Vancouver accepts, you then trade Krebs for a serviceable 3rd pair RHD. I think it would be an upgrade all around
- Hank Balling

Joined: 05.23.2016

Jun 7 @ 6:50 PM ET

Power ( hopefully)


About 10 better then average hockey players

- Boss34

It has nothing to do with the players.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jun 7 @ 6:51 PM ET
To go further with this proposal, if Vancouver accepts, you then trade Krebs for a serviceable 3rd pair RHD. I think it would be an upgrade all around
- Hank Balling

Could you show me Jani Hakanpaa's numbers like Pius's if you could Hank ? Thanks
Joined: 05.23.2016

Jun 7 @ 6:53 PM ET
Would Pius Suter for Joker be a move anyone might be interested in
- Buff36

2 years, 1.6m per last summer. KA opted for Jost at 2m.

Not the worst idea, but Joker should hold quite a bit more value.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jun 7 @ 6:56 PM ET
2 years, 1.6m per last summer. KA opted for Jost at 2m.

Not the worst idea, but Joker should hold quite a bit more value.

- Lunaion

From a Vancouver fan, posted it above
Buffalo Sabres
Location: BUFFALO , NY
Joined: 12.03.2015

Jun 7 @ 7:15 PM ET
2 years, 1.6m per last summer. KA opted for Jost at 2m.

Not the worst idea, but Joker should hold quite a bit more value.

- Lunaion

Was a guy like jost a “ donnie guy”?

I’m guessing a collaboration between gm and hc on player signings
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jun 7 @ 7:20 PM ET
Was a guy like jost a “ donnie guy”?

I’m guessing a collaboration between gm and hc on player signings

- Boss34

Even if it was doesn't mean you pay him 2 mill
Slump Buster
Buffalo Sabres
Location: I root for draft picks but not the team, apparently, NY
Joined: 10.24.2006

Jun 7 @ 7:21 PM ET
Would Pius Suter for Joker be a move anyone might be interested in
- Buff36

Is this an actual rumor? Or just having fun?
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jun 7 @ 7:27 PM ET
Is this an actual rumor? Or just having fun?
- Slump Buster

Vancouver fan on CapFriendly, posted it above
Joined: 05.23.2016

Jun 7 @ 7:30 PM ET
Was a guy like jost a “ donnie guy”?

I’m guessing a collaboration between gm and hc on player signings

- Boss34

KA's terrified of everyone saying no. I don't think he was anyone's guy, just a fear motivated move.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jun 7 @ 7:42 PM ET
KA's terrified of everyone saying no. I don't think he was anyone's guy, just a fear motivated move.
- Lunaion

Pretty good Post! Seems spot on
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jun 7 @ 7:51 PM ET
Bennett Sennecke really has moved up.
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