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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: Will The Marner Situation Play Out As Sundin 2.0, Nylander 2.0 On Neither?
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow since I’m way up high
Joined: 09.15.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:31 AM ET
Points win games, Berube understands not every player can be overly physical.
There will be some ying and some yang.

- Fakepartofme

Doesn’t mean his game plan style includes them all. If he’s the type of coach who wants a physical forward group Marner won’t fit.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:32 AM ET
It's too late though.. At this point, if we have to question whether or not, Marner will be booed, it means his time here is done.
- PatC80

No its not too late.
People thought willie would get booed.
Its June. The SCF hasnt even started, this is filler.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Harvester of Sorrow, AB
Joined: 06.29.2006

Jun 4 @ 10:34 AM ET
No its not too late.
People thought willie would get booed.
Its June. The SCF hasnt even started, this is filler.

- Fakepartofme

If Keefe was the problem. Lets see what Berube can do. If MM is all about the $, he should have an amazing contract year like WIllie. Who's to say that cant get them to a Cup. Without the injuries, the LEafs beat Boston. Then who knows what would have happened. Booing him is just silly
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Harvester of Sorrow, AB
Joined: 06.29.2006

Jun 4 @ 10:37 AM ET
Doesn’t mean his game plan style includes them all. If he’s the type of coach who wants a physical forward group Marner won’t fit.
- Dozzer

was Tarasenko physical? I have no idea.
Canada Cup
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Not here to sell jerseys , ON
Joined: 07.06.2007

Jun 4 @ 10:37 AM ET
It's too late though.. At this point, if we have to question whether or not, Marner will be booed, it means his time here is done.
- PatC80

No, what we question or debate doesn’t mean poop. If he produces and the team does well, he won’t be booed. He also made it pretty clear negotiating his last deal that he’ll do what’s best for him.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow since I’m way up high
Joined: 09.15.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:38 AM ET
was Tarasenko physical? I have no idea.
- drexel

Just looked it up, primarily about twice as much as Marner
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:39 AM ET
Doesn’t mean his game plan style includes them all. If he’s the type of coach who wants a physical forward group Marner won’t fit.
- Dozzer

If he wants every player to be a hitting machine agreed marner wont fit....and neither will willie or most players on the team.
But he won a cup with bozak, steen and Tarasenko....not monster hitters.

Dunno, we'll see how it plays out.
Due to cap restrictions, i always expected this year to be a take a step back year. But if they bulk up the D and get someone who can shoot from the back end...maybe that changes.
We'll see.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 4 @ 10:41 AM ET
its smart if you want to get paid max. most people are clueless about that stuff..better to stay out of the way.

from a fans perspective, i get why they might think its better if the player is heavily involved..cuz the assumption is Marber would give a nice hometown discount. but hes not about that.

if he signs with the leafs, i think its starts at 13

- senstroll

Then I definitely let him walk away and I don't think any team that he would want to play for would pay him 13M but then again there is always one GM who had one too many cocktails with his steak dinner.....
Location: Leafs AAV Champs, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jun 4 @ 10:43 AM ET
Then I definitely let him walk away and I don't think any team that he would want to play for would pay him 13M but then again there is always one GM who had one too many cocktails with his steak dinner.....
- Cush29

well obv if he signed with another team it would be for less than the leafs
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: 1st rd exit is the new normal, ON
Joined: 08.11.2011

Jun 4 @ 10:44 AM ET
No its not too late.
People thought willie would get booed.
Its June. The SCF hasnt even started, this is filler.

- Fakepartofme

We'll have to wait and see... No extension in place, no trade, heading into the season will be difficult.. The difference is people don't blame Matthews or Nylander
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:46 AM ET
Just looked it up, primarily about twice as much as Marner
- Dozzer

I see tarasenko (76 games played) at 85 hits (1.10 hpg) and marner (69 games played) at 58 (0.84 hpg) this past season ..53 last year and 75 the year before. Not really double.
From statmuse...not sure how accurate it is.
The Law
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 01.29.2008

Jun 4 @ 10:46 AM ET
Just looked it up, primarily about twice as much as Marner
- Dozzer

Thomas and Kyrou were both softies that broke out under Berube. I think he'll push those types to be more physical but he's not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I doubt the physicality is the biggest issue with the way Marner and Nylander play ...I think the biggest change/challenge will be that Berube prefers playing north-south with speed and quick passes as opposed to puck carrying and skating east west to open space.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow since I’m way up high
Joined: 09.15.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:47 AM ET
If he wants every player to be a hitting machine agreed marner wont fit....and neither will willie or most players on the team.
But he won a cup with bozak, steen and Tarasenko....not monster hitters.

Dunno, we'll see how it plays out.
Due to cap restrictions, i always expected this year to be a take a step back year. But if they bulk up the D and get someone who can shoot from the back end...maybe that changes.
We'll see.

- Fakepartofme

Still better hitters than Marner lol

Anyways what it will boil down to is if Marner is willing to turn his game into a two way game and stop his dancing around with the puck nonsense. Like I said too, we won’t see anything begin to happen til July 2nd either way.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 4 @ 10:48 AM ET
Hot and insane Marner take with a heavy dose of Zezel:

Marner decides to be the true leader the Leafs have been searching for and takes a MF PAY CUT to sign an 8 year extension at 9M per and tells the media "it's about the crest on the front of this jersey not the name on the back and I took less so we can add what we need to and win a god dammed cup. I love this city and it's fans more than anything in the world and hope my peers follow my lead when contracts come up down the road".

JT takes 4 years at 2M and hands the "C" over to Marner, Leafs go get all the things they need, Berube coaches the poop out of them and the Leafs win the cup led by Joey Woll between the pipes and AM who averages 2pts per game all playoffs long.

This is the first of 3 consecutive cups for the Leafs.

Rival fan bases go wild with anger and envy - Spatso declares the league has fixed this and it's a total conspiracy and unfair to poor Ottawa.

HB explodes and is reborn into an internet board that looks and feels like 2024 vs 2014.

Life is grand.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:49 AM ET
We'll have to wait and see... No extension in place, no trade, heading into the season will be difficult.. The difference is people don't blame Matthews or Nylander
- PatC80

Lol people actually blame Marner for the loss?
Too funny
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 4 @ 10:49 AM ET
well obv if he signed with another team it would be for less than the leafs
- senstroll

Isn't it sad that this rings so true? lol
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow since I’m way up high
Joined: 09.15.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:49 AM ET
Thomas and Kyrou were both softies that broke out under Berube. I think he'll push those types to be more physical but he's not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I doubt the physicality is the biggest issue with the way Marner and Nylander play ...I think the biggest change/challenge will be that Berube prefers playing north-south with speed and quick passes as opposed to puck carrying and skating east west to open space.

- The Law

The bolded will be the primary thing. If Marner doesn’t do this, hell he didn’t even do it playing here in London, he won’t fit.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow since I’m way up high
Joined: 09.15.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:50 AM ET
I see tarasenko (76 games played) at 85 hits (1.10 hpg) and marner (69 games played) at 58 (0.84 hpg) this past season ..53 last year and 75 the year before. Not really double.
From statmuse...not sure how accurate it is.

- Fakepartofme

Notably more tho. More than at least once a game to less than once a game is a big difference when it comes to the opposition’s approach.
Joined: 07.13.2011

Jun 4 @ 10:55 AM ET
Notably more tho. More than at least once a game to less than once a game is a big difference when it comes to the opposition’s approach.
- Dozzer

Hard to hit more if the puck is on your stick more.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:55 AM ET
Anywho, enough about marner and all that we dont know, how about them Jays?
Ok nevermind.

How about The Gentlemen guy ritchie series?
Pretty damn good.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow since I’m way up high
Joined: 09.15.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:56 AM ET
Hard to hit more if the puck is on your stick more.
- vermie22

I’m talking about the opposition feeling threatened of being hit by Marner. A nice light one for 4 of 5 games lol
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow since I’m way up high
Joined: 09.15.2010

Jun 4 @ 10:59 AM ET
Anywho, enough about marner and all that we dont know, how about them Jays?
Ok nevermind.

How about The Gentlemen guy ritchie series?
Pretty damn good.

- Fakepartofme

lol all I said is he will need/want a notable raise, no teams will trade for him til after July 1st, and his game play doesn’t fit under the new coach’s

Talented as hell? Yes. Do I think he will fit under Bernie? Not really.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Space for Rent
Joined: 08.30.2006

Jun 4 @ 11:00 AM ET
Reinhart is also not a scapegoat, like Marner is.
- PatC80

and goes to the dirty areas and not afraid to take a hit
Joined: 07.13.2011

Jun 4 @ 11:03 AM ET
I’m talking about the opposition feeling threatened of being hit by Marner. A nice light one for 4 of 5 games lol
- Dozzer

I honestly don't know what I want to see, but feel the discourse is reverting back to Brian Burke's "more truculance" apporach...that 18-wheeler ended up playing out really well.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Burkie's Rented Barn, ON
Joined: 02.12.2013

Jun 4 @ 11:13 AM ET
Why would he booed if he continues to rack up points at a greater rate than just about any player in Leaf history? SBA is filled with fans looking for goals and great plays not trades.
- Canada Cup

Exactly. SBA "fans" clearly do not demand that their teams WIN.
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