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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 4 @ 6:06 PM ET
That's not true at all. The Flyers never stated that they never had contact with the player or agent. They said when they wanted to sign him in May, and the Gauthier camp said they no longer want to play for the Flyers, and communication was cut off. That's when the Flyers stated that they no longer had any contact. They didn't lie about that.

Briere had said in his talk about the trade during the game saying they had had no contact. The agent disputed that saying they had spoken multiple times in December leading up to the juniors. The player himself didn't want contact from the team, but they seemed to communicate through the agent. When Briere said what he said, it sounded like he was saying he hadn't spoken to Gauthiers
camp at all. I believe it was another in a list of things said and done that were on the line of the full truth or not.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 4 @ 6:13 PM ET
Briere had said in his talk about the trade during the game saying they had had no contact. The agent disputed that saying they had spoken multiple times in December leading up to the juniors. The player himself didn't want contact from the team, but they seemed to communicate through the agent. When Briere said what he said, it sounded like he was saying he hadn't spoken to Gauthiers
camp at all. I believe it was another in a list of things said and done that were on the line of the full truth or not.

- TheFreak

You're not following the timeline. Briere never stated that they had no contact, as in never . He stated that when the Flyers attempted to sign Gauthier in May, the Gauthier camp responded with that he no longer wished to play for the Flyers. It was from that point on that they Flyers were not able to have contact with the player or his agent. We know that the Gauthier camp discussed signing with the Flyers when his NCAA season ended in March I believe. For some reason, you're going all the way back to the previous December. It was never stated by Briere or the Flyers that they didn't have contact with the Gauthier camp before May. This is all well documented.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 4 @ 6:19 PM ET
You're not following the timeline. Briere never stated that they had no contact, as in never . He stated that when the Flyers attempted to sign Gauthier in May, the Gauthier camp responded with that he no longer wished to play for the Flyers. It was from that point on that they Flyers were not able to have contact with the player or his agent. We know that the Gauthier camp discussed signing with the Flyers when his NCAA season ended in March I believe. For some reason, you're going all the way back to the previous December. It was never stated by Briere or the Flyers that they didn't have contact with the Gauthier camp before May. This is all well documented.

why do you discount that the agent said that isn't true cliff? they spoke in sweden. yes it is well documented. public record if you will.

so your bottom line is you believe the flyers and agent is lying. great. why not just say that

your the one not following.
Joined: 06.09.2021

Jun 4 @ 6:57 PM ET

- PT21

thats actually pretty (frank)ing funny
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 4 @ 7:11 PM ET
if the flyers say something or something is reported that MJL agrees with - it's the truth - the proof is right there! duh!

if the flyers say something or something is reported that MJL DOESN'T agree with - it's speculation, not FACTS! they lie ALL THE TIME! the burden of proof is on YOU!

the flyers both lie AND tell the truth - and whichever fits his narrative is what he goes with. this is how he operates.

it comes down to a sad and desperate need to feel right 100% of the time. it's quite pathetic.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 4 @ 7:18 PM ET
You're not following the timeline. Briere never stated that they had no contact, as in never . He stated that when the Flyers attempted to sign Gauthier in May, the Gauthier camp responded with that he no longer wished to play for the Flyers. It was from that point on that they Flyers were not able to have contact with the player or his agent. We know that the Gauthier camp discussed signing with the Flyers when his NCAA season ended in March I believe. For some reason, you're going all the way back to the previous December. It was never stated by Briere or the Flyers that they didn't have contact with the Gauthier camp before May. This is all well documented.

I am not misunderstanding. I was talking about late last year and into December. I am going back to December of 2023. His agent stated they talked numerous times before the WJC. The agent talked with the team, not the player in December 2023, as per the agent.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 4 @ 7:35 PM ET
You're not following the timeline. Briere never stated that they had no contact, as in never . He stated that when the Flyers attempted to sign Gauthier in May, the Gauthier camp responded with that he no longer wished to play for the Flyers. It was from that point on that they Flyers were not able to have contact with the player or his agent. We know that the Gauthier camp discussed signing with the Flyers when his NCAA season ended in March I believe. For some reason, you're going all the way back to the previous December. It was never stated by Briere or the Flyers that they didn't have contact with the Gauthier camp before May. This is all well documented.

1. Its wasn't the Gauthier camp. It was Gauthier himself, over a zoom call. Friedman says it was "after the World Championship." I provide a link to the quote: https://youtu.be/tHe1KpYvmX4?si=iWwGJvInc6zL9b (start it at 8.32. Can't get that quote feature to work)

The WC ended May 28. So that would be end May at the earliest.

2. Your 2nd claim, about no contact after declaration of not signing with us, is simply not true. How do I know that? Because of what Danny Briere said himself:

“I really don’t know,” general manager Danny Briere told The Athletic. “I kept asking Kurt over and over two questions: Why can’t we meet with them so we can at least just present our case and tell him what we’re trying to do and how we are building this team and saw Cutter being a core part of it? And the other question is: OK, if you don’t want to play in Philadelphia, can we know the reason? We couldn’t get an answer on either one.”
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 4 @ 7:39 PM ET
thats actually pretty (frank)ing funny

I forgot you are in the house ...
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 11.26.2018

Jun 4 @ 7:40 PM ET
For me, the trade with Anaheim could never be measured for either player at this point. Just like a draft pick, IMO it takes a few years to see the players worth. I also don’t put much stock in, if Drysdale turns out to be a No. 1 or 2. More importantly, I would want JD to be free to play to his strengths. If he is not the best defensive defenseman, so be it. Get other players to fill that role. But if he is best at creating chances, getting better opportunities for others using his best attribute, his skating, I’m good with that. I just don’t think the Flyers would know how to handle an offensive thinking D-man. Especially under this coaching staff. Now I do remember this season, there was a time they were in the top 5, with d-men scoring I believe. So I guess there is some hope. I guess my question would be, if the Flyers had a player like Letang in his prime, would they give him a green light to roam and try to create scoring chances using his skating ability.
Just seems they could never find a good balance of using an offensive puck carrier on D. I know, I know, it’s not like we had Brian Leetch coming through the system lately.
Would love to see JD, 100% healthy and free to back people off with speed and create.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 4 @ 8:24 PM ET
I am not misunderstanding. I was talking about late last year and into December. I am going back to December of 2023. His agent stated they talked numerous times before the WJC. The agent talked with the team, not the player in December 2023, as per the agent.
- TheFreak

Right, the Flyers nor Briere never stated that they didn't have contact with Gauthier before May. It was after May when the Flyers said they couldn't contact the Gauthier camp. So how did they lie?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 4 @ 8:27 PM ET
1. Its wasn't the Gauthier camp. It was Gauthier himself, over a zoom call. Friedman says it was "after the World Championship." I provide a link to the quote: https://youtu.be/tHe1KpYvmX4?si=iWwGJvInc6zL9b (start it at 8.32. Can't get that quote feature to work)

The WC ended May 28. So that would be end May at the earliest.

2. Your 2nd claim, about no contact after declaration of not signing with us, is simply not true. How do I know that? Because of what Danny Briere said himself:

“I really don’t know,” general manager Danny Briere told The Athletic. “I kept asking Kurt over and over two questions: Why can’t we meet with them so we can at least just present our case and tell him what we’re trying to do and how we are building this team and saw Cutter being a core part of it? And the other question is: OK, if you don’t want to play in Philadelphia, can we know the reason? We couldn’t get an answer on either one.”

- PT21

"we couldn't get an answer on either question". Seems you missed that part. The Flyers were not able to contact the Gauthier camp after he told the Flyers he didn't want to play for him anymore. Neither the agent nor the player would respond to them. Well reported.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 4 @ 8:50 PM ET
"we couldn't get an answer on either question". Seems you missed that part. The Flyers were not able to contact the Gauthier camp after he told the Flyers he didn't want to play for him anymore. Neither the agent nor the player would respond to them. Well reported.

Yes, no one disputes that the camp refused to provide those answers. Not providing answers to specific questions however /= ghosting, which is what was insinuated by Briere.

Let us know when you come up with yet another contrived interpretation of the terms: contact or communication or speak. How about 'did not share a highball in bed'.

It is "well documented" that never happened so we would agree about that.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 4 @ 8:56 PM ET
Yes, no one disputes that the camp refused to provide those answers. Not providing answers to specific questions however /= ghosting, which is what was insinuated by Briere.

Let us know when you come up with yet another contrived interpretation of the terms: contact or communication or speak. How about "did not share a highball in bed.

It is "well documented" that never happened so we would agree about that.

- PT21

You lack simple common sense. It wasn't just insinuated by Briere. It was well reported that the Flyers were not able to contact the Gauthier camp after they were told he no longer wanted to play for them. You seem to think that if you call someone and they don't answer, that you had contact. LOL. Let me know when you get it right. You're still struggling with what happened long after the fact. Your condescension and attempts at insults will not change what actually happened. We know for a fact that Jones and Briere flew all the way to Sweden to try and talk to Gauthier. To get an explanation and to see if it could be worked out. You don't do that if you're able to contact by other means. Simple common sense.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 4 @ 9:34 PM ET
You lack simple common sense. It wasn't just insinuated by Briere. It was well reported that the Flyers were not able to contact the Gauthier camp after they were told he no longer wanted to play for them. You seem to think that if you call someone and they don't answer, that you had contact. LOL. Let me know when you get it right. You're still struggling with what happened long after the fact. Your condescension and attempts at insults will not change what actually happened. We know for a fact that Jones and Briere flew all the way to Sweden to try and talk to Gauthier. To get an explanation and to see if it could be worked out. You don't do that if you're able to contact by other means. Simple common sense.

You realize that the agent specifically said that they had "several" conversations with the flyers management about the situation, right? And you realize that this is a professional agency with lots of players as clients, including two mainstays on then roster: Joel Farabee and Sean Walker? So, you would have an agent just not answer calls from a huge current and future business partner? Then publicly lie about it? When they could simply take call and say that the client wishes to keep reasons for decision personal?

Which planet do you live in???
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 4 @ 9:49 PM ET
You realize that the agent specifically said that they had "several" conversations with the flyers management about the situation, right? And you realize that this is a professional agency with lots of players as clients, including two mainstays on then roster: Joel Farabee and Sean Walker? So, you would have an agent just not answer calls from a huge current and future business partner? Then publicly lie about it? When they could simply take call and say that the client wishes to keep reasons for decision personal?

Which planet do you live in???

- PT21

My position is not that the Flyers and the players agent never talked or had conversations. I live on the planet where people can read. The Flyers are a professional organization as well. Again, why would Jones and Briere fly all the way to Sweden to try and reason with the player if they were able to talk to the agent about it after Gauthier declared that he no longer wanted to play for the Flyers? You lack common sense. It's a fact that the Flyers were not able to have contact with the player or his agent after they informed the Flyers that he didn't want to play for them. This has been discussed repeatedly. You've been repeatedly wrong. End of story.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 4 @ 11:11 PM ET
My position is not that the Flyers and the players agent never talked or had conversations. I live on the planet where people can read. The Flyers are a professional organization as well. Again, why would Jones and Briere fly all the way to Sweden to try and reason with the player if they were able to talk to the agent about it after Gauthier declared that he no longer wanted to play for the Flyers? You lack common sense. It's a fact that the Flyers were not able to have contact with the player or his agent after they informed the Flyers that he didn't want to play for them. This has been discussed repeatedly. You've been repeatedly wrong. End of story.

There is a difference between not being able to talk to the agent at all, which is what ghosting would suggest. And not being able to get the agent to answer specific questions.

It is analogous to having a witness not show up and have a witness show up but plead the 5th to specific matters.

If the agent met with them as requested, reiterated CG's decision, and request for a trade, but refused to provide specific reasoning about CG's decision, that is not ghosting.

I think this is about the 10th odd time I (and others) have tried to explain this to you, but your obstinacy and obtuseness makes further discussion redundant, as we will keep going on in such moronic circles.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 5 @ 5:30 AM ET
Right, the Flyers nor Briere never stated that they didn't have contact with Gauthier before May. It was after May when the Flyers said they couldn't contact the Gauthier camp. So how did they lie?

I am not talking about May at all.

When Gauthier was traded, Briere came on TV and said they cut conversation. They stopped talking. We tried.

The agent says we talked multiple times in December and in January.

So Briere says no communication, the agent says we talked last month. One is lying, and I believe the agent. Briere already admitted he had lied to the fans about the Gauthier situation...regardless of the reasons, he was lying to fans. I just don't trust much, if anything, that comes out of the teams management mouths.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 5 @ 6:37 AM ET
My position is not that the Flyers and the players agent never talked or had conversations. I live on the planet where people can read. The Flyers are a professional organization as well. Again, why would Jones and Briere fly all the way to Sweden to try and reason with the player if they were able to talk to the agent about it after Gauthier declared that he no longer wanted to play for the Flyers? You lack common sense. It's a fact that the Flyers were not able to have contact with the player or his agent after they informed the Flyers that he didn't want to play for them. This has been discussed repeatedly. You've been repeatedly wrong. End of story.

simple common sense you turd.

they have a guy they drafted 5th overall who's stock and play has risen. you do whatever it takes to convince him to stay. that is why you fly over there to see if maybe he changed his mind and will talk. nothing to lose by doing that cliff

it is a fact in your world, not the real one. the agent talked to them in December 2023 in sweden and when they were back. you have been proved repeatedly wrong.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 5 @ 3:38 PM ET
There is a difference between not being able to talk to the agent at all, which is what ghosting would suggest. And not being able to get the agent to answer specific questions.

It is analogous to having a witness not show up and have a witness show up but plead the 5th to specific matters.

If the agent met with them as requested, reiterated CG's decision, and request for a trade, but refused to provide specific reasoning about CG's decision, that is not ghosting.

I think this is about the 10th odd time I (and others) have tried to explain this to you, but your obstinacy and obtuseness makes further discussion redundant, as we will keep going on in such moronic circles.

- PT21

You're wrong and you've been repeatedly wrong . It was not a case of the Flyers not being able to get the answer they wanted. It was a case of not being able to get any answer. They were "ghosted" by Gauthier and his agent. Well reported. Which is why they took the drastic step of flying all the way to Sweden. Again, I'll say to you, which you of course conveniently ignore. Why would they do that if they were able to have contact? They wouldn't. After the Gauthier camp informed the Flyers that he no longert wanted to play for them. The Flyers were not able to contact Gauthier or his agent. Your ignorance is astounding. Only surpassed by you arrogance
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 5 @ 3:41 PM ET
I am not talking about May at all.

When Gauthier was traded, Briere came on TV and said they cut conversation. They stopped talking. We tried.

The agent says we talked multiple times in December and in January.

So Briere says no communication, the agent says we talked last month. One is lying, and I believe the agent. Briere already admitted he had lied to the fans about the Gauthier situation...regardless of the reasons, he was lying to fans. I just don't trust much, if anything, that comes out of the teams management mouths.

- TheFreak

I know that your not talking about May but you should be because that is when contact was cut off. Not back in December and January. You're off on the timeline. I have no issue with Briere attempting to keep it quiet that Gauthier didn't want to play for the Flyers anymore. He was trying to protect the trade market. There are some times where it is justifiable for a lack of candidness and that's one of them
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 6 @ 12:28 AM ET
I know that your not talking about May but you should be because that is when contact was cut off. Not back in December and January. You're off on the timeline. I have no issue with Briere attempting to keep it quiet that Gauthier didn't want to play for the Flyers anymore. He was trying to protect the trade market. There are some times where it is justifiable for a lack of candidness and that's one of them

you are making no sense.

I am talking December 2023 and January 2024, just before he was traded. The agent is on public record saying he had talks with Briere and Co in December 2023 and January 2024. Briere says he has been ghosted since May.

Different stories, and again, I believe the agent.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 6 @ 7:16 AM ET
you are making no sense.

I am talking December 2023 and January 2024, just before he was traded. The agent is on public record saying he had talks with Briere and Co in December 2023 and January 2024. Briere says he has been ghosted since May.

Different stories, and again, I believe the agent.

- TheFreak

The agent's account is not supported by any outside sources that I'm aware of. In my opinion the agent and the players acted unprofessionally.
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