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Chicago Blackhawks
Location: long beach, IN
Joined: 07.13.2011

Jun 22 @ 10:50 AM ET

Well played.

Just like this madmen's re-ascension to President, where he uinstantltly will squah his trials.
Just remember this last trial was squashed by him via his Department of Justice as a federal case. The DoJ cannot directly stop the State Level.

Or threathening the people who tried you case...

Scary to think Benito Mussolini is right there close to re-entering the White House.

- wiz1901

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 11:03 AM ET
And you're stupid for thinking that "Mussolini" is almost back in the White House. You think you'd be a bit smarter after seeing what happened from 2016-2020 - don't remember him locking up people like the current president that goes number 2 in his pants from time to time
- captainserious

After the build the wall rhetoric (Mexico is paying) 45's buddy Steve Bannon started a business where peoiple could help pay for it. He cheated those Republican voters, filling his pockets. He was sentenced and 45 let him out.

Before I go on, I will gladly take this to private messeage if you wish.
Prior to WW2, many of the Italian people felt it was more important to place a flawed leader who they felt was "strong" through his words, and were willing to give up freedoms, so he could fix the ills of Italy. Look what they got. These normal folks became facists, they leader align with hitler, you know the rest. Are you listening to #45 words? You were better off during his presidency and there is a pattern here where Democarts seem to have to fix the inflationary legislation of the Republican before them. Prices up. That is the tax breaked corportations bleeding you at the grocery store not the current President. Gas prices have nothing to do with who is President.

It doesn't the least bit bother who that #45 is already meeting with the riches of the rich, and saying he is open for business "contribute" and you get legislation you want.

You mention the economy- here is a British ecomonic chart of the US economy...I didn't spend more than 3 seconds finding it. So the FACTS don't go with #45s boasts of the "greatest economy in the history of the world," are like most of his talk.

You know I don't have News stations on, because my media is stuck in pucks; i have no agenda or access to either candidates diapers.
But it bothers me when after living 74 years, I see for the first time, an election where the results could change the constitution, the balances of power, and put new keys in the hands of some one full of malicious streaks. Wounded and death solidiers are not suckers, making fun of special needs folks is not nice, and rants about jurors, court officials that many of his followers take to heart and attack in variuos ways. I just don't see the TRADE OFF of bad qualities vs. whatever you think he CAN make better.

This election is a whole lot more important than diaper crap, when one candidate has lied from the get go, and didn't help the country during a world crisis with and contribution to leadership. And he also lead a insurrection...based on a phony election lie...and any further reinsertion to the President powers will see him changing laws, controlling the justice system (LOL, what he attempted, to blame all his cases on the OTHER guy, not his ACTIONS.) and using the power not for us the constitutes, but to feather his nest.
Ok as i said Done. We can continue in PM.

And Molly your from Indiana, wasn't #45 sending the crowd for Indiana VP ?

I hope my thoughts above help explain to you what facism is.

I simply don't like the "They are ALL the same" comments of people.

and to think that the current President has any Mussolini tendency is silly stupid and I apologoze if you thought I was calling you stupid, just the comparison.
Mussolini and his followers consolidated power - I see one guy with that plan, and it isn't Biden.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 22 @ 11:04 AM ET
- molly2522

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: long beach, IN
Joined: 07.13.2011

Jun 22 @ 11:05 AM ET
I have let it go the last X amount of times.
Each time it was Wiz who had something to say.
The reason I come here is because I want to stay away from politics b.s. as much as possible. But Wiz keeps bringing it up, and he gets to call someone stupid and we can't finish it.
I think Wiz's hockey knowledge in general and about prospects is great. As far as his political takes,and him repeating what he sees on tv, the guy is clueless.

I'm all for sticking to hockey abd fun stuff

- captainserious


Chicago Blackhawks
Location: San Francisco, CA
Joined: 04.13.2012

Jun 22 @ 11:09 AM ET
What's the first trade KD makes this week?

Put together a package for Necas?

Pick up a cup dump along with a pick for somebody like Pageau from the Islanders or Mikheyev from the Canucks?

Exchange some picks at the draft?

Seth Jones to Utah for their #6? (LOL, If I keep suggesting it, maybe it will happen.)

Or something way out in left field that nobody would expect?

- boilermaker100

Draft day trade
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 22 @ 11:13 AM ET
What's the first trade KD makes this week?

Put together a package for Necas?

Pick up a cup dump along with a pick for somebody like Pageau from the Islanders or Mikheyev from the Canucks?

Exchange some picks at the draft?

Seth Jones to Utah for their #6? (LOL, If I keep suggesting it, maybe it will happen.)

Or something way out in left field that nobody would expect?

- boilermaker100

Trade an obscure prospect and a late draft pick for Jack Campbell, Philip Broberg or Dylan Holloway and the Oil’s first pick next season. That should free up enough cap space for them to re-sign Draisaitl.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Wheeling, IL
Joined: 09.24.2009

Jun 22 @ 11:14 AM ET
- paulr

Are you alive? Do you live in a society with other human beings? That is how you apply critical thought.

I really hope yuou were joking when asking that question......or it is over.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 22 @ 11:17 AM ET
Are you alive? Do you live in a society with other human beings? That is how you apply critical thought.

I really hope yuou were joking when asking that question......or it is over.

- powerenforcer

So the way I find out about politics is to discuss it with other human beings? And as a critical thought would I not want to understand where they got their ideas?

Without media how would you know about hockey, football, baseball or any other topic?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 11:27 AM ET
I think there will be lots of deals made at the draft, but I don't think Kyle will be adding to his 2024-25 line up until UFA starts the next week.

We can be done.

I just want awareness that all the Italian people, and even the German people got behind strong men out of disenchantment, and be careful before you cheer the sound bite as "the plan." Mussolini and his followers consolidated power, and think, the "NO, he is"...reply was close to correct.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Wheeling, IL
Joined: 09.24.2009

Jun 22 @ 11:31 AM ET
So the way I find out about politics is to discuss it with other human beings? And as a critical thought would I not want to understand where they got their ideas?

Without media how would you know about hockey, football, baseball or any other topic?

- paulr

Well, if I only listened to media - I would think Wayne Gretzky was the greatest hockey player to ever walk the earth. I learned things by watching, doing, and making mistakes. Media had nothing to odo with that.

Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.23.2015

Jun 22 @ 11:31 AM ET
Draft day trade
- Assman22

My guess is something happens before the draft. Even though a couple of trades went down last week, I think there will be a lot more action beginning Tuesday.

I think KD's first trade will be a cap dump trade with an asset attached. Someone with a year or two left on their contract.

Lightning have to move someone one to pay Stamkos. Tanner Jeannot is being dangled. Ditto for Vegas to pay Marchessault. Shea Theodore's been mentioned as on the block. Trouba, Campbell, Mikheyev also could be moved? Just names being mentioned.

Not saying the Hawks will be in on these guys. None of them will be long term fixes and won't move the needle much, just taking a roster spot for a year or two ala Hall.

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 11:33 AM ET
Would Blackhawk interest in one of the Vegas UFA goalies, Adin Hill or Logan Thompson mean a loss of confidence in Soderholm's upside?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.23.2015

Jun 22 @ 11:34 AM ET
Trade an obscure prospect and a late draft pick for Jack Campbell, Philip Broberg or Dylan Holloway and the Oil’s first pick next season. That should free up enough cap space for them to re-sign Draisaitl.
- paulr

Ding, ding, ding.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 22 @ 11:38 AM ET
Well, if I only listened to media - I would think Wayne Gretzky was the greatest hockey player to ever walk the earth. I learned things by watching, doing, and making mistakes. Media had nothing to odo with that.
- powerenforcer

If I only watched one part of the media I’d believe that too. But I also watch media that suggests Bobby Orr or Mario Lemieux or someone else was the best. I’m also old enough to have seen many of these guys. It’s important to find our information from many areas including media. But it’s more important to listen to and watch all sides to understand, or try to understand, other points of view.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.23.2015

Jun 22 @ 11:39 AM ET
Would Blackhawk interest in one of the Vegas UFA goalies, Adin Hill or Logan Thompson mean a loss of confidence in Soderholm's upside?
- wiz1901

Good one Wiz. Never know what Veags is going to do. I think Soderblom is what he is, not going to improve much going forward, or factor in the Hawks' long term plans.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 11:40 AM ET
Trade an obscure prospect and a late draft pick for Jack Campbell, and Philip Broberg or Dylan Holloway and the Oil’s first pick next season. That should free up enough cap space for them to re-sign Draisaitl.
- paulr

I think those guys are sticking around the roster.

I know for a fact that the hawks saw Holloway a lot when he was at Wisconsin, and would have taken him IF they drafted earlier, but their reward for being in the "Covid Cup" lowered their chances when they they lost and drafted #17.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 22 @ 11:40 AM ET
Ding, ding, ding.
- boilermaker100

The biggest factor is, would Campbell’s cap hurt the Hawks going forward.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 11:41 AM ET
Good one Wiz. Never know what Veags is going to do. I think Soderblom is what he is, not going to improve much going forward, or factor in the Hawks' long term plans.
- boilermaker100

I would iove to see him paly a game for a contender and find out more....
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 22 @ 11:42 AM ET
I think those guys are sticking around the roster.

I know for a fact that the hawks saw Holloway a lot when he was at Wisconsin, and would have taken him IF they drafted earlier, but their reward for being in the "Covid Cup" lowered their chances when they they lost and drafted #17.

- wiz1901

Edmonton is in a bind with Draisaitl, they need cap space. But the ball is completely in KD’s court. If he doesn’t get what he wants out of the deal then he doesn’t make it.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 11:52 AM ET
I won’t take any credit for independent thought on this one either, as it was in Spector’s trade rumors…If Tampa Bay is trying to make space big LD Cernak 5.2 Million clears more than the 2.665 Million Tanner Jeanot makes.
Not so sure Cernak is what Kyle is looking for, but to me he works if they are adding on the backend.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Jun 22 @ 12:02 PM ET
The biggest factor is, would Campbell’s cap hurt the Hawks going forward.
- paulr

Substitute E. Kane for Campbell. Same cap hit, and he only has one year left.

But consider that is coming from me, who thinks I know poop about hockey because I don’t agree with how Davidson is doing the rebuild.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Wherever I leave my hat
Joined: 07.26.2006

Jun 22 @ 12:10 PM ET
Trade an obscure prospect and a late draft pick for Jack Campbell, Philip Broberg or Dylan Holloway and the Oil’s first pick next season. That should free up enough cap space for them to re-sign Draisaitl.
- paulr

With the way Bromberg has played this series no way they are moving him. Love to have him but cannot see that happen.
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 07.03.2019

Jun 22 @ 12:17 PM ET
What about mine?
- paulr

I thought you were a communist…
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.23.2015

Jun 22 @ 12:20 PM ET
The biggest factor is, would Campbell’s cap hurt the Hawks going forward.
- paulr

I checked Campbell's buy out terms. If EDM buys him out this summer, their cap hits for the next six years are 1.1M, 2.3M, 2.6M. 1.5M, 1.5M, 1.5M. Assuming the cap makes some more dramatic leaps upwards, not that onerous. But they have to pay Bouchard next year too in addition to Drai so could be every penny counts.

If the Hawks obtain him, keep him around for a couple of years, then buy him out when they have to pay Bedard, Nazar et al the buyout hits are 2.4M and 1.3M. Not that bad either.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.23.2015

Jun 22 @ 12:25 PM ET
Substitute E. Kane for Campbell. Same cap hit, and he only has one year left.

But consider that is coming from me, who thinks I know poop about hockey because I don’t agree with how Davidson is doing the rebuild.

- LAHawk

IMO, KD isn't going to make a big splash this summer even though he said that bottoming out isn't acceptable any more and he needs to improve the team. No Necas , no Guentzel. Prepare to be disappointed.
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