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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 4 @ 10:36 AM ET

the flyers do not get my benefit of the doubt. I believe the agent.

- hello it's me 2050

Me too.

When in the same press conference that Briere was talking about the trade, he admitted to lying to the Flyers fans and the press at times in his less than 1 year on the job, why would you believe anything he says? His actions need to back up his words, and he needs to rebuild that trust with the public.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 4 @ 10:36 AM ET
You don't feel uneasy about the guy being pegged as a top dman being with "if's" and "coulds", and who's history shows him to be injury prone?

I would love to be wrong and have Drysdale become even what Zack Werenski is, but I have my doubts that a small, injury dman can stay in the lineup consistantly enough to prove that. He just doesn't seem durable.

Like cmon folks...if we have Drysdale, York and Andrea in the lineup, we are going to be very undersized. I like York, and had no issues with his selection in the draft. He was captain of Team USA at points in his career, so he has been seen as a leader to his peers. I don't see a place for 3 puck moving dmen under 6'.

I get that the Flyers had to move Gauthier, but it just feels like they settled for a guy based purely on his potential, and the not the facts of his 5 year NHL career so far.

- TheFreak

no need to move him when they did. should have waited until the off season/draft.

bottom line to me is they saw a chance to add an nhl level player while they pushed for the playoffs. it was an "addition" without any subtraction. short sighted thinking to me.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jun 4 @ 10:41 AM ET
You don't feel uneasy about the guy being pegged as a top dman being with "if's" and "coulds", and who's history shows him to be injury prone?

I would love to be wrong and have Drysdale become even what Zack Werenski is, but I have my doubts that a small, injury dman can stay in the lineup consistantly enough to prove that. He just doesn't seem durable.

Like cmon folks...if we have Drysdale, York and Andrea in the lineup, we are going to be very undersized. I like York, and had no issues with his selection in the draft. He was captain of Team USA at points in his career, so he has been seen as a leader to his peers. I don't see a place for 3 puck moving dmen under 6'.

I get that the Flyers had to move Gauthier, but it just feels like they settled for a guy based purely on his potential, and the not the facts of his 5 year NHL career so far.

- TheFreak

At this stage I really don’t. There are plenty of “ifs” and “coulds” for both players. JD is what, 21,22 and Quitter is 19 or 20? They both have the same question marks any young unproven NHL player has. I’ve read nothing that JDs injuries are related. My one concern is, that if the Flyers knew he was not at 100%, and he was the cornerstone piece to trading away a top five pick, why did they risk his health, development and confidence by having him play hurt? Flyers certainly don’t get the benefit of any doubt when it comes to handling their players health.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 4 @ 10:42 AM ET
You should re-read his comment. He didn't say anything about the players throwing the games. Team management tanks, not players.

Ok then. I misunderstood. 🤷
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 4 @ 10:50 AM ET
That's semantics. At the end, neither the agent nor the player would communicate with the Flyers. Which is why Jones and Briere took the step to fly overseas to the world championships to try and talk to the player.

"“It’s a private issue between the player and his family,” Overhardt told TSN’s Pierre Lebrun. “We definitely had conversations with Philadelphia, we had very respectable conversations with Philadelphia about it, we’ve chosen just to take the high road and leave all that information private.”

Maybe you should look up the definition of the word communicate. I know this will come as a shock to you, but it actually doesn't mean 'getting the answers you want to get.'

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jun 4 @ 10:52 AM ET
At least there’s only 3 weeks and a couple of days until this draft suspense and speculation is over.

What’s everyone think?
A) Flyers stand pat and draft 12 & 31/32
B) Flyers make aggressive moves and acquire better picks, prospects, or NHL players?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 4 @ 10:53 AM ET
"“It’s a private issue between the player and his family,” Overhardt told TSN’s Pierre Lebrun. “We definitely had conversations with Philadelphia, we had very respectable conversations with Philadelphia about it, we’ve chosen just to take the high road and leave all that information private.”

Maybe you should look up the definition of the word communicate. I know this will come as a shock to you, but it actually doesn't mean 'getting the answers you want to get.'

- PT21

for someone who deals in facts only very shocked to see cliff post misinformation.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 4 @ 10:53 AM ET
Me too.

When in the same press conference that Briere was talking about the trade, he admitted to lying to the Flyers fans and the press at times in his less than 1 year on the job, why would you believe anything he says? His actions need to back up his words, and he needs to rebuild that trust with the public.

- TheFreak

And me. Frankly, I see them as con artists.

When Norman Braman was doing his Bill Wirtz impersonation, we knew he was a miser and wouldn't spend. At least there was honesty.

What bothers me the most about the Flyers is not the results per se. It is the fact that they know very well they are not doing their best to win, and yet they have this honest 'injun persona.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 4 @ 10:57 AM ET
You don't feel uneasy about the guy being pegged as a top dman being surrounded with "if's" and "coulds", and who's history shows him to be injury prone?

I would love to be wrong and have Drysdale become even what Zack Werenski is, but I have my doubts that a small, injury dman can stay in the lineup consistantly enough to prove that. He just doesn't seem durable.

Like cmon folks...if we have Drysdale, York and Andrea in the lineup, we are going to be very undersized. I like York, and had no issues with his selection in the draft. He was captain of Team USA at points in his career, so he has been seen as a leader to his peers. I don't see a place for 3 puck moving dmen under 6'.

I get that the Flyers had to move Gauthier, but it just feels like they settled for a guy based purely on his potential, and the not the facts of his 5 year NHL career so far.

- TheFreak

What trade for Gauthier would have been acceptable? Rumor was Briere spoke to MTL about #5 overall before the draft, and the Habs said "no". Another rumor is COL was approached for Byram and the Avs said "no". Even though the public was in the dark about the Gauthier situation, pretty certain the league knew he was available for awhile. So comparing what the Flyers received in the trade as opposed to what was rumored and denied, what could have Briere legiitmately gotten? Maybe a top 20 pick? Could not pick get a top 10 pick. Bynam is a top 4 dman with an injury history, more established then Drysdale in the league so far. I certainly understand the Drysdale concern, but I have a feeling Briere took a shot at a flawed young player and a pick as opposed to getting a 1st rd pick well after 15.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 4 @ 10:58 AM ET
At this stage I really don’t. There are plenty of “ifs” and “coulds” for both players. JD is what, 21,22 and Quitter is 19 or 20? They both have the same question marks any young unproven NHL player has. I’ve read nothing that JDs injuries are related. My one concern is, that if the Flyers knew he was not at 100%, and he was the cornerstone piece to trading away a top five pick, why did they risk his health, development and confidence by having him play hurt? Flyers certainly don’t get the benefit of any doubt when it comes to handling their players health.
- mikeyo27

Big difference in the question marks in my mind.

Gauthier has played 1 game, and produced a point. The questions with him right now are how good is he going to be? Will he break out in his rookie year? And will he blend seemlessly with the Anaheim centers?

The questions around Drysdale seem to be can he stay healthy? What exactly is he as a player? Did the Flyers get ripped off when they traded Gauthier for him?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 4 @ 11:00 AM ET
Me too.

When in the same press conference that Briere was talking about the trade, he admitted to lying to the Flyers fans and the press at times in his less than 1 year on the job, why would you believe anything he says? His actions need to back up his words, and he needs to rebuild that trust with the public.

- TheFreak

In situations like Gauthier refusing to sign, I don’t want them being transparent about it. If keeping that hidden from the public helps them resolve the issue or get a better return then they should keep it quiet. Briere even said they kept it quiet incase they could change his mind and didn’t want the fans knowing about it because that would make it hard for him to survive here. Briere is right about that. I also believe the kid’s personality would have not worked in this city. If he’s that sensitive then he’d have been eaten alive by media and fans.

Now, it’s perfectly fair to be skeptical about Drysdale, especially with the luck the Flyers have had. But I do feel like Gauthier has been inflated a bit since the trade. Yes, Fletcher saw him as a future 1C and was selling that BS to Flyers fans. But everyone else, even up to the day he was traded still didn’t see it. His projection on the high end was a 1LW and maybe he could be a 2C. But most evaluations questioned his ability to transition to center. So, as I said it’s fair to be skeptical of Drysdale but it’s not like Gauthier was on the same level as a Fantilli or Carlsson.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ersson-Ville, NB, NB
Joined: 01.18.2007

Jun 4 @ 11:03 AM ET
At this stage I really don’t. There are plenty of “ifs” and “coulds” for both players. JD is what, 21,22 and Quitter is 19 or 20? They both have the same question marks any young unproven NHL player has. I’ve read nothing that JDs injuries are related. My one concern is, that if the Flyers knew he was not at 100%, and he was the cornerstone piece to trading away a top five pick, why did they risk his health, development and confidence by having him play hurt? Flyers certainly don’t get the benefit of any doubt when it comes to handling their players health.
- mikeyo27

Good points. The org has always been terrible at managing players health. What I thought was that he had surgery on his shoulder that caused him to miss two years ago, then on the hit this year, he dislocated the same shoulder but I could be wrong. Then it would stand to reason that he might need surgery again to fix that issue.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 4 @ 11:07 AM ET
What trade for Gauthier would have been acceptable? Rumor was Briere spoke to MTL about #5 overall before the draft, and the Habs said "no". Another rumor is COL was approached for Byram and the Avs said "no". Even though the public was in the dark about the Gauthier situation, pretty certain the league knew he was available for awhile. So comparing what the Flyers received in the trade as opposed to what was rumored and denied, what could have Briere legiitmately gotten? Maybe a top 20 pick? Could not pick get a top 10 pick. Bynam is a top 4 dman with an injury history, more established then Drysdale in the league so far. I certainly understand the Drysdale concern, but I have a feeling Briere took a shot at a flawed young player and a pick as opposed to getting a 1st rd pick well after 15.
- Trox88

I don't know what trade would have been acceptable.

We have heard bits and pieces of some teams that the Flyers talked to. I get Colorado not wanting trade Byram at that point in time for Gauthier, as Colorado is competing for cups, and if you are going to be trading a piece like Byram, their preference would probably be someone they get to play in their lineup right away...ala the trade with Buffalo for Middlestat. We also hear Gauthier trades were regected by Colorado and Montreal...we don't know if it was just a quick conversation, or what. The Flyers might have asked for a pick and a player from both and was told no. We don't know the basis of those conversations.

We also don't know what Philly regected from other teams.....
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Jun 4 @ 11:08 AM ET
In situations like Gauthier refusing to sign, I don’t want them being transparent about it. If keeping that hidden from the public helps them resolve the issue or get a better return then they should keep it quiet. Briere even said they kept it quiet incase they could change his mind and didn’t want the fans knowing about it because that would make it hard for him to survive here. Briere is right about that. I also believe the kid’s personality would have not worked in this city. If he’s that sensitive then he’d have been eaten alive by media and fans.

Now, it’s perfectly fair to be skeptical about Drysdale, especially with the luck the Flyers have had. But I do feel like Gauthier has been inflated a bit since the trade. Yes, Fletcher saw him as a future 1C and was selling that BS to Flyers fans. But everyone else, even up to the day he was traded still didn’t see it. His projection on the high end was a 1LW and maybe he could be a 2C. But most evaluations questioned his ability to transition to center. So, as I said it’s fair to be skeptical of Drysdale but it’s not like Gauthier was on the same level as a Fantilli or Carlsson.

- Schmojo

I think with what Briere has had to deal with in less than a year of being a rookie GM, he’s done a good job considering the circumstances. Provorov wanting to be moved isn’t a Briere problem. In fact the return for Provorov was pretty solid for a defenseman who has done nothing but regressed in his career. Cutter Gauthier not signing and still getting multiple pieces in a deal for a player that has never stepped on NHL ice. The drafted of Michkov. All other teams were scared off, Briere wasn’t. Bonk looks pretty good, I don’t think Bonk was on anyone radar a year ago on draft day and he looks pretty good in London.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 4 @ 11:11 AM ET
In situations like Gauthier refusing to sign, I don’t want them being transparent about it. If keeping that hidden from the public helps them resolve the issue or get a better return then they should keep it quiet. Briere even said they kept it quiet incase they could change his mind and didn’t want the fans knowing about it because that would make it hard for him to survive here. Briere is right about that. I also believe the kid’s personality would have not worked in this city. If he’s that sensitive then he’d have been eaten alive by media and fans.

Now, it’s perfectly fair to be skeptical about Drysdale, especially with the luck the Flyers have had. But I do feel like Gauthier has been inflated a bit since the trade. Yes, Fletcher saw him as a future 1C and was selling that BS to Flyers fans. But everyone else, even up to the day he was traded still didn’t see it. His projection on the high end was a 1LW and maybe he could be a 2C. But most evaluations questioned his ability to transition to center. So, as I said it’s fair to be skeptical of Drysdale but it’s not like Gauthier was on the same level as a Fantilli or Carlsson.

- Schmojo

says who?> that is yet TBD. His stock went up after the trade imo based off his performance.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 4 @ 11:16 AM ET
In situations like Gauthier refusing to sign, I don’t want them being transparent about it. If keeping that hidden from the public helps them resolve the issue or get a better return then they should keep it quiet. Briere even said they kept it quiet incase they could change his mind and didn’t want the fans knowing about it because that would make it hard for him to survive here. Briere is right about that. I also believe the kid’s personality would have not worked in this city. If he’s that sensitive then he’d have been eaten alive by media and fans.

Now, it’s perfectly fair to be skeptical about Drysdale, especially with the luck the Flyers have had. But I do feel like Gauthier has been inflated a bit since the trade. Yes, Fletcher saw him as a future 1C and was selling that BS to Flyers fans. But everyone else, even up to the day he was traded still didn’t see it. His projection on the high end was a 1LW and maybe he could be a 2C. But most evaluations questioned his ability to transition to center. So, as I said it’s fair to be skeptical of Drysdale but it’s not like Gauthier was on the same level as a Fantilli or Carlsson.

- Schmojo

Briere and Co have lied multiple times to fans, not just the once.

They lied about no contact with the player or agent. No contact and not getting the answers you want are 2 totally different things.

I don't think Gauthier has been inflated at all. I don't really care if he made it as a c or a winger. The Flyers having a void of quality centers is not his issue, and shouldn't have changed projections for the player.
As a top lw, I can see him getting to 40 goals in a season. His hype has been backed up by his play at the Worlds, at BC and at the WJC this year. He produces in big games, and has a natural scoring abilty. ALL Flyers fans were hyping the shlt out of Michkov and Gauthier playing together until he was traded.

His trash talking in the championship game was just that. He was just trying to be the guy who predicted his team would win. What do you expect him say? They are going to beat us? And noone on BC showed up for that championship game..not just Gauthier.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 4 @ 11:26 AM ET
Briere and Co have lied multiple times to fans, not just the once.

They lied about no contact with the player or agent. No contact and not getting the answers you want are 2 totally different things.

- TheFreak

Technically, they said they were unable to get in touch with Gauthier. The sneaky implication was that they were unable to get in touch with his camp, which is of course untrue. But it was an implication, so subterfuge I guess, not outirght lying.

I strongly doubt Flyers don't have any idea why the kid wanted out. I think they have some very, very good ideas. The frantic stalking of Gauthier was not about getting answers. It was about getting the answers and then using them to try to change his mind.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 4 @ 11:30 AM ET
Technically, they said they were unable to get in touch with Gauthier. The sneaky implication was that they were unable to get in touch with his camp, which is of course untrue. But it was an implication, so subterfuge I guess, not outirght lying.

I strongly doubt Flyers don't have any idea why the kid wanted out. I think they have some very, very good ideas. The frantic stalking of Gauthier was not about getting answers. It was about getting the answers and then using them to try to change his mind.

- PT21

they know 100% why he wanted out imo.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jun 4 @ 11:36 AM ET
No it is not fact. You purposely have the story wrong. It wasn't about guaranteed ice time...show me the facts to that if they are facts. It was about burning the first year, which I believe he was promised by Fletcher, and Briere said no, just to comeback 2 months later to try and sign him. He wasn't ready in March, but was in May?????

What part of this is so hard for you to understand? When your top prospect in the organization, Michkov wasn't drafted yet, comes to you to sign his ELC, you do it. Name another team that doesn't sign their top prospect to an ELC like this?

He is good enough to be top 6 on this team as a rookie, so no need to guarantee ice time.

- TheFreak

You believe he was promised? How do you know this? What evidence do you have? I have seen nothing stating this was indeed promised, and though Fletcher was a poor GM, I have a difficult time believing he would be this stupid. You have to also take into account the timing of the firing and the fact that Briere was just given the interim tag at the time Quitter's first college season ended. There was a lot of turmoil in the organization with Scott transitioning out also.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 4 @ 11:42 AM ET
You believe he was promised? How do you know this? What evidence do you have? I have seen nothing stating this was indeed promised, and though Fletcher was a poor GM, I have a difficult time believing he would be this stupid. You have to also take into account the timing of the firing and the fact that Briere was just given the interim tag at the time Quitter's first college season ended. There was a lot of turmoil in the organization with Scott transitioning out also.
- jd250

you do not need evidence as he is sharing what he believes.

flyers messed up letting their top 5 pick get away. accept it, get over it, and move on.

flyers are stocked with talent so cutter needed that guarantee right? it was a 100% lock had he signed he made the opening night roster. danny boy miscalculated.

this was a simple as simple can get. you sign him. they f'ed up.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jun 4 @ 11:43 AM ET
I am more than welcome to come on this PUBLIC forum and voice my opinion. So don't be like that...?!?!?!?!

I actually do know what I am talking about. At this point in his career, Drysdale has missed more games that he has played. Being healthy and able to play in games is a key component to being a top tier player. Just ask Lindros and Patrick how much injuries screwed their careers. Lindros' career would have been probably top 5 all time if he could have stayed healthy. Patrick might have been a middle tier center if he could have stayed healthy. Being repeatedly injured is a huge aspect to how a player should be relied upon in a lineup.

He can have all the talent in the world, but not being able to actually play in the games makes it mean nothing. A top pairing dman needs to play in at least 75 games a year to be an effective top dman. Not being able to appear affects that. He has had major surgery on his shoulder at just 21, and is a smaller player. He seems a bit brittle, and bad shoulders on dmen are like bad hips on goalies.

So far, he has shown he skates pretty, makes some nice passes, but really was uneffective for the Flyers after he was acquired. He had 5 points in 24 games, and was a -18 in that time. He has a combined 50 points in 147 NHL...is a 0.34 ppg career average, which gives him an average of only 28 points in an 82 game season. He is a career -61 in 147....so his defensive game seems to not be upper tier, as was shown last year in his limited appearances with Philly.

How is any of this top pairing?

- TheFreak

Firstly, Drysdale absolutely has the potential to be a 1st pairing defenseman, in fact at his draft he was the only defenseman that was projected to have this potential. He was rushed to the NHL but still at only 19 years old played 81 games his first full season. Yes he has since got hurt, but this is not unexpected from a smallish defenseman. He is only 22 years old. He will get stronger and smarter and learn to stay on the ice. The fact is Drysdale has only played 147 NHL games. You really need 250-400 NHL games before you truly see what a defenseman is going to be. We need to be patient and give him time. Also Quitter hasn't played 1 NHL game yet and like I said, as a sophomore at BC was not even the best player on his team. Let's see if Quitter can stay on the ice his first few seasons and see what he can do. There is still a long way to go with this story.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: DE
Joined: 02.13.2013

Jun 4 @ 11:43 AM ET
Like cmon folks...if we have Drysdale, York and Andrea in the lineup, we are going to be very undersized. I like York, and had no issues with his selection in the draft. He was captain of Team USA at points in his career, so he has been seen as a leader to his peers. I don't see a place for 3 puck moving dmen under 6'.
- TheFreak

Good thing they were prevented from trading Sanheim for little Torey Krug.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 4 @ 11:43 AM ET
You believe he was promised? How do you know this? What evidence do you have? I have seen nothing stating this was indeed promised, and though Fletcher was a poor GM, I have a difficult time believing he would be this stupid. You have to also take into account the timing of the firing and the fact that Briere was just given the interim tag at the time Quitter's first college season ended. There was a lot of turmoil in the organization with Scott transitioning out also.
- jd250

Not Gauthiers problem.

And yes, I do believe he was promised a contract at the end of his college year by Fletcher. No proof, but it does help my line of thinking
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 10.03.2006

Jun 4 @ 11:45 AM ET
says who?> that is yet TBD. His stock went up after the trade imo based off his performance.
- hello it's me 2050

If anything it looks like they traded him to early because they thought they were going to the playoffs and wanted another NHL body.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jun 4 @ 11:45 AM ET
you do not need evidence as he is sharing what he believes.

flyers messed up letting their top 5 pick get away. accept it, get over it, and move on.

flyers are stocked with talent so cutter needed that guarantee right? it was a 100% lock had he signed he made the opening night roster. danny boy miscalculated.

this was a simple as simple can get. you sign him. they f'ed up.

- hello it's me 2050

I don't think the FLyers messed up at all ... in fact it was a blessing in disguise. I say good riddens.
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