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Forums :: Blog World :: Zach Jarom: Draft and Free Agency Talk With Ben Pope
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Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 22 @ 4:20 PM ET
I've been thinking intensely about the draft, and I think I've come up with the answer. This is genius stuff; I think even my guy, Paulie will agree....

KD needs to make a list - in order - of the top 250 players available to draft. Each time it is his turn he should draft the highest remaining player on his list.

I hope this helps!
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Itasca, IL
Joined: 06.19.2012

Jun 22 @ 4:22 PM ET
Loving being proved wrong by the Oils --- all for good hockey.
- SC116

Man I was really wanting Florida to win it all. However I cannot ignore how the Oilers have been playing. This series has been nothing short of entertaining and it's great for the sport of Hockey. With BoBo pooping the crease I'm hoping the Oil complete the comeback and win it all.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Ft Courage - out in the middle of Indian Country, NC
Joined: 10.17.2011

Jun 22 @ 4:24 PM ET
I know everyone poo poos him because of the “history”, but I think KD goes rogue and takes Connelly at 18
- Chunk

I wish he would. The woke crowd will go nuts, of course none of them ever did anything at 16 yrs old they were sorry for and wouldn't redo the situation if they had the chance...................

Everyone here who does the same, should think back to when they were 16 what they did, what they might have said about others, and think about if there was a cell phone or social media to track all you did
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Ft Courage - out in the middle of Indian Country, NC
Joined: 10.17.2011

Jun 22 @ 4:37 PM ET
Columbus Blue Jackets have signed right wing Yegor Chinakhov to a two-year after he scored 16 goals last season & is only 23 and he makes over 2 million while Lucas Reichel has scored 12 NHL goals in his entire career and signed a “Show us” 1.2 million.
- wiz1901

Pretty sure this is fake news, I just looked it up, this guy is Russian, no way Putin would allow him to leave the country and play in the US
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Ft Courage - out in the middle of Indian Country, NC
Joined: 10.17.2011

Jun 22 @ 4:39 PM ET
I saw a few clips of guys being interviewed at the combine. Of the guys ranked to go in the top ten only Levshunov was invited to dinner with KD and staff. Then apparently Demidov was taken to dinner by Davidson during his Florida meet and greet. So I guess if this is fact correct it’s definitely between the two.
- paulr

Or maybe that what they want you to think
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 22 @ 4:43 PM ET
I wish he would. The woke crowd will go nuts, of course none of them ever did anything at 16 yrs old they were sorry for and wouldn't redo the situation if they had the chance...................

Everyone here who does the same, should think back to when they were 16 what they did, what they might have said about others, and think about if there was a cell phone or social media to track all you did

- vabeachbear

I can't recall being 16! Although I'm sure I could come up with something....
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Ft Courage - out in the middle of Indian Country, NC
Joined: 10.17.2011

Jun 22 @ 4:45 PM ET

McGroarty possibly available from WPG. Wonder what it would cost.

- totem

I'd be all over that. Really had some chemistry with Nazr

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 4:46 PM ET
Pretty sure this is fake news, I just looked it up, this guy is Russian, no way Putin would allow him to leave the country and play in the US
- vabeachbear

Except he has been for awhile...

is it red fob=nt time? [colour=red]. then close [/colour]. NO u
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 4:46 PM ET
I'd be all over that. Really had some chemistry with Nazar
- vabeachbear

Yup, why i was intially interested
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Ft Courage - out in the middle of Indian Country, NC
Joined: 10.17.2011

Jun 22 @ 4:52 PM ET
Except he has been for awhile...

is it red fob=nt time?

- wiz1901[colour=red]. then close [/colour]. NO u

Definitely red font, though do you have to spell "color" wrong to get it to work?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 4:59 PM ET

I wish he would. The woke crowd will go nuts, of course none of them ever did anything at 16 yrs old they were sorry for and wouldn't redo the situation if they had the chance...................

Everyone here who does the same, should think back to when they were 16 what they did, what they might have said about others, and think about if there was a cell phone or social media to track all you did

- vabeachbear

Yeah, so these woke hawk fans will say we don't like you picking him becasue he was past unwoke. (Still do not know what using woke invokes...)

I can't recall being 16! Although I'm sure I could come up with something....
- mohel

When I was a sophmore in Weber HS we went oin a retreat. It was 1965-66, and I had a surfers cross (Beach Boys etc.). I was called into the sophmore counselor because he somehow was mis-informed I was an American Nazi (the george lincoln Rockwell guy)
I was floored.

The thing is they DID have HQ about a mile form where I lived.
I had never stepped in the place.

Yet there I am and the guidance counselor just wanted to make sure since my father was shot and killed less than six months before in a robbery, that I hadn't fallen down some path.

But someone from that retreat was bothered so uch by that Iron Cross (WWI) that they went to him.

We used to cvall it where I lived back ballin' someone.

Connelly is playing organized sports and doesn't have tine to lead a subversive movement.

We gotta enough louder shouters on that front.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 22 @ 5:01 PM ET
Definitely red font, though do you have to spell "color" wrong to get it to work?
- vabeachbear

No...i put it with U so the entire thing doesn't disappear to this:

[colour=red] test [/colour]

Aurora Hawk
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 10.06.2020

Jun 22 @ 5:05 PM ET
Hes in the white house now.

Aurora Hawk
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 10.06.2020

Jun 22 @ 5:23 PM ET
I have let it go the last X amount of times.
Each time it was Wiz who had something to say.
The reason I come here is because I want to stay away from politics b.s. as much as possible. But Wiz keeps bringing it up, and he gets to call someone stupid and we can't finish it.
I think Wiz's hockey knowledge in general and about prospects is great. As far as his political takes,and him repeating what he sees on tv, the guy is clueless.

I'm all for sticking to hockey abd fun stuff

- captainserious

Thank you. Same.
Aurora Hawk
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 10.06.2020

Jun 22 @ 5:27 PM ET
After the build the wall rhetoric (Mexico is paying) 45's buddy Steve Bannon started a business where peoiple could help pay for it. He cheated those Republican voters, filling his pockets. He was sentenced and 45 let him out.

Before I go on, I will gladly take this to private messeage if you wish.
Prior to WW2, many of the Italian people felt it was more important to place a flawed leader who they felt was "strong" through his words, and were willing to give up freedoms, so he could fix the ills of Italy. Look what they got. These normal folks became facists, they leader align with hitler, you know the rest. Are you listening to #45 words? You were better off during his presidency and there is a pattern here where Democarts seem to have to fix the inflationary legislation of the Republican before them. Prices up. That is the tax breaked corportations bleeding you at the grocery store not the current President. Gas prices have nothing to do with who is President.

It doesn't the least bit bother who that #45 is already meeting with the riches of the rich, and saying he is open for business "contribute" and you get legislation you want.

You mention the economy- here is a British ecomonic chart of the US economy...I didn't spend more than 3 seconds finding it. So the FACTS don't go with #45s boasts of the "greatest economy in the history of the world," are like most of his talk.

You know I don't have News stations on, because my media is stuck in pucks; i have no agenda or access to either candidates diapers.
But it bothers me when after living 74 years, I see for the first time, an election where the results could change the constitution, the balances of power, and put new keys in the hands of some one full of malicious streaks. Wounded and death solidiers are not suckers, making fun of special needs folks is not nice, and rants about jurors, court officials that many of his followers take to heart and attack in variuos ways. I just don't see the TRADE OFF of bad qualities vs. whatever you think he CAN make better.

This election is a whole lot more important than diaper crap, when one candidate has lied from the get go, and didn't help the country during a world crisis with and contribution to leadership. And he also lead a insurrection...based on a phony election lie...and any further reinsertion to the President powers will see him changing laws, controlling the justice system (LOL, what he attempted, to blame all his cases on the OTHER guy, not his ACTIONS.) and using the power not for us the constitutes, but to feather his nest.
Ok as i said Done. We can continue in PM.

And Molly your from Indiana, wasn't #45 sending the crowd for Indiana VP ?

I hope my thoughts above help explain to you what facism is.

I simply don't like the "They are ALL the same" comments of people.

and to think that the current President has any Mussolini tendency is silly stupid and I apologoze if you thought I was calling you stupid, just the comparison.
Mussolini and his followers consolidated power - I see one guy with that plan, and it isn't Biden.

- wiz1901

Blue pilled Californian.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 22 @ 5:31 PM ET
I've been thinking intensely about the draft, and I think I've come up with the answer. This is genius stuff; I think even my guy, Paulie will agree....

KD needs to make a list - in order - of the top 250 players available to draft. Each time it is his turn he should draft the highest remaining player on his list.

I hope this helps!

- mohel

That is (frank)ed up. The way it really works is KD makes the list, reviews it with this board, then when he’s on the clock he asks this board who he should take.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.23.2012

Jun 22 @ 5:37 PM ET
Columbus Blue Jackets have signed right wing Yegor Chinakhov to a two-year after he scored 16 goals last season & is only 23 and he makes over 2 million while Lucas Reichel has scored 12 NHL goals in his entire career and signed a “Show us” 1.2 million.
- wiz1901

LA signed Turcotte to a 3 year deal with a $775,000 AAV.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.24.2010

Jun 22 @ 5:41 PM ET
LA signed Turcotte to a 3 year deal with a $775,000 AAV.
- DarthKane

Ugh..he was someone I was hoping the Blackhawks would take a chance on. Figured maybe a change in scenery would do him good.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 22 @ 5:42 PM ET
LA signed Turcotte to a 3 year deal with a $775,000 AAV.
- DarthKane

Is Stan their new GM?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.24.2010

Jun 22 @ 5:45 PM ET
I won’t take any credit for independent thought on this one either, as it was in Spector’s trade rumors…If Tampa Bay is trying to make space big LD Cernak 5.2 Million clears more than the 2.665 Million Tanner Jeanot makes.
Not so sure Cernak is what Kyle is looking for, but to me he works if they are adding on the backend.

- wiz1901

They're going to want to resign Stamkos right?
They'll probably need some cap room for that.
Wouldn't it be better to maybe try and pry Cirelli ?
His contract/term/age fit what the Blackhawks are doing,right?
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 07.03.2019

Jun 22 @ 5:45 PM ET
That is (frank)ed up. The way it really works is KD makes the list, reviews it with this board, then when he’s on the clock he asks this board who he should take.
- paulr

Hence why I asked for a poll, no need to ask the board, it will be there for KD to just look it up. What’s wrong with you guys?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.24.2010

Jun 22 @ 5:51 PM ET

McGroarty possibly available from WPG. Wonder what it would cost.

- totem

Taylor Hall? If they want a decent veteran. And he's the ony decent veteran the Blackhawks have right now.
#18 + #50 + prospect not named Moore or Nazar?
Probably one of the D men - EDM? Kaiser? Allan(remind me again why he was a 1st rd pick)
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 22 @ 5:51 PM ET
Hence why I asked for a poll, no need to ask the board, it will be there for KD to just look it up. What’s wrong with you guys?
- Angotti

If I choose Buium in the poll and KD chooses Demidov then does that automatically make him a bust? And would I call him Demibust or Bustidov?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.24.2010

Jun 22 @ 5:58 PM ET
Hence why I asked for a poll, no need to ask the board, it will be there for KD to just look it up. What’s wrong with you guys?
- Angotti

Do they draft to help Bedard+team(Fwd Demidov in this case)or do they draft to help the team(Levshunov)?
If they plan on signing a few players and being better next year,then they are probably looking at a pick in the 9-12 range?
I honestly don't think they thought it was going to be this bad of a team. I always thought they were thinking they'd have a pick in the 6-10 range. But injuries absolutely killed them this year.
Jones is still on the team, Vlasic looks like a keeper,hopefully Korch improves - go fwd heavy this year- someone mentioned Demidov and Hage - and then the 2nd round picks on D men if available. I'd go that route
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.24.2010

Jun 22 @ 6:01 PM ET
If I choose Buium in the poll and KD chooses Demidov then does that automatically make him a bust? And would I call him Demibust or Bustidov?
- paulr

Either is ok if you ask me.
What if you choose Demidov in the pool,but KD chooses Buium? Buist?
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