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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: Will The Marner Situation Play Out As Sundin 2.0, Nylander 2.0 On Neither?
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Vancouver Island, BC
Joined: 01.18.2015

Jun 4 @ 2:57 PM ET
grapefruit is my second favourite fruit after watermelon
- TheMussel

Oh boy

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Jun 4 @ 3:01 PM ET
No particular order

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 4 @ 3:01 PM ET
Marner still had 85 points in 69 games this year.
- Rare_Jewel

Yup and thats considered a bad year.
Location: Leafs AAV Champs, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jun 4 @ 3:01 PM ET
Two bold lies.

Tavares was the 2nd highest paid player in the NHL when he signed with the Leafs. And he didn't live up to the contract either aside from maybe year 1 when Marner gave him a career high 47 goals.

By that logic, if the Sharks offered Marner 15 AAV a year and he signed for 12 with the Leafs, therefore Marner is also giving the Leafs a discount?

At the end of the day, Tavares cost the Leafs more money than he was worth. That was still tremendously detrimental to the team. It also created as cascade effect where everybody who signed after him (Matthews and Marner) got paid more. So even if he "left money on the table", it ended up costing the Leafs more in the near future anyway.

Nylander was overpaid for half that contract.

Year 1, 10 AAV cap hit because he held out. 7 goals, played like crap overall.
Year 2, 59 points.
Year 3, 42 points.
Year 4, 80 points.
Year 5, 89 points.
Year 6, 98 points.

He only finally lived up to it at the end when he was playing for a big extension. And then got overpaid again. His numbers dropped off after he signed too. His head hurt from all the money he got.

- Rare_Jewel

id say year 2 and 3 he earned the contract. avg around 70 points /82
and one he was on pace for 37-38 goals.

so imo 1 year...his first...was crap
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Space for Rent
Joined: 08.30.2006

Jun 4 @ 3:01 PM ET
grapefruit is my second favourite fruit after watermelon
- TheMussel

I once smoke some MJ that was infused with watermelon - a little weird I will say
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 4 @ 3:05 PM ET
grapefruit is my second favourite fruit after watermelon
- TheMussel

Royal gala apples
Green grapes
Limes - they add flavour to so much.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 09.24.2013

Jun 4 @ 3:06 PM ET
Royal gala apples
Green grapes
Limes - they add flavour to so much.

- Fakepartofme

If we're going off the board, tomato
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 4 @ 3:08 PM ET
id say year 2 and 3 he earned the contract. avg around 70 points /82
and one he was on pace for 37-38 goals.

so imo 1 year...his first...was crap

- senstroll

Year 2, the goals were there but his assists and playmaking wasn't there enough.

Year 3 was crap. On pace for 27 goals and 67 points over 82. He didn't really breakout as early as expected. Did a lot of coasting, taking games off through the first 3 years.
Location: Leafs AAV Champs, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jun 4 @ 3:09 PM ET
Jays getting shutout tonight..feels like a good bet
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 4 @ 3:10 PM ET
Jays getting shutout tonight..feels like a good bet
- senstroll

At this point im surprised they dont finish in the negatives.
Location: Leafs AAV Champs, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jun 4 @ 3:11 PM ET
Year 2, the goals were there but his assists and playmaking wasn't there enough.

Year 3 was crap. On pace for 27 goals and 67 points over 82. He didn't really breakout as early as expected. Did a lot of coasting, taking games off through the first 3 years.

- Rare_Jewel

extremely nitpicky, and a whole lot of who gives a (frank)...1 season he was bad...first back...rest was more than fine to really really good
Mike Augello
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Buffalo, NY
Joined: 06.25.2006

Jun 4 @ 3:12 PM ET
new blog everyone
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 4 @ 3:14 PM ET
Keefe wasn't the big problem. 4 x 3rd pair defence-men were.
- oldstyle

Keefe sucked as a head coach in terms of getting more from less from his players. There are a lot of very good and great coaches who take less than ideal players and get more out of them by playing a style of hockey that uses their abilities to their maximum.

Look at Edmonton right now in the Cup Final. Obviously, they have McDavid up front but their D and their goaltending is not special. Somehow, since the coach took over, he's made pylons like Kulak, Desharnais and Ceci useful. Under Keefe, a guy like Ceci was a total pylon and never improved.

Keefe wasn't the only problem because the Leafs D and goaltending needs improvement. But Keefe was definitely a part of the problem. Both need to be improved.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: All Ontario Scientist (Masters Level III)
Joined: 04.11.2018

Jun 4 @ 3:19 PM ET
Two bold lies.

Nylander was overpaid for half that contract.

Year 1, 10 AAV cap hit because he held out. 7 goals, played like crap overall.
Year 2, 59 points.
Year 3, 42 points.
Year 4, 80 points.
Year 5, 89 points.
Year 6, 98 points.

He only finally lived up to it at the end when he was playing for a big extension. And then got overpaid again. His numbers dropped off after he signed too. His head hurt from all the money he got.

- Rare_Jewel

Year 1 - 27pts in 54GP ... not a good one for sure (the hold out - never got on track)
Year 2 - 59pts in 69GP - pretty good
Year 3 - 42pts in 51GP...again pretty good
Year 4 - 80pts in 81GP...Full regular season no outside impact (contract or covid)
Year 5 - 89pts in 82GP...ibid
Year 6 - 98pts in 82GP...ibid

So, the years you say were not very good were still pretty good and they were not typical years outside influence wise. You can see - in a regular schedule (number games/normalcy) he was well under payed. I would argue his production in the last 3 years more than made up for the hiccup of the Year 1 where he never got on track from missing camp and beginning of season.
Location: I think I'll just sit back stage until somebody that matters calls me out.-King of HB Systemtool
Joined: 06.02.2010

Jun 4 @ 3:42 PM ET
It changes by making the Leafs a worse team.

Marner's next contract is not a problem because Tavares' contract expires at the exact same time. Which means, Tavares leaving, either this year or next year, solves the problem.

- Rare_Jewel

20-17-5 without Marner all time. You sure?

I mean, they still won more than they lost. So there is that.

Once you give Marner the $2 or $3M he will want and Nylander gets his $4M extra...whippee a whole $5M that will get eaten up somewhere else for more of the same shiite.

Instead you could lose both of those overpaid, useless fuks, JT and Marner, and have $24M to spend on a winger or two and D and G.

I know what I would chose.

Fuk Marner. Let him go lose in the playoffs elsewhere.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 4 @ 3:47 PM ET
20-17-5 without Marner all time. You sure?

I mean, they still won more than they lost. So there is that.

Once you give Marner the $2 or $3M he will want and Nylander gets his $4M extra...whippee a whole $5M that will get eaten up somewhere else for more of the same shiite.

Instead you could lose both of those overpaid, useless fuks, JT and Marner, and have $24M to spend on a winger or two and D and G.

I know what I would chose.

Fuk Marner. Let him go lose in the playoffs elsewhere.

- underhill14

Now go look at their W/L and winning % without Matthews, Tavares, Nylander and Rielly. Pretty sure their winning % is the lowest without Marner than the rest.

No, you let Tavares go and you have 11 AAV to keep Marner (probably only 2 AAV increase) and sign other areas of need (9 AAV to sign a RHD).

Let him go lose in the playoffs like Hyman and Kadri?
Adam French
Atlanta Thrashers
Location: Isn't Cooley 5"11? You know who else is 5"11? Sydney Crosby. - Scabeh
Joined: 04.06.2011

Jun 4 @ 4:07 PM ET
Pavelski retiring.

TIL he is the alltime leader in playoff games...without a cup

- senstroll

He looked done these playoffs. Great career. Get out when your body is working.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Jun 4 @ 4:14 PM ET
Royal gala apples
Green grapes
Limes - they add flavour to so much.

- Fakepartofme

Royal Gala are my favourite apple also

Honourable mention to Honeycrisp and Ambrosia.
Adam French
Atlanta Thrashers
Location: Isn't Cooley 5"11? You know who else is 5"11? Sydney Crosby. - Scabeh
Joined: 04.06.2011

Jun 4 @ 5:17 PM ET
Royal Gala are my favourite apple also

Honourable mention to Honeycrisp and Ambrosia.

- Zezel

What? No love for the JAZZ Apple?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Harvester of Sorrow, AB
Joined: 06.29.2006

Jun 4 @ 8:36 PM ET
What? No love for the JAZZ Apple?
- AdamFrench

i love the jazz apple. can we agree that red delicious is far from accurate?
Joined: 06.13.2009

Jun 4 @ 8:58 PM ET
Two bold lies.

Tavares was the 2nd highest paid player in the NHL when he signed with the Leafs. And he didn't live up to the contract either aside from maybe year 1 when Marner gave him a career high 47 goals.

By that logic, if the Sharks offered Marner 15 AAV a year and he signed for 12 with the Leafs, therefore Marner is also giving the Leafs a discount?

At the end of the day, Tavares cost the Leafs more money than he was worth. That was still tremendously detrimental to the team. It also created as cascade effect where everybody who signed after him (Matthews and Marner) got paid more. So even if he "left money on the table", it ended up costing the Leafs more in the near future anyway.

Nylander was overpaid for half that contract.

Year 1, 10 AAV cap hit because he held out. 7 goals, played like crap overall.
Year 2, 59 points.
Year 3, 42 points.
Year 4, 80 points.
Year 5, 89 points.
Year 6, 98 points.

He only finally lived up to it at the end when he was playing for a big extension. And then got overpaid again. His numbers dropped off after he signed too. His head hurt from all the money he got.

- Rare_Jewel

At no point did Willy have a 10 million cap hit. He had a 10 million salary in a prorated season, that is not a cap hit.

If you're going to spend your entire existence being nothing but an arrogant know it all wiener, and consistently spout off at the yapper about how you know everything and no one else knows anything, make sure you're correct and what you're saying isn't stupid.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 4 @ 11:47 PM ET
At no point did Willy have a 10 million cap hit. He had a 10 million salary in a prorated season, that is not a cap hit.

If you're going to spend your entire existence being nothing but an arrogant know it all wiener, and consistently spout off at the yapper about how you know everything and no one else knows anything, make sure you're correct and what you're saying isn't stupid.

- joel878

His salary was actually 12 million. Another inaccuracy on your part.

I can take your word for it or Capfriendly.

I think I'm going to go right. And be right.


Read it and weep. You were wrong. Own it.
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