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Forums :: Blog World :: Zach Jarom: Draft and Free Agency Talk With Ben Pope
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Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 20 @ 8:39 PM ET
Since Jones/Briere took over, show me one example of a trade/move that was other than a team rebuilding.

Shame on the players/coach for exceeding expectations

- LAHawk

Good on the players, i hope they get paid, sucks for the rebuild and on top of it they had to trade Cutter away.

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 20 @ 8:42 PM ET
First I’m curious why you won’t answer the question? Maybe because it’s a bigger question beyond hockey?

KD did the best for the team no doubt, it’s called the end justifies the means. And yes he took advantage of a loophole and did nothing wrong.

- paulr

If KD and LR actually threw hockey games then i would have an issue on it. Is that what you are saying that KD told LR to throw hockey games?

You do realize they still didn't end up with the worst record?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 20 @ 8:46 PM ET
If KD and LR actually threw hockey games then i would have an issue on it. Is that what you are saying that KD told LR to throw hockey games?
- BetweenTheDots

You’re not that obtuse. I specifically said KD dismantled the team and didn’t try to improve it so there was little to no chance the team could win. I also specifically said the coach and players didn’t try to throw games.

Come on Dots … I dare ya, tell me you don’t believe in integrity.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 20 @ 8:52 PM ET
You’re not that obtuse. I specifically said KD dismantled the team and didn’t try to improve it so there was little to no chance the team could win. I also specifically said the coach and players didn’t try to throw games.

Come on Dots … I dare ya, tell me you don’t believe in integrity.

- paulr

I guess when the Blackhawks start winning you're going to have many restless nights.

I don't think KD did anything wrong. He played the poopty hand in front of him.

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 20 @ 8:53 PM ET
I guess when the Blackhawks start winning you're going to have many restless nights.

I don't think KD did anything wrong. He played the poopty hand in front of him.

- BetweenTheDots

Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Jun 20 @ 8:55 PM ET
Good on the players, i hope they get paid, sucks for the rebuild and on top of it they had to trade Cutter away.
- BetweenTheDots

Why does it suck? I would think it helps the rebuild that their young players have progressed faster than expected.

But in your world it doesn’t suck that Reichel looks like a lost puppy because it helps the Hawks get more lottery balls.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 20 @ 9:07 PM ET
Why does it suck? I would think it helps the rebuild that their young players have progressed faster than expected.

But in your world it doesn’t suck that Reichel looks like a lost puppy because it helps the Hawks get more lottery balls.

- LAHawk

What young players have progressed?

I am not rooting for any player to struggle, i want him to play better, but even so how many more points do we get as a team?

Just accept it, it's better to draft 2nd OA instead of 12th OA.

Who's not to say the 2nd OA pick actually helps Reichel become a better pro?

Sorry the both of you really struggle with what an actual rebuild looks like. I should say an aggressive rebuild looks like.

Besides we saw some great growth by Vlasic, Korchinski, Bedard and Kurashev this year, see some promise in Kaiser and i still have hope for Reichel.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 20 @ 9:17 PM ET
What young players have progressed?

I am not rooting for any player to struggle, i want him to play better, but even so how many more points do we get as a team?

Just accept it, it's better to draft 2nd OA instead of 12th OA.

Who's not to say the 2nd OA pick actually helps Reichel become a better pro?

Sorry the both of you really struggle with what an actual rebuild looks like. I should say an aggressive rebuild looks like.

Besides we saw some great growth by Vlasic, Korchinski, Bedard and Kurashev this year, see some promise in Kaiser and i still have hope for Reichel.

- BetweenTheDots

I’m guessing I’m one of the “two” you’re referring to? How exactly do I struggle with what “an actual rebuild looks like”?

So Dots, do you believe in integrity?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 20 @ 9:19 PM ET
I’m guessing I’m one of the “two” you’re referring to? How exactly do I struggle with what “an actual rebuild looks like”?

So Dots, do you believe in integrity?

- paulr

You're the one who has an ethics issue of how KD rebuilt this team, not me.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 20 @ 9:25 PM ET
You're the one who has an ethics issue of how KD rebuilt this team, not me.
- BetweenTheDots

I believe in a rebuild. I don’t like the way KD went about it.

You still haven’t answered, do you believe in integrity
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 20 @ 9:31 PM ET
I believe in a rebuild. I don’t like the way KD went about it.

You still haven’t answered, do you believe in integrity

- paulr

Why are you projecting your sense of integrity?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 20 @ 9:35 PM ET
Why are you projecting your sense of integrity?
- BetweenTheDots

I’m not projecting anything on anyone. I asked you a simple question which you seem unable to answer. But I understand why.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 20 @ 9:35 PM ET

I just keep watching Forsling and thinking about the rushing of players.

At the start of Hawks dynasty, of course there was Toews and Kane but:

Bickell drafted in 04 played 3 games in 07, 4 in '08, 16 in '09, 78 in 10.

Brouwer drafted in 04, played 10 games in 06, 2 games in 07, and 69 games in 08

Versteeg drafted in 04, played 13 games in 07, 78 in 08

Hjarlmarsson drafted in 05, played 13 games in 07, 21 games in 08, 77 in 09

Big Buff, Jake Dowell, Colin Fraser, Adam Burish, Skille, Crawford all about the same.

- vabeachbear

My issue a this moment time is how in 2006 with the 3rd pick, the Blackhawks took Jonathan Toews...
St. Louis first overall selected defenseman Erik Johnson.
No cups.
Was Johnson such an excellent backliner that there is talk he goes in the Hall?

After Celebrini, there is no Toews facsimle, but I certainly want huge impact guy with the pick.

and that is my worry...

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 20 @ 9:38 PM ET
I’m not projecting anything on anyone. I asked you a simple question which you seem unable to answer. But I understand why.
- paulr

Yea i guess i have none when it comes to rebuilds in hockey, weirdo
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 20 @ 9:46 PM ET
Read this that Ross Colton from Colorado might be available any interest
- Scott1977

I flip flopped on him so many times...ther was a time when I thought he as gonna stay in Tampa becasue he was progressing.
I din't kniw the reasonng behind his trade, but with Colorado I started feeeling itv too, that he was more involved inspired (besides being always willing to drop them).
Then he imploded for me again; took bad penalties, seemed to lose hockey sense in his quest TO be a scorer.

He doesn't have a high skill set, but he moves well, and he is already 27.

Get me a younger guy.

Don't tell me how bad the current nucleau is, we know that with our place in the standings.

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 20 @ 9:46 PM ET
Yea i guess i have none when it comes to rebuilds in hockey, weirdo
- BetweenTheDots

There you go, now that wasn’t so difficult, was it? Personally I try to apply integrity to every situation whether it benefits me or not. And while I’m excited about the rebuild and all its possibilities, I don’t like how KD went about doing it. And as I said I’d like to see that loophole closed to protect the integrity of the game.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Chicago, IL
Joined: 10.29.2014

Jun 20 @ 9:50 PM ET
I believe in a rebuild. I don’t like the way KD went about it.

You still haven’t answered, do you believe in integrity

- paulr

Yes, I believe in Tegridy weed
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Jun 20 @ 9:52 PM ET
There you go, now that wasn’t so difficult, was it? Personally I try to apply integrity to every situation whether it benefits me or not. And while I’m excited about the rebuild and all its possibilities, I don’t like how KD went about doing it. And as I said I’d like to see that loophole closed to protect the integrity of the game.
- paulr

Supposedly the lottery balls were supposed to temper the tanks but hasn’t. One proposal which i doubt will ever come to fruition is the best record of the non-playoff teams gets the first pick, 2nd best of the non-playoff teams second pick, etc. etc.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 20 @ 10:03 PM ET
Supposedly the lottery balls were supposed to temper the tanks but hasn’t. One proposal which i doubt will ever come to fruition is the best record of the non-playoff teams gets the first pick, 2nd best of the non-playoff teams second pick, etc. etc.
- LAHawk

Intentionally moving talent out and not bringing equal or better talent in should automatically mean that team loses all their picks for that coming draft. And obviously fill in all the other areas where teams could intentionally tank. The loophole is exposed, hopefully the NHL acts on it.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 20 @ 10:04 PM ET
The United Front

Kyle, ownership, coaching staff, Bedard, the team prospects, and team.

I think that even though he is soon 19, there will be moves made in the hopes to not only improve the team’s quality, but so Bedard feels a difference.

Forget my early idea of sacrificing the #60 overall to select Bedard's buddy Tanner Howe, you take the best player there too.

Sure, use the “later” third rounders if they can get higher returns (by trading a 2024 for a future same round selections in 2025, 2025, etc., with another team surrounded by stink.)

I am not sure we really know who they are taking with any iff the picks, but we do know they have interest to speed things up without a blow-back later on, but CAN they find even one piece that makes the whole better?
I think that will cost.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Jun 20 @ 10:13 PM ET
The United Front

Kyle, ownership, coaching staff, Bedard, the team prospects, and team.

I think that even though he is soon 19, there will be moves made in the hopes to not only improve the team’s quality, but so Bedard feels a difference.

Forget my early idea of sacrificing the #60 overall to select Bedard's buddy Tanner Howe, you take the best player there too.

Sure use the “later” third rounders if you can get higher returns (by trading a 2024 for a future with another team surrounded by stink.

I am not sure we really know who they are taking with any iff the picks, but we do know they have interest to speed things up without a blow-back later on, but CAN they find even one piece that makes the whole better?
I think that will cost.

- wiz1901

The only assets they have left to trade are the draft picks. After KD overpayed Foligno, Mrazek and Richardinson for 2 more years before the trade deadline, he couldn’t pull off one trade to get either a pick or a young asset in return. Even the ever precious cap space brought zilch.

Will be interesting to see how active KD is in free agency. Supposedly he wants to sign a top 6, a top 4 D and a middle 6 forward. Or what draft choices he decides to part with if he can’t get what he wants in FA.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 20 @ 10:20 PM ET
Intentionally moving talent out and not bringing equal or better talent in should automatically mean that team loses all their picks for that coming draft. And obviously fill in all the other areas where teams could intentionally tank. The loophole is exposed, hopefully the NHL acts on it.
- paulr

Believe only want to do ONE post to this subject Paul, and be done.
The GM added first round picks in nice draft spots not just the TB 19/20 with trades of veterans.
A team can trade anybody without an investigation.

Dinky got them a 7th overall -try and trade for one with the teams in that spot now.

Dach got them a #13 overall...pretty good?

They took Mzarek's contract for a late one at #25 , Rinzel.

If these are moves you think are abds one, I disagree.

But even if he kept those two players, just how many guys of equal ability to THEM were signing new contracts with the Blackhawks to play along with them?

So effectively Davisdon CANNOT acquire early picks to speed a rebuild (to 6 yrs.) unless he trades, and I doubt any quality players (EQUAL to Dach and DeCat) were signing here.
The team was weak befor ethe rebuild, Q eras end, and the only way you win is the get real impact guys to BUY in to...maybe with you we can make the playoffs.

It is not an integrity issue.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Joined: 10.01.2006

Jun 20 @ 10:29 PM ET
The only assets they have left to trade are the draft picks. After KD overpayed Foligno, Mrazek and Richardinson for 2 more years before the trade deadline, he couldn’t pull off one trade to get either a pick or a young asset in return. Even the ever precious cap space brought zilch.

Will be interesting to see how active KD is in free agency. Supposedly he wants to sign a top 6, a top 4 D and a middle 6 forward. Or what draft choices he decides to part with if he can’t get what he wants in FA.

- LAHawk

Well, he did get a 5th rounder back for Beauvillier, didn't he? What else did he have left to trade? Nothing anybody wanted.

Some of you are female doging because KFC dealt NHL caliber players for draft picks, and others are complaining that he actually rewarded 3 guys for playing hard all year to keep some semblance of stability, and didn't trade more of them away. Cracks me up.

I have no problem with what KFC has done. He had a crap hand and played it the best way he could.
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Yorkville, IL
Joined: 08.30.2012

Jun 20 @ 10:29 PM ET
I flip flopped on him so many times...ther was a time when I thought he as gonna stay in Tampa becasue he was progressing.
I din't kniw the reasonng behind his trade, but with Colorado I started feeeling itv too, that he was more involved inspired (besides being always willing to drop them).
Then he imploded for me again; took bad penalties, seemed to lose hockey sense in his quest TO be a scorer.

He doesn't have a high skill set, but he moves well, and he is already 27.

Get me a younger guy.

Don't tell me how bad the current nucleau is, we know that with our place in the standings.

- wiz1901

I was not advocating to trade for him just something I read today on some site he might be available. Still would live the Hawks you get necas fills a lot of holes Hawks don't have.
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